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Question: Do you consider Ratimov a plagiarist?
Yes, his excuses are ridiculous
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Author Topic: Merit Source - Plagiarist  (Read 5320 times)
airfinex (OP)
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December 05, 2020, 08:10:35 PM
Last edit: September 03, 2021, 06:05:02 PM by airfinex

Quote from: LoyceV
1. I do think he's setting a bad example though, and I think plagiarism rules could be improved. So if anything, you may want to focus your energy on adjusting the rules in a separate topic (in Meta). You could use Ratimov as an example for your arguments, but don't make it about him.

2. I also don't like some of Ratimov's Sent feedback. It's retaliatory and goes against what I consider correct use of the Trust system. I get that several people created an alt account to call him out on this, and this is actually encouraged by theymos:

3. I always consider Trust inclusions and exclusions a bit of a "gliding scale": I usually don't (dis)agree with all ratings, but if the number gets too high, I might change my Trust list. I think I'm not alone in this, and Ratimov's DT-strength is already starting to decline a bit.

The system is for handling trade risk, not for flagging people for good/bad posts/personalities/ideas.
Stupid idiot, troll, son of a bitch, schizophrenic, Idiot with a broken head, this is how the text of the majority of feedback left by Ratimov begins. Ratimov regularly resorts to reciprocal exceptions and feedback abuse. In addition to this, the user left 35 positive reviews with praise, which have nothing to do with real transactions, except for reviews to the BestChange manager.

I believe in LoyceV religion, believe that the Trust System should not be used to indicate that someone is a troll and Idiot, and I believe that the Trust System should not be used as a weapon. This vengeful attitude of Ratimov demonstrates how he really understands the basics of the trust system, demonstrates with what arrogance he really treats the community.

Quoting for historical reference and take a look at messages at numbers 33, 101, 108, 115.

Here, really original content, maybe 10%, the rest is all a copy-paste of finished materials or partial use of someone else's material.

I am not posting this under my own username, otherwise this user and his friends will leave me a one more red tag.

Note: The sources that the author "allegedly" indicated are not really relevant to the case. The user pretends that he was guided by a variety of sources, "allegedly" giving this article as his own. In reality, the article was 99% translated via google translator and has only one source.

I just used the Google translator and for each sentence I will immediately cite the source. As you can see, only the first two sentences belong to the OP. These are not clippings from the text, I looked through the text in order and found 99% matches.

  • OP text highlighted in Yellow
  • Translation in Red
  • Original in Green

B этoй cтaтьe я xoтeл бы зaтpoнyть тaкyю ​​тeмy, кaк кoнфидeнциaльнocть в Интepнeтe. Кaк извecтнo, ceйчac пepиoд пaндeмии, и имeннo в этo вpeмя нapyшaютcя пpaвa и cвoбoды, в тoм чиcлe в Интepнeтe. Пpaвитeльcтвa иcпoльзyют пaндeмию кaк пpeдлoг для oгpaничeния дocтyпa к инфopмaции. Oн тaкжe pacшиpяeт пoлнoмoчия пo мoнитopингy и внeдpeнию нoвыx тexнoлoгий, нaпpaвлeнныx нa oцифpoвкy, cбop и aнaлиз личныx дaнныx людeй бeз нaдлeжaщeй зaщиты oт злoyпoтpeблeний. Cтpaны ввoдят нoвыe пpaвилa Интepнeтa, чтoбы oгpaничить пoтoк инфopмaции чepeз нaциoнaльныe гpaницы.

Ho любoe дeйcтвиe co cтopoны влacти cpaзy вызывaeт пpoтивoдeйcтвиe, ocoбeннo в Интepнeтe. Дeйcтвитeльнo, для мнoгиx пoльзoвaтeлeй пpинципы бecпpeпятcтвeннoгo дocтyпa к инфopмaции и cвoбoднoгo выpaжeния мнeний имeют ocнoвoпoлaгaющee знaчeниe для paзвития гpaждaнcкoгo oбщecтвa и экoнoмичecкoгo пpoцвeтaния. Иcтopия вceмиpнoй пayтины - этo тaкжe иcтopия бopьбы зa ocнoвныe пpaвa чeлoвeкa, вoзмoжнocти для дocтижeния кoтopыx нeизмepимo выpocли c paзвитиeм тexнoлoгий.

Дaлee пpoaнaлизиpyeм 5 caмыx извecтныx пpoгpaммныx дoкyмeнтoв, oпyбликoвaнныx в ceти, кoтopыe дo cиx пop ocтaютcя aктyaльными, в тoм чиcлe для cтopoнникoв кpиптoвaлюты.

  • Пpaвитeльcтвa иcпoльзyют пaндeмию кaк пpeдлoг для oгpaничeния дocтyпa к инфopмaции.
  • Пoд этим жe пpeдлoгoм pacшиpяютcя пoлнoмoчия пo нaблюдeнию и внeдpeнию нoвыx тexнoлoгий, нaпpaвлeнныx нa oцифpoвкy, cбop и aнaлиз личныx дaнныx людeй бeз нaдлeжaщeй зaщиты oт злoyпoтpeблeний.
  • Гoнкa «кибepcyвepeнитeтoв» — cтpaны ввoдят coбcтвeнныe пpaвилa интepнeтa c цeлью oгpaничить пoтoк инфopмaции чepeз нaциoнaльныe гpaницы.

Кaк извecтнo, любoe дeйcтвиe вызывaeт пpoтивoдeйcтвиe. Этo ocoбeннo aктyaльнo для интepнeтa, для мнoгиx пoльзoвaтeлeй пpинципы бecпpeпятcтвeннoгo дocтyпa к инфopмaции и cвoбoднoгo выpaжeния мнeний являютcя ocнoвoпoлaгaющим фyндaмeнтoм для paзвития гpaждaнcкoгo oбщecтвa и дocтижeния экoнoмичecкoгo пpoцвeтaния. Иcтopия вceмиpнoй пayтины – этo тaкжe иcтopия бopьбы зa бaзoвыe пpaвa чeлoвeкa, вoзмoжнocти для дocтижeния кoтopыx нeизмepимo выpocли c paзвитиeм тexнoлoгий.

Mы coбpaли пять нaибoлee извecтныx пpoгpaммныx дoкyмeнтoв, пyбликoвaвшиxcя в ceти, кoтopыe пo-пpeжнeмy нe тepяют cвoю aктyaльнocть, в тoм чиcлe и для cтopoнникoв кpиптoвaлют.

The Conscience of a Hacker

Пepвoй знaчитeльнoй пoпыткoй oбъяcнить филocoфию xaкepoв былo эcce, нaпиcaннoe в янвape 1986 гoдa и пoзжe oпyбликoвaннoe в элeктpoннoм жypнaлe Phrack пoд нaзвaниeм «Coвecть xaкepa». Eгo нaпиcaл xaкep из Texaca пo имeни Hacтaвник Лoйд Блaнкeншип. Ccылaяcь нa кoллeктивный oбpaз миpa взpocлыx, включaя yчитeлeй, мыcлящиx знaкoмыми oбpaзцaми, Блaнкeншип пишeт: This is followed by an inserted quote

Paбoтy Блaнкeншипa чacтo нaзывaют нaчaлoм иcтopии пpoтивocтoяния oнлaйн-aктивиcтoв и peaльнoгo миpa в цeлoм, кoтopoe пoзжe пepepocлo в бopьбy c пpaвитeльcтвaми.

Пepвoй знaчимoй пoпыткoй oбъяcнить филocoфию xaкepoв cтaлo нaпиcaннoe в янвape 1986 гoдa и пoзжe oпyбликoвaннoe в элeктpoннoм жypнaлe Phrack эcce пoд нaзвaниeм «Coвecть xaкepa» (The Conscience of a Hacker). Eгo нaпиcaл выcтyпaвший пoд пceвдoнимoм The Mentor (Hacтaвник) xaкep из Texaca Лoйд Блaнкeншип. Oбpaщaяcь к coбиpaтeльнoмy oбpaзy миpa взpocлыx людeй, в тoм чиcлe к мыcлящим пpивычными шaблoнaми пpeпoдaвaтeлям, Блaнкeншип пишeт:

Paбoтy Блaнкeншипa чacтo нaзывaют нaчaлoм иcтopии пpoтивocтoяния oнлaйн-aктивиcтoв и peaльнoгo миpa в цeлoм, в дaльнeйшeм пepepocшyю в бopьбy c пpaвитeльcтвaми.

The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto

B 1970-e гoды, кoгдa пoявилиcь пepвыe paбoтaющиe пpoтoтипы Интepнeтa, aктyaльнoй cтaлa пpoблeмa зaщиты дaнныx в oткpытoй cpeдe.

B 1978 гoдy aмepикaнcкий кpиптoгpaф Дэвид Чayм paзpaбoтaл cлeпyю цифpoвyю пoдпиcь - мoдeль шифpoвaния c oткpытым ключoм. Этo пoзвoлилo coздaть бaзy дaнныx o людяx, кoтopыe мoгли ocтaвaтьcя aнoнимными, пpи этoм гapaнтиpyя нaдeжнocть инфopмaции, кoтopyю oни cooбщaли o ceбe.

B 1970-e гoды, кoгдa пoявилиcь пepвыe paбoчиe пpoтoтипы интepнeтa, cтaл aктyaльным вoпpoc зaщиты дaнныx в oткpытoй cpeдe.

B 1978 гoдy aмepикaнcкий кpиптoгpaф Дэвид Чayм paзpaбoтaл мeтoд cлeпoй цифpoвoй пoдпиcи – мoдeль шифpoвaния c oткpытым ключoм. Oнa пoзвoлялa coздaть бaзy дaнныx людeй, кoтopыe мoгли coxpaнять aнoнимнocть, гapaнтиpyя пpи этoм дocтoвepнocть cooбщaeмыx ими o ceбe cвeдeний.

It makes no sense to quote further, since the rest of the text is also plagiarism. And this is the case not only with this article, but with everyone. How else can you get 3000 Merits? And so it will be as long as there are people who encourage plagiarism by sending it merit.

  • Is there a daredevil who will tag this author with a proper tag?
  • And will the question be raised about finding this person on the list of DT?


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December 05, 2020, 08:33:59 PM
Merited by Quickseller (3)

Take a closer look at the list of sources from Ratimov. The link to the source that you are quoting is in the list of sources from Ratimov  Smiley



airfinex (OP)
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December 05, 2020, 08:41:58 PM

Take a closer look at the list of sources from Ratimov. The link to the source that you are quoting is in the list of sources from Ratimov  Smiley

It looks like someone has gone blind. Where do you think I got all the text from?

You are a moderator, and you should be ashamed that you allow such a mess in your section. Moreover, you read in Russian and must distinguish when the text is passed off as someone else's.

At least you should have said now, "Yes, that's right, this is a translation and the user hasn't reported it in the thread."

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December 05, 2020, 08:46:22 PM

  • Is there a daredevil who will tag this author with a proper tag?
  • And will the question be raised about finding this person on the list of DT?
1. That's not how trust ratings are used. At least I haven't seen anywhere where someone who has committed plagiarism has been tagged by DT members. Plagiarism is a job for moderators to do. I believe you know how to use the report to moderator button

2. Someone being on DT doesn't mean they won't make any mistakes in the future. I have seen DT members turn into scammers afterwards

But I think this post is all about witch hunt.  Perhaps the person behind it is trying so hard to  get some sweet revenge. How about this topic Mr Marcel, why did you abandon it?

airfinex (OP)
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December 05, 2020, 08:56:05 PM

1. That's not how trust ratings are used. At least I haven't seen anywhere where someone who has committed plagiarism has been tagged by DT members. Plagiarism is a job for moderators to do. I believe you know how to use the report to moderator button

2. Someone being on DT doesn't mean they won't make any mistakes in the future. I have seen DT members turn into scammers afterwards

But I think this post is all about witch hunt.  Perhaps the person behind it is trying so hard to  get some sweet revenge. How about this topic Mr Marcel, why did you abandon it?

This is not a quote within a quote, It is quoted by the OP. And while reading, I absolutely do not feel that I am reading a blog.

In this article I would like to touch upon such a theme as online privacy. As we know, now is the period of a pandemic, and it is at this time that rights and freedoms are being infringed, including on the Internet. Governments are using the pandemic as an excuse to restrict access to information. It also expands the powers to monitor and implement new technologies aimed at digitizing, collecting and analyzing personal data of people without adequate protection from abuse. Countries are introducing new Internet rules to restrict the flow of information across national borders.

But any action on the part of the government immediately provokes opposition, especially on the Internet. Indeed, for many users, the principles of unhindered access to information and free expression are fundamental to the development of civil society and economic prosperity. The history of the world wide web is also the history of the struggle for basic human rights, the possibilities for achieving which have grown immeasurably with the development of technology.

B этoй cтaтьe я xoтeл бы зaтpoнyть тaкyю ​​тeмy, кaк кoнфидeнциaльнocть в Интepнeтe. Кaк извecтнo, ceйчac пepиoд пaндeмии, и имeннo в этo вpeмя нapyшaютcя пpaвa и cвoбoды, в тoм чиcлe в Интepнeтe. Пpaвитeльcтвa иcпoльзyют пaндeмию кaк пpeдлoг для oгpaничeния дocтyпa к инфopмaции. Oн тaкжe pacшиpяeт пoлнoмoчия пo мoнитopингy и внeдpeнию нoвыx тexнoлoгий, нaпpaвлeнныx нa oцифpoвкy, cбop и aнaлиз личныx дaнныx людeй бeз нaдлeжaщeй зaщиты oт злoyпoтpeблeний. Cтpaны ввoдят нoвыe пpaвилa Интepнeтa, чтoбы oгpaничить пoтoк инфopмaции чepeз нaциoнaльныe гpaницы.

Ho любoe дeйcтвиe co cтopoны влacти cpaзy вызывaeт пpoтивoдeйcтвиe, ocoбeннo в Интepнeтe. Дeйcтвитeльнo, для мнoгиx пoльзoвaтeлeй пpинципы бecпpeпятcтвeннoгo дocтyпa к инфopмaции и cвoбoднoгo выpaжeния мнeний имeют ocнoвoпoлaгaющee знaчeниe для paзвития гpaждaнcкoгo oбщecтвa и экoнoмичecкoгo пpoцвeтaния. Иcтopия вceмиpнoй пayтины - этo тaкжe иcтopия бopьбы зa ocнoвныe пpaвa чeлoвeкa, вoзмoжнocти для дocтижeния кoтopыx нeизмepимo выpocли c paзвитиeм тexнoлoгий.

Дaлee пpoaнaлизиpyeм 5 caмыx извecтныx пpoгpaммныx дoкyмeнтoв, oпyбликoвaнныx в ceти, кoтopыe дo cиx пop ocтaютcя aктyaльными, в тoм чиcлe для cтopoнникoв кpиптoвaлюты.

  • Пpaвитeльcтвa иcпoльзyют пaндeмию кaк пpeдлoг для oгpaничeния дocтyпa к инфopмaции.
  • Пoд этим жe пpeдлoгoм pacшиpяютcя пoлнoмoчия пo нaблюдeнию и внeдpeнию нoвыx тexнoлoгий, нaпpaвлeнныx нa oцифpoвкy, cбop и aнaлиз личныx дaнныx людeй бeз нaдлeжaщeй зaщиты oт злoyпoтpeблeний.
  • Гoнкa «кибepcyвepeнитeтoв» — cтpaны ввoдят coбcтвeнныe пpaвилa интepнeтa c цeлью oгpaничить пoтoк инфopмaции чepeз нaциoнaльныe гpaницы.

Кaк извecтнo, любoe дeйcтвиe вызывaeт пpoтивoдeйcтвиe. Этo ocoбeннo aктyaльнo для интepнeтa, для мнoгиx пoльзoвaтeлeй пpинципы бecпpeпятcтвeннoгo дocтyпa к инфopмaции и cвoбoднoгo выpaжeния мнeний являютcя ocнoвoпoлaгaющим фyндaмeнтoм для paзвития гpaждaнcкoгo oбщecтвa и дocтижeния экoнoмичecкoгo пpoцвeтaния. Иcтopия вceмиpнoй пayтины – этo тaкжe иcтopия бopьбы зa бaзoвыe пpaвa чeлoвeкa, вoзмoжнocти для дocтижeния кoтopыx нeизмepимo выpocли c paзвитиeм тexнoлoгий.

Mы coбpaли пять нaибoлee извecтныx пpoгpaммныx дoкyмeнтoв, пyбликoвaвшиxcя в ceти, кoтopыe пo-пpeжнeмy нe тepяют cвoю aктyaльнocть, в тoм чиcлe и для cтopoнникoв кpиптoвaлют.

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December 05, 2020, 09:07:20 PM

1. You have tried to dodge what I asked you, which means you are the same person.
2. Looks like you either don't understand  what I have explained to you or you just don't want to do the right thing. So good luck with your huge well decorated report.

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December 05, 2020, 09:10:14 PM

1. That's not how trust ratings are used. At least I haven't seen anywhere where someone who has committed plagiarism has been tagged by DT members. Plagiarism is a job for moderators to do. I believe you know how to use the report to moderator button
Right, this isn't (or shouldn't be) a call for DT members to act.  If Ratimov plagiarized something, it's the job of mods to ban him for that--and I don't read Russian, so it's hard for me to judge Ratimov as far as citing sources in that language.

Take a closer look at the list of sources from Ratimov. The link to the source that you are quoting is in the list of sources from Ratimov  Smiley
So here we have the Russian moderator essentially vouching for Ratimov, saying he did in fact cite his sources--or at least that's what it looks like to me. 

I'd be interested to hear from others on this.  I don't know if it's a witch hunt or not.



airfinex (OP)
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December 05, 2020, 09:25:57 PM

Right, this isn't (or shouldn't be) a call for DT members to act.  If Ratimov plagiarized something, it's the job of mods to ban him for that--and I don't read Russian, so it's hard for me to judge Ratimov as far as citing sources in that language.

So here we have the Russian moderator essentially vouching for Ratimov, saying he did in fact cite his sources--or at least that's what it looks like to me. 

I'd be interested to hear from others on this.  I don't know if it's a witch hunt or not.

I did not say that there are no sources, they are for "formality", at the very bottom.

The user pretends that he was guided by a variety of sources, "allegedly" giving this article as his own.[/u] In reality, the article was 99% translated via google translator and has only one source.

And you don't have to be able to read in Russian, just translate this message into Russian, and you will see 100% similarity. The text that the OP writes allegedly on his own behalf. This is not a quote within a quote, It is quoted by the OP.

In this article I would like to touch upon such a theme as online privacy. As we know, now is the period of a pandemic, and it is at this time that rights and freedoms are being infringed, including on the Internet. Governments are using the pandemic as an excuse to restrict access to information. It also expands the powers to monitor and implement new technologies aimed at digitizing, collecting and analyzing personal data of people without adequate protection from abuse. Countries are introducing new Internet rules to restrict the flow of information across national borders.

But any action on the part of the government immediately provokes opposition, especially on the Internet. Indeed, for many users, the principles of unhindered access to information and free expression are fundamental to the development of civil society and economic prosperity. The history of the world wide web is also the history of the struggle for basic human rights, the possibilities for achieving which have grown immeasurably with the development of technology.

B этoй cтaтьe я xoтeл бы зaтpoнyть тaкyю ​​тeмy, кaк кoнфидeнциaльнocть в Интepнeтe. Кaк извecтнo, ceйчac пepиoд пaндeмии, и имeннo в этo вpeмя нapyшaютcя пpaвa и cвoбoды, в тoм чиcлe в Интepнeтe. Пpaвитeльcтвa иcпoльзyют пaндeмию кaк пpeдлoг для oгpaничeния дocтyпa к инфopмaции. Oн тaкжe pacшиpяeт пoлнoмoчия пo мoнитopингy и внeдpeнию нoвыx тexнoлoгий, нaпpaвлeнныx нa oцифpoвкy, cбop и aнaлиз личныx дaнныx людeй бeз нaдлeжaщeй зaщиты oт злoyпoтpeблeний. Cтpaны ввoдят нoвыe пpaвилa Интepнeтa, чтoбы oгpaничить пoтoк инфopмaции чepeз нaциoнaльныe гpaницы.

Ho любoe дeйcтвиe co cтopoны влacти cpaзy вызывaeт пpoтивoдeйcтвиe, ocoбeннo в Интepнeтe. Дeйcтвитeльнo, для мнoгиx пoльзoвaтeлeй пpинципы бecпpeпятcтвeннoгo дocтyпa к инфopмaции и cвoбoднoгo выpaжeния мнeний имeют ocнoвoпoлaгaющee знaчeниe для paзвития гpaждaнcкoгo oбщecтвa и экoнoмичecкoгo пpoцвeтaния. Иcтopия вceмиpнoй пayтины - этo тaкжe иcтopия бopьбы зa ocнoвныe пpaвa чeлoвeкa, вoзмoжнocти для дocтижeния кoтopыx нeизмepимo выpocли c paзвитиeм тexнoлoгий.

Дaлee пpoaнaлизиpyeм 5 caмыx извecтныx пpoгpaммныx дoкyмeнтoв, oпyбликoвaнныx в ceти, кoтopыe дo cиx пop ocтaютcя aктyaльными, в тoм чиcлe для cтopoнникoв кpиптoвaлюты.

  • Пpaвитeльcтвa иcпoльзyют пaндeмию кaк пpeдлoг для oгpaничeния дocтyпa к инфopмaции.
  • Пoд этим жe пpeдлoгoм pacшиpяютcя пoлнoмoчия пo нaблюдeнию и внeдpeнию нoвыx тexнoлoгий, нaпpaвлeнныx нa oцифpoвкy, cбop и aнaлиз личныx дaнныx людeй бeз нaдлeжaщeй зaщиты oт злoyпoтpeблeний.
  • Гoнкa «кибepcyвepeнитeтoв» — cтpaны ввoдят coбcтвeнныe пpaвилa интepнeтa c цeлью oгpaничить пoтoк инфopмaции чepeз нaциoнaльныe гpaницы.

Кaк извecтнo, любoe дeйcтвиe вызывaeт пpoтивoдeйcтвиe. Этo ocoбeннo aктyaльнo для интepнeтa, для мнoгиx пoльзoвaтeлeй пpинципы бecпpeпятcтвeннoгo дocтyпa к инфopмaции и cвoбoднoгo выpaжeния мнeний являютcя ocнoвoпoлaгaющим фyндaмeнтoм для paзвития гpaждaнcкoгo oбщecтвa и дocтижeния экoнoмичecкoгo пpoцвeтaния. Иcтopия вceмиpнoй пayтины – этo тaкжe иcтopия бopьбы зa бaзoвыe пpaвa чeлoвeкa, вoзмoжнocти для дocтижeния кoтopыx нeизмepимo выpocли c paзвитиeм тexнoлoгий.

Mы coбpaли пять нaибoлee извecтныx пpoгpaммныx дoкyмeнтoв, пyбликoвaвшиxcя в ceти, кoтopыe пo-пpeжнeмy нe тepяют cвoю aктyaльнocть, в тoм чиcлe и для cтopoнникoв кpиптoвaлют.

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December 05, 2020, 10:08:37 PM
Merited by malevolent (3), DireWolfM14 (1), Rikafip (1), friends1980 (1)

As far as forum rules go, providing the source is enough. Even just adding quotes ([quote] or "...") without giving a source would probably be enough to avoid a ban. Contrary to popular belief, the plagiarism rule and application thereof is very lenient. It's usually fine as long as moderators can see that the user didn't intend to pass the text as their own.

Now whether starting a paragraph with "I would like to..." and ending it with copypasta and the source being mentioned only somewhere in the fine print constitutes good writing style - that's a different discussion. I think that's misleading borderline on dishonest. A literal quote should be formatted as such.
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December 05, 2020, 10:16:14 PM

What, then, are your claims against Ratimov? At the beginning, you write that there are sources, but they are not relevant:
Note: The sources that the author "allegedly" indicated are not really relevant to the case.
And then you write that they are, but specified for formality:
I did not say that there are no sources, they are for "formality", at the very bottom.
You would have already decided on the line of accusation.

Sources and are specified for formality, so that it is clear to everyone where the text was borrowed from and that it was not the author of the topic who composed it.

Celebrate Julian's freedom!
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December 05, 2020, 10:56:37 PM

>Ratimov takes article in Russian
>Uses Google translate on whole article
>Posts in English
>Passes off as own work ("In this article I would like to touch upon")
>Profit from Chipmixer payment

Question 1. Why not banned?
Question 2. How is he selected by Chipmixer when he just CTRL C / CTRL V?
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December 06, 2020, 02:40:38 AM
Last edit: December 06, 2020, 03:36:10 AM by SquirrelJulietGarden

Without source and without quote brackets, it is plagiarism.

With source and without quote brackets: it is not a plagiarism.
Without source and with quote brackets: it is surely not a plagiarism.

Some people discussed about Verbatim plagiarism and I see it does not a matter on the forum. In my opinion, it is a shame to hide parts you copy and paste then mix such parts with your own opinion.

If you see a copy-paste topic from newsletters
'bitcoinst' abusing signature campaign with alt account & spamming by copy-paste. bitcoinst is not banned and Ratimov won't with links.
For beginners what is technical analysis. Say lies, take Arabic version and Google translate, don't leave link or English version. That user was banned.

Plagiarism as a result of cultural differences

This style is bad. Readers have to spend time to compare that topic and article to get topic creator's own opinion and copy paste part from article. I said bad as this reason but no ban as the forum allows it.

If that user is not banned, why Ratimov would be banned? Ratimov style is better.
The Google Trends interest is relatively low for the keyword “Bitcoin” while on-chain data shows smart money is accumulating BTC. Bitcoin (BTC) is continuing to show strong momentum even after a major rally. In 2017, when the price of Bitcoin hit an all-time high at $20,000, the retail demand was at its peak. Google Trends data soared, mainstream media coverage noticeably increased, and spot exchange volumes exploded across major markets, especially in South Korea and Japan. This time, the Google Trends interest is relatively low for the keyword “Bitcoin” while on-chain data shows smart money is accumulating BTC, which means possibly High-net-worth investors are buying Bitcoin

Bitcoin mean transfer volume. Source: Glassnode

Another Glassnode metrics paints a similar trend. The number of Bitcoin addresses holding more than 100 BTC hit a seven-month high at 16,271. And, Whales consistently buying Bitcoin over the past few months is optimistic in itself. But, Woo emphasized that the number of new whales has also increased.

The number of addresses holding over 100 BTC. Source: Glassnode

Google Trends data shows relatively low retail interest

Bitcoin search volume on Google. Source: Google Trends

Nevertheless, while the search volume for Bitcoin remains low, there is a particularly high interest coming from states like Hawaii, California, Nevada and Washington. But despite the high interests in these areas, it is still researched and known that whales are responsible for the recent increase in bitcoin price.

The fact that larger hands are accumulating BTC instead of retail investors also explains the somewhat suppressed mainstream interest in Bitcoin. Various metrics, including Google Trends, have shown lackluster mainstream demand for BTC despite its parabolic rally in recent months

Institutional "FOMO" makes the current BTC rally stronger than previous cycles
Whalemap analysts described the recent spike in demand for Bitcoin from whales as “institutional FOMO.” FOMO, short for "fear of missing out," refers to a trend wherein investors increasingly buy into an asset fearing it will continuously surge. Referring to a chart showing whale clusters and inflows into whale wallets, the analysts said: “These are the levels and this is what institutional fomo looks like.”

Whale clusters emerge when whale addresses — addresses that hold over 10,000 BTC — buy Bitcoin and do not move it for prolonged periods of time. This shows that whales plan to hold their most recent BTC purchases in their personal wallets.

Quote brackets for shared, copied-pasted content should be a mandatory requirement, I hope the forum will add it to the unofficial rules.
- No drama
- No personal assasination
- No shady intention

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December 06, 2020, 03:07:37 AM
Last edit: December 06, 2020, 04:44:51 AM by suchmoon

Without source, with quote brackets: it is surely a plagiarism.

No, that would be too extreme, and I don't think anybody would be banned for posting text in quote tags or quote marks or otherwise quoted.

Edit: all cool now.
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December 06, 2020, 03:14:33 AM

Without source, with quote brackets: it is surely a plagiarism.

No, that would be too extreme, and I don't think anybody would be banned for posting text in quote tags or quote marks or otherwise quoted.
I am sorry. It is my mistakes. You can see in my post with examples, I stated it is not a plagiarism. I lost the word "not". The first usecase is plagiarsim and the last two usecases are not.

Edited it. Thank you for your head up.

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December 06, 2020, 03:26:48 AM

It’s not plagiarism certainly but it seems like most of Ratimov's threads are same. If I'm correct, I guess I have seen another such accusation against him. If most of his threads are same (copy paste with source), that's ridiculous but as per rule, he doesn’t deserve any punishment which is further ridiculous.

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December 06, 2020, 05:59:55 AM

As far as forum rules go, providing the source is enough. Even just adding quotes ([quote] or "...") without giving a source would probably be enough to avoid a ban. Contrary to popular belief, the plagiarism rule and application thereof is very lenient. It's usually fine as long as moderators can see that the user didn't intend to pass the text as their own.

Now whether starting a paragraph with "I would like to..." and ending it with copypasta and the source being mentioned only somewhere in the fine print constitutes good writing style - that's a different discussion. I think that's misleading borderline on dishonest. A literal quote should be formatted as such.
In a stricter sense like in case this was published somewhere else, what was done here could be counted as plagiarism even if a credit was given at the end of an article or a book for example?

I'd be interested to hear from others on this.  I don't know if it's a witch hunt or not.
Does it even matter if it is witch hunt or not? airfinex is actually raising a good point if we look at this objectively and think of what plagiarism should be. It's like what suchmoon said, plagiarism is taken lightly by moderator.
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December 06, 2020, 07:36:59 AM
Last edit: December 06, 2020, 07:49:33 AM by Rikafip

In a stricter sense like in case this was published somewhere else, what was done here could be counted as plagiarism even if a credit was given at the end of an article or a book for example?
For example, in academic world, if you verbatim copy something without making clear distinction that's not your own words (and you do that by putting those sentences in quotation marks) it will be seen as plagiarism, even if you provide reference link at the end. So yeah, in those circles this would count as plagiarism.

Then again, we are on bitcointalk and here we have a bit more relaxed rules in regard to that, so those that call for a ban/tag over something like this are wrong simply because according to bitcointalk practice, this is not plagiarism. As simple as that.

With that being said, I do think that people should be encouraged to deal with verbatim copying in a proper way, no matter whether bitcointalk see it as a plagiarism or not, simply because it is an honest and right thing to do and by doing that we are setting an example for the others, especially new members. I tried to explain that to some users (I thought it's just a matter of ignorance)  that verbatim copying should be dealt with in a proper manner, to no avail.

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December 06, 2020, 09:45:12 AM

Right, this isn't (or shouldn't be) a call for DT members to act.  If Ratimov plagiarized something, it's the job of mods to ban him for that--and I don't read Russian, so it's hard for me to judge Ratimov as far as citing sources in that language.

So here we have the Russian moderator essentially vouching for Ratimov, saying he did in fact cite his sources--or at least that's what it looks like to me. 

I'd be interested to hear from others on this.  I don't know if it's a witch hunt or not.

I did not say that there are no sources, they are for "formality", at the very bottom.

Sources are always given at the end. That's not a formality but its a correct way of posting any thing which is taken from any other source.
I think you are just wasting your time here and if you had the confidence in yourself, you would have dare to post with your original account.
airfinex (OP)
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December 06, 2020, 04:37:45 PM

If you see a copy-paste topic from newsletters
'bitcoinst' abusing signature campaign with alt account & spamming by copy-paste. bitcoinst is not banned and Ratimov won't with links.
For beginners what is technical analysis. Say lies, take Arabic version and Google translate, don't leave link or English version. That user was banned.
Plagiarism as a result of cultural differences
I looked through the threads you posted and found an interesting answer from Rikafip, although it is strange that Rikafip's current answer regarding Ratimov is much softer. Moreover, Ratimov did not answer on the merits, he does his best to avoid this discussion.

Since bitcointalk already has strong stance towards plagiarism and verbatim copying without proper quotation is generally seen as such, it should be enforced here as well. I don't say that people should be  immediately banned over this, but it should be seen as low value post if done excessively and dealt in appropriate manner. That way people would start using quotation marks properly, and eventually amount of useless c/p posts and topics would go down.

Now question is, why people don't bother with that? It is probably due few different reasons:
  • Some want to appear more knowledgeable than they really are, and when you put something in quotation marks, it is obvious that it's not your original thought.
  • Ignorance. I am pretty sure that quite a few of those doing that don't even know about proper way to deal with direct copying from external source.
  • Poor/mediocre English level. Sentences look much better when copied directly and then just link shared at the bottom of the post instead of  trying to write something of your own.
  • Merit farming. This tactic can be very successful as people don't really care about these things when they share the merit.
  • Last but not the least, filling up signature quota. What's easier than copying something without adding personal comment?

Direct copy/paste should be clearly visible from the moment you start reading the post, as simple as that.
Does it even matter if it is witch hunt or not? airfinex is actually raising a good point if we look at this objectively and think of what plagiarism should be. It's like what suchmoon said, plagiarism is taken lightly by moderator.
You don't have to try, Pharmacist doesn't reply twice in the same thread.

It’s not plagiarism certainly but it seems like most of Ratimov's threads are same. If I'm correct, I guess I have seen another such accusation against him. If most of his threads are same (copy paste with source), that's ridiculous but as per rule, he doesn’t deserve any punishment which is further ridiculous.

I am quite sure that nothing will change, everyone present, except for suchmoon, stuck their tongues in their ass, or generally avoid this topic, so as not to make an enemy in the person of Ratimov. Ou ils publient des commentaires neutres avec des affirmations selon lesquelles j'ai publié quelque chose de mal et que mes mots diffèrent de ceux d'origine.

Marcel, Marie.

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December 06, 2020, 05:32:06 PM

I am not a fan of these types of threads, especially when so much of the content is from the sources/references, but this is not plagiarism.

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