yet the economy is still on pace producing record unemployment numbers and stock prices.
This is a poor way to measure the economy. Sure, unemployment is down, but wages are stagnant and record numbers of people are working two jobs just to make ends meet. As discussed above, stock prices are up because they are being pumped up by the Fed.
Realising the economy is not the stock market and the unemployment numbers is a feat of thinking into why is daily conveyed via mass media.
Stock market is pumped by QE, and effects are tangible only for those who. An afford to invest into it and are not trickling down toward the real economy.
Unemployment numbers are good, but they fail to intercept the slack labour force (underemployed) or those who drop out the actual labour force the self.
US economy is buying less than 3% GPD growth with massive budget deficits: coupled with QE this is a recipe for disaster when the fiscal stimulus become ineffective.
Why it is working? Because, as a blocks from HSBC told us, “dollar is the best of the bad bunch”: money is continuing to flow into the US economy because the others, in laymen’s terms, are worse.
Brace yourself, this cannot go on forever.