is an all new fork of the LiteCoin project that branched from BitCoin. MapleCoin is the National Crypto-Currency of Canada. As a Crypto-Currency, MapleCoin is uniquely qualified to hold and preserve the wealth of a nation. MapleCoin will create a stable economic foundation upon which Canada can continue to build lasting wealth and prosperity. And MapleCoin will take it's place in the world of Crypto-Currency as a solid Alt Coin backed by the unique legacy of Canada. The entire world will benefit from MapleCoin, and all are welcome to join our community.
Name: MapleCoin - Version 0.8.1 BETA
Symbol: MPL
NO Pre-Mine
Based on latest Bitcoin/LiteCoin 0.8.99 source
Using Scrypt Mining
Block Target: 120 seconds
Difficulty Re-Targets every 4 blocks based on last 90 blocks (Quick Difficulty Readjustment)
Block reward: 5000 MPL halving every 241920 blocks (about 12 month)
Total coin mined: 2.4192 billion MPL
2.4192 billion coins will be mined in approx. first 5 years
Transaction Confirmations Needed: 5
Listen port: 11425
MapleCoin will be launched "klondike style", with absolutely no pre-mine - in a fair, open and democratic manner.
As the countdown timer to Public Launch of MapleCoin winds down to zero, the MapleCoin Development Team will issue a series of tweets which will release the MapleCoin software and mining instructions to the world. MapleCoin is a Scrypt mined coin, and so everyone will be able to mine at the same time - initially even directly from the MapleCoin Wallet/Client.
Website -
www.MapleCoin.infoTwitter -