On a lighter note, HW1 plus desktop chrome extension works well, and this sane HW1 works with android wallet Cordova. The android app can't seem to initialize a blank HW1 like the desktop extension can.
Correct, only the desktop app can currently initialize an HW.1 or Ledger or Trezor for that matter.
In the future the functionality will be added to the mobile apps too.
I'm not sure why it doesn't work with the Note 4.
As you know GreenBits is still in Beta and Trezor support is very recent but we tested the functionality on both a Nexus 5 and a Galaxy S5 so far and it works for both Mainnet and Testnet.
One thing to notice is that currently if you try to access your wallet with a Trezor but on the wrong network, i.e. use a testnet seed on prod or viceversa, then the app currently doesn't show an error, just redirects to the first screen where you can create a new wallet or access your existing one. I take this is not what you are seeing as you spoke clearly about mainnet.
We'll try on more devices but one thing to keep in mind is that this is not something we can test with the Android emulator as far as I know and obviously we don't have all Android devices at disposal.
It would help if you could provide an adb logcat trace, to see if anything that goes wrong is visible in the logs.
If this is too much to ask we understand, after all normally people don't have adb or Android tools installed on their computer
I have a feeling I know what it could be, I'll test on a Nexus 7 today to see if it has to do with larger layouts in which case we should be able to fix this quickly.
Thanks for trying it!
So this is the official application from Greenaddress?
Not yet but it will be eventually. Currently the new app, called GreenBits, is still in Beta and does not support all features offered by our other GreenAddress app for Android but it is already much better for a snappier user experience on the go.