Sorry man, those things you have mentioned here are not enough reasons to convince me, it’s like a normal thing anyone would tell you at a certain.
And you lied about people telling you that you have to make use of banks.People can’t just walk up to you as a grown-up man and start telling you that you need to start making use of banks, how did they even know that you don’t have a bank account and who even told them? If not you? And people will also not know that you are making use of cryptocurrency unless you tell them about it. As for the others, I do agree with that because they are normal things your parents can say to you when you’re jobless (seriously, why should you even be jobless?) unmarried, and not pay tax?
That’s a lot of mental gymnastics here but I’m willing to accept the challenge due to the reason that when the current court ruling can even justify the “3DCG is actual porn”, and “the GTA is the real criminal”, the “deep fake porn is the real porn”, “the video game violence is the real violence in real life”, “the gun shooting to kill someone in the video game is real killing in real life, and all real person are killed.” basically anything virtual can be justify to depict the actual thing being offended/vandalised/abused, although it would take a lot of mental wastefulness to argue to dead to find a common ground.
The court didn’t rule out the “virtual event depict the actual event” as a valid point for conviction.
How does it related? And you accuse me of telling a lies because nobody actually encourage you to use bank? That’s a great laugh, out of so many lies I could make but you decide to go on this one, a very weak argument.
Your accuse:
Nobody encourage you to use bank, because we are accustomed to the usual red envelope and also the physical cash being snapped into the small pocket, no bank is involved at all in the entire process? Great! Money is all that matter in the entire new year, I wouldn’t dare say it is number two and behind the usual feasting on well made cuisines. Yes! money, and head back to the proof that “virtual event depict the real event”, it without doubt virtual money is the real money, the virtual money on the bank is the real hard cash in your hand, does it still sound like nobody is encouraging you to use the bank? Does it really make sense to relate virtual money to the real hard cash? Does it really make sense to relate money on your hand is same as the money keep in the bank on your accounting book under the column “cash on bank”? A lot of mental gymnastics, well that’s not impossible, because word is magic and can turn fake to real, can turn the illegal to legal, can turn the criminal to the justice, can turn the black to the white, can turn violence religion into peaceful religion. It’s all up to your due diligence.
That’s all for the lulz. Stay peace.