Hi first of all I want to apologize for the Shill accounts, it has been totally our fault for trusting an investor who complained that the post would not reach many users and offered to shill the post The fault is ours and we assume the responsibility. Realy sorry
Regarding the copy of significant part of WP from Crypto.com as ,CEO of Nexxyo Labs (BambooDeFi) is totally my fault. We share a lot of features and although it is modified with the things that differentiate us, I didn't think about the possible consequences of using some parts of crypto.com as a base, because many things are shared among many DeFi projects.
Right now, I am arriving to Estonia, but during the day, I will answer the acussation post trying to explain everything in more detail.
Yeah, another DeFi scam with a plagiarized whitepaper and an anonymous team! Haven't we had enough of these already? How much do you scammers think you can milk on the DeFi hype?
The project is not anonymous, it is being developed by NexxyoLabs
www.nexxyolabs.com/aboutFake project
. I thought the project attracted great attention when sold exceeds 50% of total tokens in only a few days. ETH address received the above amount? Or is it fake proof?
The pre-sale has been done via bank account , most of the pre-sale is being sold to investors who already know NexxyoLabs for some of their other products.