hmm.. so if cyberdoc hands craig the privkey for cyberdocs 1933ph address.. craig could possibly use it and pretend that it validates a story of, if he has one privkey of addresses in the list he must have them all...
Craig picked those addresses very likely without knowing of cypherdoc at all-- it was simply one of the higher value addresses on the chain at the time as were the other addresses he picked-- which is how he managed e.g. to pick that mtgox hacker address too.
It might not have occurred to them to do it (until now). It might be time to start making popcorn.
people recognised the address ages ago...
craig knew cypherdoc ages ago.
it wont take much for craig to ask cypherdoc to get in on craigs scam in exchange for the privkey
kinda strange with many many many many months between then and now. that craig didnt even think of that tactic.
to me this whole ira K lawsuit is just to delay the 'ownership' of the colateral just to stop aussie government from doing anything until the statute of limitations expires.
because if the purpose was to prove the collateral was real. signing a message even one thats done by deceit of asking the real owner for it. would have been done by now
anyway definetly popcorn time.
as for other people wondering why some people are fanning up craig and staying loyal to him.. obviously people ike calvin invested heavily into craig. so calling crai out on his BS is like saying goodbye to any returns. but trying to keep the scam alive for aslong as possible and create enough drama to cause interest in a book deal and other novelty income streams could get calvin and others some return on their losses. so thats probably why.
they too afraid to cut their losses. greed is more powerful than morals