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Author Topic: [ANN] [POW] EPIC - Epic Private Internet Cash | MimbleWimble | Dandelion++  (Read 6877 times)
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November 07, 2020, 07:10:28 PM

I'm trying to lead a community effort to add another exchange for EPIC.  This is the first of a few steps I can think to try and there may be more efforts in the future.  I've used tradeogre for over a year and it has been smooth.  I would like to see about getting EPIC listed there and am providing copy/paste info here.  There are two ways apparently to list at TradeOgre: Twitter and/or their website.

Info for tweet to @tradeogre.  Link:     template    @TradeOgre Coin:  Epic Private Internet Cash (EPIC)
Ticker Symbol: EPIC,  Coin Tech: MimbleWimble, Github:, Website:, Discord:,Explorer: #mimblewimble #privacy #blockchain #bitcoin #freedom

This info is for their website:

If that link doesn't work, go to and click the "Coin Listing" link at the bottom of the page.

Please personalize the "why this coin needs to be added" part

Please go there and put in the following info:

Coin Name:  Epic Private Internet Cash (EPIC)

Ticker Symbol: EPIC

Coin Technology:  Other: MimbleWimble   (other options were cryptonote, Bitcoin, and ERC20)


Official Website:


Bitcointalk Thread:

Block Explorer:

Mining Pools:,,

Why This Coin Needs to be added:  The launch was the most technically smooth launch I've seen and was mineable on 3 different algorithms catering to CPU, GPU, and ASIC miners.  EPIC is the best form of private money I've seen with the most potential to be used easily by more people than any other crypto coin.  From the Epic website, "Epic is designed to be a currency for everyone, and combines the privacy-protecting MimbleWimble protocol with sound economics and fair distribution."   EPIC integration information for exchanges:   EPIC info can also be viewed on coinmarketcap:

..EPIC: Epic Private Internet Cash..
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November 09, 2020, 04:54:49 PM

☕️😎☀️ Good Morning Beautiful People!

Check out Major Updates to 💪😎👍

✅ Sorting by Kudos has been fixed
✅ You can click on Headlines to sort by Name, Category, Kudos, or Last Active - clicking again toggles ascending/descending order
✅  In addition to clicking on Name to get to listing, you can now also  click on Avatar to do the same
✅  Because of these changes ☝️and to clean up the layout, the Order drop-down is removed
✅  Tightened the overall layout and Editing to make things a little more functional and aesthetically pleasing

✏️ We are still working on expanding the image gallery option to allow more than one image to be uploaded - probably 3-4 images that will run as slideshow when people click on the listing page
✏️ We are also working on a more user friendly and readable Mobile version, it is challenging to replicate this layout in the very limited Mobile space

❤️ If you like the site and want to support this community project, please visit the listing and donate some Epic Cash to the developer working on this vite_1a19688623808d8c4d2a185935c8587ea1c6b33ce5c398cfa9

‼️ I strongly encourage everyone to start using this site - both to support projects and if you have ideas and accomplishments that merit funding - post them here
As we come out of Beta, we will start running ads targeting crowdfunding, gofundme, patreon and others.
If you have friends who are content creators, influencers, aspiring models, developers, and so on - is the way to go!

"From a small seed a mighty trunk may grow." -Aeschylus
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November 14, 2020, 05:26:10 PM

This project is hot. Hope it gets bigger.
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December 16, 2020, 03:40:41 AM

 I'm optimistic about Epic Cash's mobile potential.  Won't be long and people will be posting pictures of Epic purchases and then it will just be normal.  Trusting digital currency gets far easier with Epic Cash making it easier to have better privacy and security.

..EPIC: Epic Private Internet Cash..
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January 26, 2021, 02:34:08 PM

Vitex Multi Coin Wallet | Overview

1. Download from App Store

2. *WRITE DOWN/ SECURE* pneumonic seed recovery words in order
a. Reorganize recovery seed in SAME order HORIZONTALLY (by clicking seed words provided) to activate account. (re-click word to delete and reorganize correctly.)

3. “Wallet” tab: click + to ADD wallets
a. btc and b. epic cash-001

4. “Cross chain deposit ” (white box) for account btc wallet ADDRESS to fund with btc
*”vite_ “ address for INTERNAL transfers ONLY

5. “Asset“ tab is your FRIEND!
LOCATE external transfers HERE and MOVE assets between wallets and exchange.
a. Moving assets: click “Asset” then “btc” or “epic-001” then “Transfer” lower tab, then click “all” to populate. Check “toggle” for destination (wallet or exchange)

6. Click “markets” click asset “epic-001” click “buy” or “sell” to enter trade book.
*clicking “buy” or “sell” from MARKETS tab is ONLY way to ENTER trade book.

7. “Asset” tab to move assets from exchange back to wallet. See 5. above

NOT investment advice or a solicitation.  Do your own research.  Personal disclaimer:  I hold a position in EPIC.

For Vitex operational overview only.

Reposted with permission from Patrick in the Epic Community Telegram (link in my signature block)

Grin Grin Grin
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January 26, 2021, 03:47:11 PM

Hello everyone!
Just joined Epic Cash and so far pretty impressed. Setting up mining and Vitex iPhone wallet was easy with a little help from Epic community. I am not new to blockchain tech, did some good things with Monero, now starting with Epic Cash. Love the privacy.
Excited to be here.
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January 31, 2021, 03:38:12 AM

Hello everyone!
Just joined Epic Cash and so far pretty impressed. Setting up mining and Vitex iPhone wallet was easy with a little help from Epic community. I am not new to blockchain tech, did some good things with Monero, now starting with Epic Cash. Love the privacy.
Excited to be here.

Awesome!  Our community grows every day.  Happy to see this! 

Monero is great and Epic Cash is too!  I love blockchain technology and I love being a part of the evolving cryptocurrencies such as Epic Cash. 

It just keeps getting better!

..EPIC: Epic Private Internet Cash..
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January 31, 2021, 09:41:28 AM

I think that by being the first coin to not be so serious makes it great!  26 pages of posts in 3 days back that theory up.
Dogecoin much success. Very world domination soon

I bought in for the long haul. Best of luck gentleman
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February 07, 2021, 03:02:18 AM

I think that by being the first coin to not be so serious makes it great!  26 pages of posts in 3 days back that theory up.
Dogecoin much success. Very world domination soon

I bought in for the long haul. Best of luck gentleman

Me too
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February 11, 2021, 09:27:48 AM

 Grin Epic Cash air grab is coming  Grin
   Kiss February 28 will be Epic  Kiss

Good Luck and God Bless,
ÅÑÇ€£Å ヅ
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February 13, 2021, 05:07:14 PM

Exciting times! Glad to be a part of the Epic Cash revolution!
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February 14, 2021, 01:01:01 AM

I wish I posted here more often.  I just haven't had the time or energy and I've been mostly on Telegram.

I know this post will go by as a blip on the radar among all the noise in the announcements here.  Don't worry, this thread will rise above the noise very soon.

If you happen to catch this, why not come see what's happening?  Relevant links are in the original post.

Be well

..EPIC: Epic Private Internet Cash..
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February 15, 2021, 08:40:51 PM

FOR 12 MONTHS !!!!

The Air Grab opportunity of a lifetime!

That's absolutely fantastic! Finally!

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February 15, 2021, 09:55:34 PM

FOR 12 MONTHS !!!!
This is what we mean when we say "fair launch."  This is another example of the developers behind Epic Cash executing sound blockchain fundamentals! 

You can also MINE this and it is PROFITABLE.  Especially when dual mining Eth on software like ttminer (nvidia only until we get a 3rd party AMD miner but AMD GPUs can still use the native/developer provided software)

Tell a friend!

..EPIC: Epic Private Internet Cash..
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February 16, 2021, 06:24:57 AM

Air grab seems nice, I'm def interested in it
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February 16, 2021, 08:35:05 AM

By the way, one of the coolest ways to earn Epic Cash is through the -
EpicFundMe lets those to contribute to the world, earn Epic Cash from people who appreciate their contributions. Unlike Patreon or CrowdFundMe or other organizations, EpicFundMe does not collect and redistribute the funds, it simply allows people of merit and accomplishment to present their case and have Epic Cash sent directly to their Vite wallet. This is one of many very practical use cases for Epic Cash  Cheesy
Getting started on is very simple - creating profile can be done in minutes, just do not forget to pick an avatar picture and add some images to better illustrate your case.

Be Epic   Cheesy
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February 17, 2021, 01:25:53 AM
Last edit: February 17, 2021, 05:19:07 PM by CryptoSharq

This is dope!
I heard about ECR, but the other five are new.
Glad to see the dates behind the milestones. This is going to be really great!

Edit: EMPL does not replace EUSD. These are different things and both will exist.
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February 18, 2021, 07:28:22 PM
Last edit: November 15, 2023, 02:29:28 AM by MajorMiner

Epic Cash Primer for the People

The honest truth is that Epic Cash is simply more evolved at being Bitcoin than BTC and has vastly more potential for users and investors - . To some this may sound like a hollow claim repeated by countless shitcoins struggling to get noticed, but in case of Epic Cash this is an easily quantifiable assertion. Consider what Epic Cash has to offer:

Easy to obtain – there are several ways to get your hands on some Epic Cash:

1.   Mining – easily accomplished utilizing CPU and/or GPU to mine all three Epic Cash algorithms, you do not need to be a Chinese mega farm miner to mine meaningful amounts of Epic Cash – a gaming caliber rig can mine solo or via mining pool or and
2.   Buying – OTC or through exchanges. Currently the preferred exchange is Vitex which is easy to use and offers a phone app wallet, with more exchanges on the way
3.   Earning – through accomplishments via where it is possible to raise Epic Cash for people, businesses, and causes by presenting your merit cases to the community members with means without having to go through some middleman or organization.

Clean and Honest Start – Epic Cash entered this world as a Proof of Work mineable community volunteer driven project without ICO, or Premine, and with a fair distribution model for everyone. All project contributors are independent volunteers and all stakes held were mined or purchased in the open market. There is no overhand of VC ROI waiting to dump on your head.

Epic Cash is not just a coin, but a platform, a foundation of an entire future ecosystem of crypto –

Recently Epic Cash announced formation of Epicenter – which will result in a series of Air Grabs that will give free crypto tokens to Epic Cash holders. These tokens will have a variety of use cases creating a very powerful and dynamic network of value propositions and earning potential.

Fungibility - – all Epic Cash coins are the same! Everything you mine, buy, trade, or sell, can’t be tainted. Exchanges cannot blacklist your coins, and miners cannot filter/stop/reprioritize your transactions in PoW. Full Fungibility means never having to mix your coins, or worry if the coins you received were nice or naughty.

Reasonable privacy – unlike BTC, if you send or receive Epic Cash, the other party has no idea how much you own or where you got it from, no need to worry about the excessively curious not minding their own business, spotting whales, or asking unnecessary and uncomfortable questions. Keep in mind, privacy does not mean nefarious – having a door on your house and curtains on your windows is okay.

Lean, Agile, Dynamic Layer-1 Technology – Epic Cash blockchain is only 1.2GB making it 250+ times lighter than BTC, faster unstoppable transactions, more censorship resistant, more decentralized, more regulatory compliant, and more futureproofed by multiple PoW mining algorithms that can be modified and updated based on latest technological developments

Same 21 Million emission cap as BTC – guaranteed scarcity and absolute supply inelasticity is what makes Bitcoin more valuable than gold or fiat – Epic Cash catches up to BTC emission rate, eventually matching it and capping at 21 million. There are currently only 11 million coins in existence, vs 18m for BTC. A total of 11k coins per day are produced via mining, and this halves in October to 5.5k. Within 7.5 years, the emission rate of Epic declines by 98%, to only 210 per day, for 8 billion people!

Amazing Community – from OGs who were cracking 50 BTC blocks and burning them on alpaca socks, deepest finance/fintech Gurus, practical innovators and amalgamators of all things that do not suck about Crypto, tech savvy volunteers, Jedi developers, deeply knowledgeable miners, philanthropists, brand ambassadors, use case pioneers, content creators and supporters, and even tons of normal everyday people - all that, with plenty of filthy casuals, assorted randoms slamming refresh button on the price ticker, and some of the choicest trolls you will ever find in the crypto community – we are as real as it gets. The Epic Cash Community geographically represents most of the world with the fullest spectrum of nationalities, political, economic and religious beliefs. Join us!

"From a small seed a mighty trunk may grow." -Aeschylus
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February 19, 2021, 05:47:14 AM

Epic Cash Primer for the People

The honest truth is that Epic Cash is simply more evolved at being Bitcoin than BTC and has vastly more potential for users and investors - . To some this may sound like a hollow claim repeated by countless shitcoins struggling to get noticed, but in case of Epic Cash this is an easily quantifiable assertion. Consider what Epic Cash has to offer:

Easy to obtain – there are several ways to get your hands on some Epic Cash:

1.   Mining – easily accomplished utilizing CPU and/or GPU to mine all three Epic Cash algorithms, you do not need to be a Chinese mega farm miner to mine meaningful amounts of Epic Cash – a gaming caliber rig can mine solo or via mining pool or and
2.   Buying – OTC or through exchanges. Currently the preferred exchange is Vitex which is easy to use and offers a phone app wallet, with more exchanges on the way
3.   Earning – through accomplishments via where it is possible to raise Epic Cash for people, businesses, and causes by presenting your merit cases to the community members with means without having to go through some middleman or organization.

Clean and Honest Start – Epic Cash entered this world as a Proof of Work mineable community volunteer driven project without ICO, or Premine, and with a fair distribution model for everyone. All project contributors are independent volunteers and all stakes held were mined or purchased in the open market. There is no overhand of VC ROI waiting to dump on your head.

Epic Cash is not just a coin, but a platform, a foundation of an entire future ecosystem of crypto –

Recently Epic Cash announced formation of Epicenter – which will result in a series of Air Grabs that will give free crypto tokens to Epic Cash holders. These tokens will have a variety of use cases creating a very powerful and dynamic network of value propositions and earning potential.

Fungibility – all Epic Cash coins are the same! Everything you mine, buy, trade, or sell, can’t be tainted. Exchanges cannot blacklist your coins, and miners cannot filter/stop/reprioritize your transactions in PoW. Full Fungibility means never having to mix your coins, or worry if the coins you received were nice or naughty.

Reasonable privacy – unlike BTC, if you send or receive Epic Cash, the other party has no idea how much you own or where you got it from, no need to worry about the excessively curious not minding their own business, spotting whales, or asking unnecessary and uncomfortable questions. Keep in mind, privacy does not mean nefarious – having a door on your house and curtains on your windows is okay.

Lean, Agile, Dynamic Layer-1 Technology – Epic Cash blockchain is only 1.2GB making it 250+ times lighter than BTC, faster unstoppable transactions, more censorship resistant, more decentralized, more regulatory compliant, and more futureproofed by multiple PoW mining algorithms that can be modified and updated based on latest technological developments

Same 21 Million emission cap as BTC – guaranteed scarcity and absolute supply inelasticity is what makes Bitcoin more valuable than gold or fiat – Epic Cash catches up to BTC emission rate, eventually matching it and capping at 21 million. There are currently only 11 million coins in existence, vs 18m for BTC. A total of 11k coins per day are produced via mining, and this halves in October to 5.5k. Within 7.5 years, the emission rate of Epic declines by 98%, to only 210 per day, for 8 billion people!

Amazing Community – from OGs who were cracking 50 BTC blocks and burning them on alpaca socks, deepest finance/fintech Gurus, practical innovators and amalgamators of all things that do not suck about Crypto, tech savvy volunteers, Jedi developers, deeply knowledgeable miners, philanthropists, brand ambassadors, use case pioneers, content creators and supporters, and even tons of normal everyday people - all that, with plenty of filthy casuals, assorted randoms slamming refresh button on the price ticker, and some of the choicest trolls you will ever find in the crypto community – we are as real as it gets. The Epic Cash Community geographically represents most of the world with the fullest spectrum of nationalities, political, economic and religious beliefs. Join us!

Hell yes.  Couldn't agree more.

Epic Cash is probably THE BEST proof of work release I have ever seen.  This is what true talent and innovation looks like.

..EPIC: Epic Private Internet Cash..
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February 22, 2021, 02:16:45 AM
Merited by MajorMiner (1)

airdrop/airgrab 28 Feb...

..EPIC: Epic Private Internet Cash..
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