There are 111 merit sources with a total merit generation of up to 34139 sMerit per 30 days
Generated 34 000 merit, and distributed only ~26 000 merit.
As someone said, it will take a few months for every MS to adjust their pace: you and me were front running our allocation, while other may be on the opposti being “lazy”.
Call me "lazy" if you must. I would like to call it "pacing" myself or some other more positive way of framing the matter..
I will admit that I did front run mine too a wee bit, too.. and I consider value in some of the front running (not just getting the balance off the books)... but I did not consider front running to be so valuable as to cause me to want to blow the whole wadd...
Yeah.. whatever, whatever, whatever, they be coming back in 30 days... no big deal, right?
For sure, a goal of using all the source quantity in 30 days and achieving it would be maximizing the allocation and reallocation, but without being out of smerits... there is likely still a bit of marginal distribution benefits to the forum to have the smerits distributed more quickly.. but I find 30 days to be a kind of rounding error in the whole balancing of matters.
On the other hands, the important thing is those merits will trickle down the forum: when a MS sends 100 merits, it would be disappointing seeing 100 merits circulation in the forum, as those merits generate others (up to 196 if I am not wrong…). Try to apply this computation for the 34k…
100 probably generates 96 more for a total of 196 coming from 100.
Edit.. whatever.. you "actual use of maths" guys made the point way better than my lame pointing out.. and I really don't get the infinite point.. because fractions below 1 do not really matter.. in terms of needing to have two .5s to make a 1 to even be able to spend it... but maybe some other point is being made in regards to infinite.
Edit #2.. Ok... I reread my above thoughts on
the infinite matter, and sure, I guess that it is making some sense because there will be a lot of smerits that are generated at the .5 smerit threshold, and merely waiting for the other .5 smerits in order to make them spendable.... so that bank of potential all count in some kind of theoretical way (but also in a kind of real way, too).. event though they cannot be spent in a kind of infinite way... of getting smaller and smaller and smaller even while they are just not realized until getting their other .5 smerit match.. so if that unspendableness of the .5 smerit does seem to move it from the theoretical infinite to the actually not infinite category.... but a mere ball of unrealized (but possibly realizable) potentiality in the forum.