This is something that would make our board more organized, and it would have positive effects on the activity as well. More than once i wanted to open some topic, but it was kinda off-topic material so in the end i just gave up as I didn't want to start something that will possibly end up reported and deleted, or clutter our main section even more than it is now. Probably happened to others as well.
Making Off-topic section in our local board wouldn't be precedent either, as from what I can see, at least few others have it as well -German, Indian, Italian, Dutch. Possibly few others have it too, but they call it differently. So obviously we are not the only ones who felt the need for something like that.
Last but not the least, Croatian board is among the most active ones (
ranked 6th last month among local boards ), and with Indian the only active local board without the mod, so it wouldn't be be something that is introduced on a dead/semi active board with few members. It doesn't look like we will get local mod any time soon, so this would be the next best thing, at least for now.