Our local board is starting to look very messy lately, few new boards is what we really need there, I'll post some topics which should be separated from main board and short description of what's inside them, (
we would appriciate if we could get at least "off topic sub-board):
"Off topic":U subotu je padala radioaktivna kisa! Evo kako se zastitit -> how to protect yourself against radioactive rain
N26 Banka -> I need experience about bank
Sretan Božić -> Marry Xmas
Što se smiije reklamirati na fejsu i na tviteru -> what can I advertise on facebook and twitter
Da li bi vas zanimalo... -> deals about watches
Dobivam poruke za SEK karticu -> problem with bank(not related to crypto)
corona...eth..music -> song
PSA: Važna obavijest -> changing time on Sunday
Sirova nafta -> how to buy oil barrel
Telegram Botovi -> telegram bots
Svađaona -> errr...it's flame room!
Politika u Hrvatskoj -> politics in Croatia
Akcije i popusti na EDC/satove/korisne iteme - zbirni topic -> discounts on EDC/watches (not related to crypto)
Srecna nova 2019. godina -> Happy New Year
773 Milijona Emailova i Korisničkih Naloga se prodaja na underground forumima -> 773 email's being sold on underground forums
Kodiranje kalkulatora za honorarnu placu -> I am coding calculator for salary
Kalkulator za izracun penala -> another calculator
♥ Dan Žena - Osmi Mart ♥ -> woman's day
Gdje kupiti kondom i koju vrstu kondoma? -> where do you buy condoms, why, which type, what do you think about condom crypto vending machine
Forex trading -> forex trading, how much profit to expect?
Happy EasterKako provjeriti skraćene i zaštićene linkove -> how to check short links
Treba mi mala pomoć -> malware problem, please send me link for something
twitter -> something about twitter account
Dodatan način zarade bez ulaganja i rizika -> forex
Forex -> forex
Rulet i blackjack sistemi -> roulette and black jack systems
Premium Medium članci - besplatno! -> "if anyone wants free medium article..."
Besplatni FlixBus popusti - 20kn - 2x -> free flixbus ticket
Sigurnost Racuna ->how to secure your accounts on internet
Jeftin web hosting? -> I need cheap web hosting
Referral marketing - dodatna zarada -> referral marketing
"Beginners and Help"Google Authenticator app - opasnost od krađe kodova -> warning about 2FA
Vračanje Bitcointalk naloga je ponovo u funkciji ->
translationKako postaviti određene podforume na ignore -> how to ignore certain sub-boards
Ažurirajte svoju Winrar verziju! -> malware in winrar
Virusi, Malware, Keyloggeri se šire preko Telegrama -> malware in telegram
Uvod u Ponzi Sheme -> about ponzi scheme
Pro - tip rubrika -> topic for tips
Pola Phishing Stranica Sada Posjeduje Zeleni Znak sa Katancom, https ->
https://krebsonsecurity.com/2018/11/half-of-all-phishing-sites-now-have-the-padlock/Osigurajte svoj Bitcointalk nalog -> "how to secure bitcointalk account"
Trebam pomoć, savjete iskustva (početnik) -> I need help about mining
Savjeti za pocetak -> I am new here and I need advice about trading and invest in crypto etc
(that's for last 10 pages of croatian main board, if I messed something or missed some topic, and I probably did, please let me know)"News/press":Well, we have this topic
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1230285.0, but problem is that it has 68 pages of various articles and many of them should be separated in new topics, it is very hard to read it like this.
There are also several other threads linking various articles, not that I am lazy to write them here, it's just my fingers hurts of so much writing, I might update topic latter.