Yeah, and it works well, but can we search for full phrases and not just individual words?
Like when we use quotation marks on google and other search engines to wrap multiple words in one phrase to find the exact results.
You can now make complex searches. The hightlight option is disabled for now.
+ for AND operations
| for OR operations
- to negate a word/phrase/precedence
" wraps a phrase (for exact matches)
( and ) for precedence
A few examples:
Shows every post that has all three words "Bitcoin", "is" and "awesome" somewhere (not necessarily in this order or the exact phrase);
Shows every post that has the exact phrase "Bitcoin is awesome" somewhere;
"Bitcoin is awesome" -"sell it"
Shows every post that has the exact phrase "Bitcoin is awesome" AND doesn't have the exact phrase "sell it" anywhere;
Shows every post that doesn't have the word "bot" anywhere.
Shows every post that has either the word "ninja" OR the word "loyce" somewhere;
("private keys" -electrum) | seed
Shows every post that has either:
a) the exact phrase "private keys" AND doesn't have the word "electrum; OR
b) has the word "seed".
If the username has a space it thinks there are multiple keywords and may display hundreds of usernames
This should be fixed now.
Let me know if you find any issues.