Season’s Greetings from Kevacoin Project!
As we are approaching the end of 2021, we would like to thank you for your support of the Kevacoin project. We are grateful for your contribution in all aspects of the project, including but not limited to bug reports and fixes, application developments, promotion, mining, mining pools.
We started to see quite a few interesting usages of Kevacoin. As for us, we made significant improvements to the iOS and Android mobile app. Everyone can access the Kevacoin blockchain from their phones, reading and writing messages, creating and selling NFTs!
We took the second half of 2021 contemplating what is next for Kevacoin. The activation of Bitcoin Taproot soft-fork presents a very important opportunity for Kevacoin. The Taproot soft-fork introduces the Schnorr signature in Bitcoin transactions. Schnorr signature provides better support for smart contracts, privacy and flexibility. When used in our innovative on-chain database, it will make the database operations smaller, faster and with better privacy.
Kevacoin project is a fork of Litecoin source code. However, the Litecoin source code is diverging from Bitcoin source code, and is behind in some important features, especially the support of Taproot. In order to take full advantage of the advancement of Bitcoin, we decided to fork from Bitcoin source code and re-implement Kevacoin on top of it. We will make our on-chain database a modular component to make it easy to keep up-to-date with Bitcoin’s improvement, and potentially reduce the attack surface and improve the security, performance and stability of Kevacoin.
It is important to note that this new implementation is fully compatible with the current implementation, and has no impact on your Kevacoin holdings. The activation of Schnorr signature is a soft-fork, which requires the support of miners and mining pools. We will communicate with the community to keep everyone up-to-date to our progress.
Another interesting research project we want to start in 2022 is a fully decentralized, high capacity, off-chain database built on the foundation of Kevacoin blockchain database. It is conceptually similar to IPFS, with the major difference that we are envisioning a federation of databases, while IPFS is for static files. This new decentralized database, once it is available, could make web3 applications much more close to reality.