In this case, a platform via Telegram, it is noted that they are putting dedication and effort to attract customers but unless they change to a self-hosted web I do not think they can get many and in any case as I say I think crypto poker sites have a hard time, unlike the many and very profitable crypto casinos out there.
True, Poker game is different than other online gambling games out there starting from the importance of players availability until the security measures and studying each case in a very deep and careful way. Personally, since Ive got banned from this platform on Telegram, I changed my mind about casinos based only on Telegram, it can’t be correct and fair for players to run a casino based on it for many reasons.
One and most of it is security, Telegram is the most known platforms that your account can get hacked easily, since all you need to access your account is your phone number (I have seen many cases of this happened where people found their Telegram accounts hacked). Therefore, the hacker will easily have access to your casino account and withdraw your deposits and funds inside.
However, I suggest that if someone want to play in Telegram-based casinos to reinforce their security by activating 2nd Authentication security or at least a password.