BackgroundThere's another very useful data dump on
Blockchair that deserves attention:
On many occasions I found myself searching for a complete snapshot of all funded addresses, for instance to search for a balance when you only have a partial Bitcoin address. This file takes almost a day to download at 10 kB/s.
The dataSee I keep 18 snapshots of Blockchair's daily data.
Sample: blockchair_bitcoin_addresses_and_balance_DATE.tsv.gz (sorted by balance, highest first (in satoshis)):
address balance
35hK24tcLEWcgNA4JxpvbkNkoAcDGqQPsP 25550215765875
3KZ526NxCVXbKwwP66RgM3pte6zW4gY1tD 10185724750535
37XuVSEpWW4trkfmvWzegTHQt7BdktSKUs 9450577254951
m-3165957a315e3d9d2de76eccb1140cb8 1
127TnYq7APW8WfKewd7EdxA8gMUXEtr623 1
1E6NkSVsBewyz8Z8wJBYVTKgWmdqcUSWkS 1
This file is in
TSV format. It's probably too large (30 million rows) to import into a spreadsheet.
I create a new file with all funded addresses, without balances, and without "weird" addresses (the ones with "-" in it).
Sample: Bitcoin_addresses_DATE.txt.gz (sorted in alphabetical order):
This file is in TEXT format. The first addresses are burn addresses, nobody can access those funds. The (incomplete) last address
somehow really got funded.
Download speed should be around 1000 times faster than
Blockchair. I don't offer uncompressed downloads.
How to useThe most likely use is to check a long list of Bitcoin addresses for a remaining balance.
On Linux, use this to find matching addresses (after extrating the compressed .gz file of course):
export LC_ALL=C # to use the same sorting I use
comm -12 Bitcoin_addresses_LATEST.txt <(cat mylist.txt | sort | uniq)
- Bitcoin_addresses_LATEST.txt: the extracted latest version downloaded from
- mylist.txt: your own list of addresses, one address per line.
This takes only seconds to check millions of addresses. If your text file has Microsoft formatting, you may need to use this instead:
export LC_ALL=C # to use the same sorting I use
comm -12 Bitcoin_addresses_LATEST.txt <(cat mylist.txt | fromdos | sort | uniq)
If you want the balances of many addresses:
grep -f mylist.txt blockchair_bitcoin_addresses_and_balance_LATEST.tsv
This is a bit slower and eats RAM: 500,000 input addresses uses 1.5 GB RAM and took 50 seconds. You could mix it with the earlier command to only search the balance for addresses that aren't empty.
If you want to know the balance of a certain address, but you don't want any block explorer or SPV wallet on the planet to know you're looking for that address, you can use this:
wget -qO- | gunzip | grep -m1 1NXYoJ5xU91Jp83XfVMHwwTUyZFK64BoAD; sleep 5m; kill -9 $$
This doesn't save the file on your local drive, stops downloading after the first match, and kills your Bash shell 5 minutes later (so no .bash_history gets saved). Note (January 12, 2021): I now realize my webserver could know when you stop downloading. If you don't want this, remove "
-m1" from
If you want to search more than one address, please download the file first.
If you want to create a brainflayer bloom filter:
pbies wrote a guide.
Data retention and updatesI'll provide daily updates. I keep the latest
6 daily snapshots, and the latest
12 monthly snapshots. One a day (or once a month) I delete the oldest files.
Direct link to LATEST versionsblockchair_bitcoin_addresses_and_balance_LATEST.tsv.gz (currently 1.5GB)
Bitcoin_addresses_LATEST.txt.gz (currently 1.3GB)
Keeping track of the total number of funded addressesSee
total_number_of_funded_addresses.txt. Starting December 2020, I'll add a daily total address count to this list. Long-term, this might prove useful (or at least produce nice graphs).
BandwidthStarting December 2024, I have a new VPS. This server is allowed 16 TB bandwidth per month. Enjoy!
CreditsBlockchair Database Dumps has a staggering amount of data, easily accessible (at
10 kB/s) with daily updates. All data presented in this topic comes from Blockchair.
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