I can't find the page/group in facebook posting the fake airdrop. This is the only
page i can find and it looks legit but not sure if it's official trustwallet channel. Can you mention the link please ?
This is a fake page I found
https://www.facebook.com/Trust-Crypto-Wallet-232736944559898/There's a lot of posts about fake giveaways or airdrops in some cryptocurrency related facebook groups, most of the posters are using fake or dummy facebook account just to spam their fake airdrops/giveways in lot of facebook groups. Some facebook groups there are in private, so you can only see the posts if you are a member in some of those facebook groups.
Well, if you are deliberately looking for a fake giveaway on Facebook, it will be difficult to find because this privacy is not published by the scamer so that it is only shared with specified groups with privacy.
Impressive investigation work done by "$crypto$".
Thanks U
Talkstar I will continue to investigate scamer like this.