Recently Coinbase, together with other leading companies in the crypto industry just announced its creation of CRC - Crypto rating Council with the goal to
assist market participants that trade or support crypto assets to comply with U.S. federal securities laws.
The blog also stated that CRC is doing a score based rating -
The Council’s analytical framework results in a score between 1 and 5.
A score of 1 means the Council’s independent analysis suggests the asset has few or no characteristics consistent with a traditional regulated security.
A score of 5 means the Council’s analysis suggests that an asset has many characteristics strongly consistent with treatment as a security.
Interestingly, Bitcoin was rated with with a score of 1.0, meaning it is less likely to be a security! In light with this developments, I was wondering if the U.S. regulating bodies would soften its stance against Bitcoin or would altogether embrace it? Also, what would be the effect of this ratings on some cryptos which have been characterized as the same as security? And how would crypto holders react based on the ratings of cryptos he/she is holding?