Synopsis: A polyhedral dice roll simulator that works like this:
Sorry that my mindmap is not as fancy as the devs
Feature: Polyhedral Dice Roll Simulator and Betting System
For coins to grow they need to have utility. So what about a built in polyhedral dice simulator with betting/tiipping system for us old school RPG dudes? GM controls an off the blockchain wallet, the players use that wallet till gaming ends, once it ends either offline game wallet held by GM calls for transactions between the party members and GM verifies them before publishing to block chain or a fully decentralized approach with an escrowed wallet that neither GM or players have direct control over.
There are numerous open source dice simulators and GM tools. We would not be coding it from scratch. -- poly dice simulation -- numerous GM tools that could be added
Does the community think it is worth implementing such first of kind features in an altcoin?
Please post responses in this thread, no PMs for now. Thanks.