With this possibly upcoming crisis in mind, what you guys think about investing in stable coins standardised with fiats?
Is is even a thing, that they will sink like a stone, just like fiats will? Are there any mechanisms that can protect such stablecoins?
Or maybe, I have a misconception of the reasons for their existence and nobody is actually hoarding st.coins?
Stablecoins have a fixed value, so their value should never change. In other words, buying them is not really investing as much as digitizing your money. You won't be able to profit by buying stablecoins, but you will have access to a greater number of coins, as stablecoins are accepted on many exchanges, and have lots of trading pairs. However, investing in them is not the way to go if you want to secure your funds, as their value usually depends on the value of fiat currencies. There are some coins that use other cryptos to keep their value in check, so you might want to consider using those.