The problem is once again what it has already been. Creating money out of thin air devalues money and creates Inflation. Now most of the investors around the world are worried regarding the demon of "INFLATION" . Now it's a well known fact that inflation backed without by any Economic Growth could lead the country into a hyper inflationary stage
You are looking at only one side of the coin
It is indeed a well-known fact that expansion in money supply should be accompanied, and ideally even preceded, by economic growth. However, this analysis is not all-encompassing as it doesn't include every possible situation. And while what you say is true in general, it is not necessarily true under current circumstances. That is to say, you don't take into account the sharp decline in consumer expenditures due to the quarantine
People don't work and thus they don't earn money. Then, they can't buy (as much as before), and that, if left unattended and allowed to develop on its own, would cause
deflation. To avoid this, central banks are injecting liquidity into the system. In other words, the fiscal stimulus is to make up for the lost income and, by extension, the loss of demand. If this policy is carried out wisely and cautiously, it shouldn't actually lead to unbridled inflation, if any inflation at all