Don't mind the title, it's just an effect of watching 'Ready Player One' in netflix
But here's what I found interesting - 'leet'
Upon reviewing my profile, I notice this
'leet' I'm thinking it was just a glitch, or some coding errors from the inside but then I remember when the last time I checked post count it was around 1335 or 1336
I wasn't sure until it rings a bell, coz 'leet' is exactly as what I thought of, it is 1337, it is my post count!
I searched about it and I found out that it is a systematic way of spelling on the internet. Other is 'leet' means elite or let's speak (leet's 5p34K) -- google search
Am I the one that encounter it first? Is this the first thread about this? Coz if that so, then I'll feel very special.
Did you also saw 'leet' when you reached 1337 post count? pls tell me
Also I'm wondering about the other 'leet' types of numbers designed for the forum