A9 Overclocking guide, free, no need to go to pay someone for finally finding this themselves.This information has been available for since March of 2019 and results in 60-70kSol/second on an A9. Credit to Sto1cNate @ Discord for putting this together.
Bellow you will find detailed information about overclocking the A9 using the October 2018 firmware.
[2:19 AM] Sto1cNate: SSH Login details (terminal, putty, mobaXterm)
ssh root@ipaddress
password: blacksheepwall
October 2018 Firmware Download Link
http://www.innosilicon.com.cn/download/b29+_20181023_130635.swu[2:19 AM] Sto1cNate: So, this is how this works for the October firmware and why it is superior....
[2:19 AM] Sto1cNate: You do not set the VID at all. Voltages are set through a fixed VID table in relation to the frequency.
[2:20 AM] Sto1cNate: Clock frequency of the cores are 100% set by the PLL setting in a 1:1 ratio. Ex: A PLL setting of 1500 = 1500MHz.
Maximum PLL setting is 1596.[2:22 AM] Sto1cNate: Here is a canned copy paste you can modify (ONLY WITH THE OCTOBER 2018 FIRMWARE).DO NOT PASTE THE FOLLOWING INTO YOUR CONFIG FILE! Paste it directly into your SSH terminal after logging into the A9 and have the # prompt.
#Edit the pools before pasting
#Copy and paste this whole block of text after making desired edits
echo -n \
"pools": [
"url": "stratum+tcp://na.luckpool.net:3060",
"user": "znhGeka9zXmixvw6ufzGpcaSXcSACrjx5WZ.A9-XXX",
"pass": "x"
"url": "stratum+tcp://eu.luckpool.net:3060",
"user": "znhGeka9zXmixvw6ufzGpcaSXcSACrjx5WZ.A9-XXX",
"pass": "x"
"url": "stratum+tcp://ap.luckpool.net:3060",
"user": "znhGeka9zXmixvw6ufzGpcaSXcSACrjx5WZ.A9-XXX",
"pass": "x"
"api-listen": true,
"api-port": "4028",
"api-allow": "R:0/0,W:",
"noauto": true,
"T1Pll1": "1500",
"T1Pll2": "1500",
"T1Pll3": "1500",
"A1Fanspd": "50",
"A1Fanmode": "0"
}' > /config/cgminer.conf
echo -n '{"mode":"performance","level":"4"}' > /config/profile.conf
#The miner must be rebooted for the new configuration to load
[2:27 AM] Sto1cNate: The above configuration on my test A9 results with using ~18.45 amps at 12.0 volts per card.WARNING!!! At that current level, you need to be using a power supply with 16 gauge cable.
https://www.powerstream.com/Wire_Size.htmAmerican Wire Gauge Chart and AWG Electrical Current Load Limits
AWG Wire size chart and ampacity table for design engineers including skin depth frequencies and tensile strength data
[2:28 AM] Sto1cNate: That is a total system power of roughly 664.2 watts without adding in the additional power from efficiency losses.704 watts from the wall if running at peak efficiency on a 94% rated PSU.
Solution rate per hash board was between ~21 KSol/s and ~23 KSol/s.
Depending on board quality, should provide a total solution rate between ~60 KSol/s and ~70 KSol/s.Sol per watt efficiency would fall between 90.3 and 105.4.
For reference, the A9++ has a Sol/w rating of 90.3 and the Z11 has a rating of 90.5
[2:33 AM] Sto1cNate: Here is another handy copy paste to enable full privileged access to the A9's API.#Copy and paste this whole block of text
#Make the filesystem writable
mount / -o rw,remount
#Modify cgminer service unit file to enable API access
echo \
After=network.target config.mount
ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c "mkdir -p /tmp/log"
ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c "echo "B29+" > /tmp/type"
ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c "echo "G19" > /tmp/hwver"
ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c "if [ ! -s /config/cgminer.conf ]; then cp -f /etc/cgminer.conf.default /config/cgminer.conf; fi"
ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c "if [ ! -s /config/cg.conf ]; then cp -f /etc/cg.conf.default /config/cg.conf; fi"
ExecStart=/bin/cgminer -c /etc/cgminer.conf --api-listen --api-network --api-allow W:0/0 --syslog --text-only
WantedBy=multi-user.target' > /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/cgminer.service
#Apply changes made to unit file by reloading systemd
systemctl daemon-reload
#The miner must be rebooted for the new configuration to load
[2:33 AM] Sto1cNate: NOTE: I have deleted a few of my earlier posts as I was experimenting and don't want to add to any more confusion that is scattered all over this channel.
If you do not have the A9 October firmware, you can download and install it by just changing the clock on your computer back a couple of months which will bypass the limitations and upgrade checks that innosilicon put in place.
I can make the A9/October firmware available if needed.
PM me for questions.