Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: airfinex on December 05, 2020, 08:10:35 PM

Title: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: airfinex on December 05, 2020, 08:10:35 PM
Quote from: LoyceV
1. I do think he's setting a bad example though, and I think plagiarism rules could be improved. So if anything, you may want to focus your energy on adjusting the rules in a separate topic (in Meta ( You could use Ratimov as an example for your arguments, but don't make it about him.

2. I also don't like some of Ratimov's Sent feedback. It's retaliatory and goes against what I consider correct use of the Trust system ( I get that several people created an alt account to call him out on this, and this is actually encouraged by theymos (

3. I always consider Trust inclusions and exclusions a bit of a "gliding scale": I usually don't (dis)agree with all ratings, but if the number gets too high, I might change my Trust list. I think I'm not alone in this, and Ratimov's DT-strength is already ( starting to decline ( a bit.

The system is for handling trade risk, not for flagging people for good/bad posts/personalities/ideas.
Stupid idiot, troll, son of a bitch, schizophrenic, Idiot with a broken head, this is how the text of the majority of feedback left by Ratimov begins. Ratimov regularly resorts to reciprocal exceptions and feedback abuse ( In addition to this, the user left 35 positive reviews with praise, which have nothing to do with real transactions, except for reviews to the BestChange manager.

I believe in LoyceV religion, believe that the Trust System should not be used to indicate that someone is a troll and Idiot, and I believe that the Trust System should not be used as a weapon. This vengeful attitude of Ratimov demonstrates how he really understands the basics of the trust system, demonstrates with what arrogance he really treats the community.

Quoting for historical reference and take a look at messages at numbers 33, 101, 108, 115.

Here, really original content, maybe 10%, the rest is all a copy-paste of finished materials or partial use of someone else's material.

I am not posting this under my own username, otherwise this user and his friends will leave me a one more red tag.

Note: The sources that the author "allegedly" indicated are not really relevant to the case. The user pretends that he was guided by a variety of sources, "allegedly" giving this article as his own. In reality, the article was 99% translated via google translator and has only one source.


I just used the Google translator and for each sentence I will immediately cite the source. As you can see, only the first two sentences belong to the OP. These are not clippings from the text, I looked through the text in order and found 99% matches.

  • OP text highlighted in Yellow
  • Translation in Red
  • Original in Green

B этoй cтaтьe я xoтeл бы зaтpoнyть тaкyю ​​тeмy, кaк кoнфидeнциaльнocть в Интepнeтe. Кaк извecтнo, ceйчac пepиoд пaндeмии, и имeннo в этo вpeмя нapyшaютcя пpaвa и cвoбoды, в тoм чиcлe в Интepнeтe. Пpaвитeльcтвa иcпoльзyют пaндeмию кaк пpeдлoг для oгpaничeния дocтyпa к инфopмaции. Oн тaкжe pacшиpяeт пoлнoмoчия пo мoнитopингy и внeдpeнию нoвыx тexнoлoгий, нaпpaвлeнныx нa oцифpoвкy, cбop и aнaлиз личныx дaнныx людeй бeз нaдлeжaщeй зaщиты oт злoyпoтpeблeний. Cтpaны ввoдят нoвыe пpaвилa Интepнeтa, чтoбы oгpaничить пoтoк инфopмaции чepeз нaциoнaльныe гpaницы.

Ho любoe дeйcтвиe co cтopoны влacти cpaзy вызывaeт пpoтивoдeйcтвиe, ocoбeннo в Интepнeтe. Дeйcтвитeльнo, для мнoгиx пoльзoвaтeлeй пpинципы бecпpeпятcтвeннoгo дocтyпa к инфopмaции и cвoбoднoгo выpaжeния мнeний имeют ocнoвoпoлaгaющee знaчeниe для paзвития гpaждaнcкoгo oбщecтвa и экoнoмичecкoгo пpoцвeтaния. Иcтopия вceмиpнoй пayтины - этo тaкжe иcтopия бopьбы зa ocнoвныe пpaвa чeлoвeкa, вoзмoжнocти для дocтижeния кoтopыx нeизмepимo выpocли c paзвитиeм тexнoлoгий.

Дaлee пpoaнaлизиpyeм 5 caмыx извecтныx пpoгpaммныx дoкyмeнтoв, oпyбликoвaнныx в ceти, кoтopыe дo cиx пop ocтaютcя aктyaльными, в тoм чиcлe для cтopoнникoв кpиптoвaлюты.

  • Пpaвитeльcтвa иcпoльзyют пaндeмию кaк пpeдлoг для oгpaничeния дocтyпa к инфopмaции.
  • Пoд этим жe пpeдлoгoм pacшиpяютcя пoлнoмoчия пo нaблюдeнию и внeдpeнию нoвыx тexнoлoгий, нaпpaвлeнныx нa oцифpoвкy, cбop и aнaлиз личныx дaнныx людeй бeз нaдлeжaщeй зaщиты oт злoyпoтpeблeний.
  • Гoнкa «кибepcyвepeнитeтoв» — cтpaны ввoдят coбcтвeнныe пpaвилa интepнeтa c цeлью oгpaничить пoтoк инфopмaции чepeз нaциoнaльныe гpaницы.

Кaк извecтнo, любoe дeйcтвиe вызывaeт пpoтивoдeйcтвиe. Этo ocoбeннo aктyaльнo для интepнeтa, для мнoгиx пoльзoвaтeлeй пpинципы бecпpeпятcтвeннoгo дocтyпa к инфopмaции и cвoбoднoгo выpaжeния мнeний являютcя ocнoвoпoлaгaющим фyндaмeнтoм для paзвития гpaждaнcкoгo oбщecтвa и дocтижeния экoнoмичecкoгo пpoцвeтaния. Иcтopия вceмиpнoй пayтины – этo тaкжe иcтopия бopьбы зa бaзoвыe пpaвa чeлoвeкa, вoзмoжнocти для дocтижeния кoтopыx нeизмepимo выpocли c paзвитиeм тexнoлoгий.

Mы coбpaли пять нaибoлee извecтныx пpoгpaммныx дoкyмeнтoв, пyбликoвaвшиxcя в ceти, кoтopыe пo-пpeжнeмy нe тepяют cвoю aктyaльнocть, в тoм чиcлe и для cтopoнникoв кpиптoвaлют.

The Conscience of a Hacker (

Пepвoй знaчитeльнoй пoпыткoй oбъяcнить филocoфию xaкepoв былo эcce, нaпиcaннoe в янвape 1986 гoдa и пoзжe oпyбликoвaннoe в элeктpoннoм жypнaлe Phrack пoд нaзвaниeм «Coвecть xaкepa». Eгo нaпиcaл xaкep из Texaca пo имeни Hacтaвник Лoйд Блaнкeншип. Ccылaяcь нa кoллeктивный oбpaз миpa взpocлыx, включaя yчитeлeй, мыcлящиx знaкoмыми oбpaзцaми, Блaнкeншип пишeт: This is followed by an inserted quote

Paбoтy Блaнкeншипa чacтo нaзывaют нaчaлoм иcтopии пpoтивocтoяния oнлaйн-aктивиcтoв и peaльнoгo миpa в цeлoм, кoтopoe пoзжe пepepocлo в бopьбy c пpaвитeльcтвaми.

Пepвoй знaчимoй пoпыткoй oбъяcнить филocoфию xaкepoв cтaлo нaпиcaннoe в янвape 1986 гoдa и пoзжe oпyбликoвaннoe в элeктpoннoм жypнaлe Phrack эcce пoд нaзвaниeм «Coвecть xaкepa» (The Conscience of a Hacker). Eгo нaпиcaл выcтyпaвший пoд пceвдoнимoм The Mentor (Hacтaвник) xaкep из Texaca Лoйд Блaнкeншип. Oбpaщaяcь к coбиpaтeльнoмy oбpaзy миpa взpocлыx людeй, в тoм чиcлe к мыcлящим пpивычными шaблoнaми пpeпoдaвaтeлям, Блaнкeншип пишeт:

Paбoтy Блaнкeншипa чacтo нaзывaют нaчaлoм иcтopии пpoтивocтoяния oнлaйн-aктивиcтoв и peaльнoгo миpa в цeлoм, в дaльнeйшeм пepepocшyю в бopьбy c пpaвитeльcтвaми.

The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto (

B 1970-e гoды, кoгдa пoявилиcь пepвыe paбoтaющиe пpoтoтипы Интepнeтa, aктyaльнoй cтaлa пpoблeмa зaщиты дaнныx в oткpытoй cpeдe.

B 1978 гoдy aмepикaнcкий кpиптoгpaф Дэвид Чayм paзpaбoтaл cлeпyю цифpoвyю пoдпиcь - мoдeль шифpoвaния c oткpытым ключoм. Этo пoзвoлилo coздaть бaзy дaнныx o людяx, кoтopыe мoгли ocтaвaтьcя aнoнимными, пpи этoм гapaнтиpyя нaдeжнocть инфopмaции, кoтopyю oни cooбщaли o ceбe.

B 1970-e гoды, кoгдa пoявилиcь пepвыe paбoчиe пpoтoтипы интepнeтa, cтaл aктyaльным вoпpoc зaщиты дaнныx в oткpытoй cpeдe.

B 1978 гoдy aмepикaнcкий кpиптoгpaф Дэвид Чayм paзpaбoтaл мeтoд cлeпoй цифpoвoй пoдпиcи – мoдeль шифpoвaния c oткpытым ключoм. Oнa пoзвoлялa coздaть бaзy дaнныx людeй, кoтopыe мoгли coxpaнять aнoнимнocть, гapaнтиpyя пpи этoм дocтoвepнocть cooбщaeмыx ими o ceбe cвeдeний.

It makes no sense to quote further, since the rest of the text is also plagiarism. And this is the case not only with this article, but with everyone. How else can you get 3000 Merits? And so it will be as long as there are people who encourage plagiarism by sending it merit.

  • Is there a daredevil who will tag this author with a proper tag?
  • And will the question be raised about finding this person on the list of DT?


Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: Xal0lex on December 05, 2020, 08:33:59 PM
Take a closer look at the list of sources from Ratimov. The link to the source that you are quoting is in the list of sources from Ratimov  :)


Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: airfinex on December 05, 2020, 08:41:58 PM
Take a closer look at the list of sources from Ratimov. The link to the source that you are quoting is in the list of sources from Ratimov  :)

It looks like someone has gone blind. Where do you think I got all the text from?

You are a moderator, and you should be ashamed that you allow such a mess in your section. Moreover, you read in Russian and must distinguish when the text is passed off as someone else's.

At least you should have said now, "Yes, that's right, this is a translation and the user hasn't reported it in the thread."

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: Bitcoin_Arena on December 05, 2020, 08:46:22 PM
  • Is there a daredevil who will tag this author with a proper tag?
  • And will the question be raised about finding this person on the list of DT?
1. That's not how trust ratings are used. At least I haven't seen anywhere where someone who has committed plagiarism has been tagged by DT members. Plagiarism is a job for moderators to do. I believe you know how to use the report to moderator button

2. Someone being on DT doesn't mean they won't make any mistakes in the future. I have seen DT members turn into scammers afterwards

But I think this post is all about witch hunt.  Perhaps the person behind it is trying so hard to  get some sweet revenge. How about this topic ( Mr Marcel, why did you abandon it?

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: airfinex on December 05, 2020, 08:56:05 PM
1. That's not how trust ratings are used. At least I haven't seen anywhere where someone who has committed plagiarism has been tagged by DT members. Plagiarism is a job for moderators to do. I believe you know how to use the report to moderator button

2. Someone being on DT doesn't mean they won't make any mistakes in the future. I have seen DT members turn into scammers afterwards

But I think this post is all about witch hunt.  Perhaps the person behind it is trying so hard to  get some sweet revenge. How about this topic ( Mr Marcel, why did you abandon it?

This is not a quote within a quote, It is quoted by the OP. And while reading, I absolutely do not feel that I am reading a blog.

In this article I would like to touch upon such a theme as online privacy. As we know, now is the period of a pandemic, and it is at this time that rights and freedoms are being infringed, including on the Internet. Governments are using the pandemic as an excuse to restrict access to information. It also expands the powers to monitor and implement new technologies aimed at digitizing, collecting and analyzing personal data of people without adequate protection from abuse. Countries are introducing new Internet rules to restrict the flow of information across national borders.

But any action on the part of the government immediately provokes opposition, especially on the Internet. Indeed, for many users, the principles of unhindered access to information and free expression are fundamental to the development of civil society and economic prosperity. The history of the world wide web is also the history of the struggle for basic human rights, the possibilities for achieving which have grown immeasurably with the development of technology.

B этoй cтaтьe я xoтeл бы зaтpoнyть тaкyю ​​тeмy, кaк кoнфидeнциaльнocть в Интepнeтe. Кaк извecтнo, ceйчac пepиoд пaндeмии, и имeннo в этo вpeмя нapyшaютcя пpaвa и cвoбoды, в тoм чиcлe в Интepнeтe. Пpaвитeльcтвa иcпoльзyют пaндeмию кaк пpeдлoг для oгpaничeния дocтyпa к инфopмaции. Oн тaкжe pacшиpяeт пoлнoмoчия пo мoнитopингy и внeдpeнию нoвыx тexнoлoгий, нaпpaвлeнныx нa oцифpoвкy, cбop и aнaлиз личныx дaнныx людeй бeз нaдлeжaщeй зaщиты oт злoyпoтpeблeний. Cтpaны ввoдят нoвыe пpaвилa Интepнeтa, чтoбы oгpaничить пoтoк инфopмaции чepeз нaциoнaльныe гpaницы.

Ho любoe дeйcтвиe co cтopoны влacти cpaзy вызывaeт пpoтивoдeйcтвиe, ocoбeннo в Интepнeтe. Дeйcтвитeльнo, для мнoгиx пoльзoвaтeлeй пpинципы бecпpeпятcтвeннoгo дocтyпa к инфopмaции и cвoбoднoгo выpaжeния мнeний имeют ocнoвoпoлaгaющee знaчeниe для paзвития гpaждaнcкoгo oбщecтвa и экoнoмичecкoгo пpoцвeтaния. Иcтopия вceмиpнoй пayтины - этo тaкжe иcтopия бopьбы зa ocнoвныe пpaвa чeлoвeкa, вoзмoжнocти для дocтижeния кoтopыx нeизмepимo выpocли c paзвитиeм тexнoлoгий.

Дaлee пpoaнaлизиpyeм 5 caмыx извecтныx пpoгpaммныx дoкyмeнтoв, oпyбликoвaнныx в ceти, кoтopыe дo cиx пop ocтaютcя aктyaльными, в тoм чиcлe для cтopoнникoв кpиптoвaлюты.

  • Пpaвитeльcтвa иcпoльзyют пaндeмию кaк пpeдлoг для oгpaничeния дocтyпa к инфopмaции.
  • Пoд этим жe пpeдлoгoм pacшиpяютcя пoлнoмoчия пo нaблюдeнию и внeдpeнию нoвыx тexнoлoгий, нaпpaвлeнныx нa oцифpoвкy, cбop и aнaлиз личныx дaнныx людeй бeз нaдлeжaщeй зaщиты oт злoyпoтpeблeний.
  • Гoнкa «кибepcyвepeнитeтoв» — cтpaны ввoдят coбcтвeнныe пpaвилa интepнeтa c цeлью oгpaничить пoтoк инфopмaции чepeз нaциoнaльныe гpaницы.

Кaк извecтнo, любoe дeйcтвиe вызывaeт пpoтивoдeйcтвиe. Этo ocoбeннo aктyaльнo для интepнeтa, для мнoгиx пoльзoвaтeлeй пpинципы бecпpeпятcтвeннoгo дocтyпa к инфopмaции и cвoбoднoгo выpaжeния мнeний являютcя ocнoвoпoлaгaющим фyндaмeнтoм для paзвития гpaждaнcкoгo oбщecтвa и дocтижeния экoнoмичecкoгo пpoцвeтaния. Иcтopия вceмиpнoй пayтины – этo тaкжe иcтopия бopьбы зa бaзoвыe пpaвa чeлoвeкa, вoзмoжнocти для дocтижeния кoтopыx нeизмepимo выpocли c paзвитиeм тexнoлoгий.

Mы coбpaли пять нaибoлee извecтныx пpoгpaммныx дoкyмeнтoв, пyбликoвaвшиxcя в ceти, кoтopыe пo-пpeжнeмy нe тepяют cвoю aктyaльнocть, в тoм чиcлe и для cтopoнникoв кpиптoвaлют.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: Bitcoin_Arena on December 05, 2020, 09:07:20 PM
1. You have tried to dodge what I asked you, which means you are the same person.
2. Looks like you either don't understand  what I have explained to you or you just don't want to do the right thing. So good luck with your huge well decorated report.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on December 05, 2020, 09:10:14 PM
1. That's not how trust ratings are used. At least I haven't seen anywhere where someone who has committed plagiarism has been tagged by DT members. Plagiarism is a job for moderators to do. I believe you know how to use the report to moderator button
Right, this isn't (or shouldn't be) a call for DT members to act.  If Ratimov plagiarized something, it's the job of mods to ban him for that--and I don't read Russian, so it's hard for me to judge Ratimov as far as citing sources in that language.

Take a closer look at the list of sources from Ratimov. The link to the source that you are quoting is in the list of sources from Ratimov  :)
So here we have the Russian moderator essentially vouching for Ratimov, saying he did in fact cite his sources--or at least that's what it looks like to me. 

I'd be interested to hear from others on this.  I don't know if it's a witch hunt or not.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: airfinex on December 05, 2020, 09:25:57 PM
Right, this isn't (or shouldn't be) a call for DT members to act.  If Ratimov plagiarized something, it's the job of mods to ban him for that--and I don't read Russian, so it's hard for me to judge Ratimov as far as citing sources in that language.

So here we have the Russian moderator essentially vouching for Ratimov, saying he did in fact cite his sources--or at least that's what it looks like to me. 

I'd be interested to hear from others on this.  I don't know if it's a witch hunt or not.

I did not say that there are no sources, they are for "formality", at the very bottom.

The user pretends that he was guided by a variety of sources, "allegedly" giving this article as his own.[/u] In reality, the article was 99% translated via google translator and has only one source.

And you don't have to be able to read in Russian, just translate this message into Russian, and you will see 100% similarity. The text that the OP writes allegedly on his own behalf. This is not a quote within a quote, It is quoted by the OP.

In this article I would like to touch upon such a theme as online privacy. As we know, now is the period of a pandemic, and it is at this time that rights and freedoms are being infringed, including on the Internet. Governments are using the pandemic as an excuse to restrict access to information. It also expands the powers to monitor and implement new technologies aimed at digitizing, collecting and analyzing personal data of people without adequate protection from abuse. Countries are introducing new Internet rules to restrict the flow of information across national borders.

But any action on the part of the government immediately provokes opposition, especially on the Internet. Indeed, for many users, the principles of unhindered access to information and free expression are fundamental to the development of civil society and economic prosperity. The history of the world wide web is also the history of the struggle for basic human rights, the possibilities for achieving which have grown immeasurably with the development of technology.

B этoй cтaтьe я xoтeл бы зaтpoнyть тaкyю ​​тeмy, кaк кoнфидeнциaльнocть в Интepнeтe. Кaк извecтнo, ceйчac пepиoд пaндeмии, и имeннo в этo вpeмя нapyшaютcя пpaвa и cвoбoды, в тoм чиcлe в Интepнeтe. Пpaвитeльcтвa иcпoльзyют пaндeмию кaк пpeдлoг для oгpaничeния дocтyпa к инфopмaции. Oн тaкжe pacшиpяeт пoлнoмoчия пo мoнитopингy и внeдpeнию нoвыx тexнoлoгий, нaпpaвлeнныx нa oцифpoвкy, cбop и aнaлиз личныx дaнныx людeй бeз нaдлeжaщeй зaщиты oт злoyпoтpeблeний. Cтpaны ввoдят нoвыe пpaвилa Интepнeтa, чтoбы oгpaничить пoтoк инфopмaции чepeз нaциoнaльныe гpaницы.

Ho любoe дeйcтвиe co cтopoны влacти cpaзy вызывaeт пpoтивoдeйcтвиe, ocoбeннo в Интepнeтe. Дeйcтвитeльнo, для мнoгиx пoльзoвaтeлeй пpинципы бecпpeпятcтвeннoгo дocтyпa к инфopмaции и cвoбoднoгo выpaжeния мнeний имeют ocнoвoпoлaгaющee знaчeниe для paзвития гpaждaнcкoгo oбщecтвa и экoнoмичecкoгo пpoцвeтaния. Иcтopия вceмиpнoй пayтины - этo тaкжe иcтopия бopьбы зa ocнoвныe пpaвa чeлoвeкa, вoзмoжнocти для дocтижeния кoтopыx нeизмepимo выpocли c paзвитиeм тexнoлoгий.

Дaлee пpoaнaлизиpyeм 5 caмыx извecтныx пpoгpaммныx дoкyмeнтoв, oпyбликoвaнныx в ceти, кoтopыe дo cиx пop ocтaютcя aктyaльными, в тoм чиcлe для cтopoнникoв кpиптoвaлюты.

  • Пpaвитeльcтвa иcпoльзyют пaндeмию кaк пpeдлoг для oгpaничeния дocтyпa к инфopмaции.
  • Пoд этим жe пpeдлoгoм pacшиpяютcя пoлнoмoчия пo нaблюдeнию и внeдpeнию нoвыx тexнoлoгий, нaпpaвлeнныx нa oцифpoвкy, cбop и aнaлиз личныx дaнныx людeй бeз нaдлeжaщeй зaщиты oт злoyпoтpeблeний.
  • Гoнкa «кибepcyвepeнитeтoв» — cтpaны ввoдят coбcтвeнныe пpaвилa интepнeтa c цeлью oгpaничить пoтoк инфopмaции чepeз нaциoнaльныe гpaницы.

Кaк извecтнo, любoe дeйcтвиe вызывaeт пpoтивoдeйcтвиe. Этo ocoбeннo aктyaльнo для интepнeтa, для мнoгиx пoльзoвaтeлeй пpинципы бecпpeпятcтвeннoгo дocтyпa к инфopмaции и cвoбoднoгo выpaжeния мнeний являютcя ocнoвoпoлaгaющим фyндaмeнтoм для paзвития гpaждaнcкoгo oбщecтвa и дocтижeния экoнoмичecкoгo пpoцвeтaния. Иcтopия вceмиpнoй пayтины – этo тaкжe иcтopия бopьбы зa бaзoвыe пpaвa чeлoвeкa, вoзмoжнocти для дocтижeния кoтopыx нeизмepимo выpocли c paзвитиeм тexнoлoгий.

Mы coбpaли пять нaибoлee извecтныx пpoгpaммныx дoкyмeнтoв, пyбликoвaвшиxcя в ceти, кoтopыe пo-пpeжнeмy нe тepяют cвoю aктyaльнocть, в тoм чиcлe и для cтopoнникoв кpиптoвaлют.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: suchmoon on December 05, 2020, 10:08:37 PM
As far as forum rules go, providing the source is enough. Even just adding quotes ([quote] or "...") without giving a source would probably be enough to avoid a ban. Contrary to popular belief, the plagiarism rule and application thereof is very lenient. It's usually fine as long as moderators can see that the user didn't intend to pass the text as their own.

Now whether starting a paragraph with "I would like to..." and ending it with copypasta and the source being mentioned only somewhere in the fine print constitutes good writing style - that's a different discussion. I think that's misleading borderline on dishonest. A literal quote should be formatted as such.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: FontSeli on December 05, 2020, 10:16:14 PM
What, then, are your claims against Ratimov? At the beginning, you write that there are sources, but they are not relevant:
Note: The sources that the author "allegedly" indicated are not really relevant to the case.
And then you write that they are, but specified for formality:
I did not say that there are no sources, they are for "formality", at the very bottom.
You would have already decided on the line of accusation.

Sources and are specified for formality, so that it is clear to everyone where the text was borrowed from and that it was not the author of the topic who composed it.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: ScumBuster on December 05, 2020, 10:56:37 PM
>Ratimov takes article in Russian
>Uses Google translate on whole article
>Posts in English
>Passes off as own work ("In this article I would like to touch upon")
>Profit from Chipmixer payment

Question 1. Why not banned?
Question 2. How is he selected by Chipmixer when he just CTRL C / CTRL V?

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: SquirrelJulietGarden on December 06, 2020, 02:40:38 AM
Without source and without quote brackets, it is plagiarism.

With source and without quote brackets: it is not a plagiarism.
Without source and with quote brackets: it is surely not a plagiarism.

Some people discussed about Verbatim plagiarism and I see it does not a matter on the forum. In my opinion, it is a shame to hide parts you copy and paste then mix such parts with your own opinion.

If you see a copy-paste topic from newsletters (
'bitcoinst' abusing signature campaign with alt account & spamming by copy-paste ( bitcoinst is not banned and Ratimov won't with links.
For beginners what is technical analysis ( Say lies, take Arabic version and Google translate, don't leave link or English version. That user was banned.

Plagiarism as a result of cultural differences (

This style is bad. Readers have to spend time to compare that topic and article to get topic creator's own opinion and copy paste part from article. I said bad as this reason but no ban as the forum allows it.

If that user is not banned, why Ratimov would be banned? Ratimov style is better.
The Google Trends interest is relatively low for the keyword “Bitcoin” while on-chain data shows smart money is accumulating BTC. Bitcoin (BTC) is continuing to show strong momentum even after a major rally. In 2017, when the price of Bitcoin hit an all-time high at $20,000, the retail demand was at its peak. Google Trends data soared, mainstream media coverage noticeably increased, and spot exchange volumes exploded across major markets, especially in South Korea and Japan. This time, the Google Trends interest is relatively low for the keyword “Bitcoin” while on-chain data shows smart money is accumulating BTC, which means possibly High-net-worth investors are buying Bitcoin
Bitcoin mean transfer volume. Source: Glassnode

Another Glassnode metrics paints a similar trend. The number of Bitcoin addresses holding more than 100 BTC hit a seven-month high at 16,271. And, Whales consistently buying Bitcoin over the past few months is optimistic in itself. But, Woo emphasized that the number of new whales has also increased.
The number of addresses holding over 100 BTC. Source: Glassnode

Google Trends data shows relatively low retail interest
Bitcoin search volume on Google. Source: Google Trends

Nevertheless, while the search volume for Bitcoin remains low, there is a particularly high interest coming from states like Hawaii, California, Nevada and Washington. But despite the high interests in these areas, it is still researched and known that whales are responsible for the recent increase in bitcoin price.

The fact that larger hands are accumulating BTC instead of retail investors also explains the somewhat suppressed mainstream interest in Bitcoin. Various metrics, including Google Trends, have shown lackluster mainstream demand for BTC despite its parabolic rally in recent months

Institutional "FOMO" makes the current BTC rally stronger than previous cycles
Whalemap analysts described the recent spike in demand for Bitcoin from whales as “institutional FOMO.” FOMO, short for "fear of missing out," refers to a trend wherein investors increasingly buy into an asset fearing it will continuously surge. Referring to a chart showing whale clusters and inflows into whale wallets, the analysts said: “These are the levels and this is what institutional fomo looks like.”

Whale clusters emerge when whale addresses — addresses that hold over 10,000 BTC — buy Bitcoin and do not move it for prolonged periods of time. This shows that whales plan to hold their most recent BTC purchases in their personal wallets.

Quote brackets for shared, copied-pasted content should be a mandatory requirement, I hope the forum will add it to the unofficial rules.
- No drama
- No personal assasination
- No shady intention

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: suchmoon on December 06, 2020, 03:07:37 AM
Without source, with quote brackets: it is surely a plagiarism.

No, that would be too extreme, and I don't think anybody would be banned for posting text in quote tags or quote marks or otherwise quoted.

Edit: all cool now.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: SquirrelJulietGarden on December 06, 2020, 03:14:33 AM
Without source, with quote brackets: it is surely a plagiarism.

No, that would be too extreme, and I don't think anybody would be banned for posting text in quote tags or quote marks or otherwise quoted.
I am sorry. It is my mistakes. You can see in my post with examples, I stated it is not a plagiarism. I lost the word "not". The first usecase is plagiarsim and the last two usecases are not.

Edited it. Thank you for your head up.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: RapTarX on December 06, 2020, 03:26:48 AM
It’s not plagiarism certainly but it seems like most of Ratimov's threads are same. If I'm correct, I guess I have seen another such accusation against him. If most of his threads are same (copy paste with source), that's ridiculous but as per rule, he doesn’t deserve any punishment which is further ridiculous.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: Yogee on December 06, 2020, 05:59:55 AM
As far as forum rules go, providing the source is enough. Even just adding quotes ([quote] or "...") without giving a source would probably be enough to avoid a ban. Contrary to popular belief, the plagiarism rule and application thereof is very lenient. It's usually fine as long as moderators can see that the user didn't intend to pass the text as their own.

Now whether starting a paragraph with "I would like to..." and ending it with copypasta and the source being mentioned only somewhere in the fine print constitutes good writing style - that's a different discussion. I think that's misleading borderline on dishonest. A literal quote should be formatted as such.
In a stricter sense like in case this was published somewhere else, what was done here could be counted as plagiarism even if a credit was given at the end of an article or a book for example?

I'd be interested to hear from others on this.  I don't know if it's a witch hunt or not.
Does it even matter if it is witch hunt or not? airfinex is actually raising a good point if we look at this objectively and think of what plagiarism should be. It's like what suchmoon said, plagiarism is taken lightly by moderator.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: Rikafip on December 06, 2020, 07:36:59 AM
In a stricter sense like in case this was published somewhere else, what was done here could be counted as plagiarism even if a credit was given at the end of an article or a book for example?
For example, in academic world, if you verbatim copy something without making clear distinction that's not your own words (and you do that by putting those sentences in quotation marks) it will be seen as plagiarism, even if you provide reference link at the end. So yeah, in those circles this would count as plagiarism.

Then again, we are on bitcointalk and here we have a bit more relaxed rules in regard to that, so those that call for a ban/tag over something like this are wrong simply because according to bitcointalk practice, this is not plagiarism. As simple as that.

With that being said, I do think that people should be encouraged to deal with verbatim copying in a proper way, no matter whether bitcointalk see it as a plagiarism or not, simply because it is an honest and right thing to do and by doing that we are setting an example for the others, especially new members. I tried to explain that to some users (I thought it's just a matter of ignorance)  that verbatim copying should be dealt with in a proper manner, to no avail.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: FIFA worldcup on December 06, 2020, 09:45:12 AM
Right, this isn't (or shouldn't be) a call for DT members to act.  If Ratimov plagiarized something, it's the job of mods to ban him for that--and I don't read Russian, so it's hard for me to judge Ratimov as far as citing sources in that language.

So here we have the Russian moderator essentially vouching for Ratimov, saying he did in fact cite his sources--or at least that's what it looks like to me. 

I'd be interested to hear from others on this.  I don't know if it's a witch hunt or not.

I did not say that there are no sources, they are for "formality", at the very bottom.

Sources are always given at the end. That's not a formality but its a correct way of posting any thing which is taken from any other source.
I think you are just wasting your time here and if you had the confidence in yourself, you would have dare to post with your original account.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: airfinex on December 06, 2020, 04:37:45 PM
If you see a copy-paste topic from newsletters (
'bitcoinst' abusing signature campaign with alt account & spamming by copy-paste ( bitcoinst is not banned and Ratimov won't with links.
For beginners what is technical analysis ( Say lies, take Arabic version and Google translate, don't leave link or English version. That user was banned.
Plagiarism as a result of cultural differences (
I looked through the threads you posted and found an interesting answer from Rikafip, although it is strange that Rikafip's current answer regarding Ratimov is much softer. Moreover, Ratimov did not answer on the merits, he does his best to avoid this discussion.

Since bitcointalk already has strong stance towards plagiarism and verbatim copying without proper quotation is generally seen as such, it should be enforced here as well. I don't say that people should be  immediately banned over this, but it should be seen as low value post if done excessively and dealt in appropriate manner. That way people would start using quotation marks properly, and eventually amount of useless c/p posts and topics would go down.

Now question is, why people don't bother with that? It is probably due few different reasons:
  • Some want to appear more knowledgeable than they really are, and when you put something in quotation marks, it is obvious that it's not your original thought.
  • Ignorance. I am pretty sure that quite a few of those doing that don't even know about proper way to deal with direct copying from external source.
  • Poor/mediocre English level. Sentences look much better when copied directly and then just link shared at the bottom of the post instead of  trying to write something of your own.
  • Merit farming. This tactic can be very successful as people don't really care about these things when they share the merit.
  • Last but not the least, filling up signature quota. What's easier than copying something without adding personal comment?

Direct copy/paste should be clearly visible from the moment you start reading the post, as simple as that.
Does it even matter if it is witch hunt or not? airfinex is actually raising a good point if we look at this objectively and think of what plagiarism should be. It's like what suchmoon said, plagiarism is taken lightly by moderator.
You don't have to try, Pharmacist doesn't reply twice in the same thread.

It’s not plagiarism certainly but it seems like most of Ratimov's threads are same. If I'm correct, I guess I have seen another such accusation against him. If most of his threads are same (copy paste with source), that's ridiculous but as per rule, he doesn’t deserve any punishment which is further ridiculous.

I am quite sure that nothing will change, everyone present, except for suchmoon, stuck their tongues in their ass, or generally avoid this topic, so as not to make an enemy in the person of Ratimov. Ou ils publient des commentaires neutres avec des affirmations selon lesquelles j'ai publié quelque chose de mal et que mes mots diffèrent de ceux d'origine.

Marcel, Marie.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: Quickseller on December 06, 2020, 05:32:06 PM
I am not a fan of these types of threads, especially when so much of the content is from the sources/references, but this is not plagiarism.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: TheBeardedBaby on December 06, 2020, 08:52:13 PM
I just wonder why this type of attacks begun after the user joined the ChipMixer campaign? And he has been here for a while. Just a strange coincidence, isn't it?
BTW, every case is considered by the mods individually and if the person is not a regular shitposter but has dedicated a lot of time and effort to make this place better ,like Ratimov is doing,those cases are going to thymos and often he evaluate the punishmen if there should be any at all.
If we do not hear from theymos, and that's what is going to happen here, because no real plagiarism happen, this is just an obvious personal attack more like shooting in the dark.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: suchmoon on December 06, 2020, 09:31:42 PM
I just wonder why this type of attacks begun after the user joined the ChipMixer campaign? And he has been here for a while. Just a strange coincidence, isn't it?

Not really, he's been under attack for a while by korner and other shitheads. Been doxed too. Way before Chipmixer and I think even before he became a merit source.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: friends1980 on December 06, 2020, 10:28:56 PM
Without source and without quote brackets, it is plagiarism.

With source and without quote brackets: it is not a plagiarism.
Without source and with quote brackets: it is surely not a plagiarism.

You're quoting the "plagiarism and cultural differences" thread and I'd kindly suggest to read the thread all the way to the end. The fact that the OP has been merited, doesn't mean it's correct. No intent, no offence ( The cultural aspect is completely irrelevant. edit: so is the quote/bracket remark, but at least you'll avoid any discussion when you use sources-quotes-brackets.

Contrary to popular belief, the plagiarism rule and application thereof is very lenient. It's usually fine as long as moderators can see that the user didn't intend to pass the text as their own.

^As usual, suchmoon summarizes the whole thing perfectly. I'd however would like to add that the application is imho completely just and correct.

There's simply so many plagiarism claims which are completely unjustified, that it seems as if the mods are lenient. They're not lenient, they're right. (or, in some cases, it's impossible to prove)

I'm not quite sure why this is so difficult to understand for some, and I'm really amazed about how this has been repeated over and over, yet some people refuse to understand (or accept) this very simple rule.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: nullius on December 06, 2020, 11:22:10 PM
This is plagiarism.  Extreme plagiarism:  It is a more sophisticated form of “text-spinning”.

Some of those who think that it is not plagiarism may be fooled by the language barrier.  I suggest taking a closer look at how the referenced English post is stitched together from others’ words.

Assembling an essay from (translated) copies of others’ words, in the manner as if they are your own words, and then placing links to “sources” at the bottom, makes it appear as if you referred to the “sources” as the sources of information for text that you wrote yourself.  —Which is plagiarism.  In substance.  By definition.

Rikafip’s initial remark ( is correct as to the substantial essence of the matter.  Ratimov’s deflection that this is not academia is a misdirection.

It makes no sense to quote further, since the rest of the text is also plagiarism.

How many words does Ratimov actually write by himself on this forum?  ::)

And this is the case not only with this article, but with everyone. How else can you get 3000 Merits? And so it will be as long as there are people who encourage plagiarism by sending it merit.

Besides stealing credit for authorship, this also devalues the effort of those who produce original work.

I say this based on personal experience with the time and effort required to produce a post of length, scope, and quality comparable to the referenced post which claims to be “by” Ratimov, but instead is slapped together from pieces of others’ work.

For the record:  For over two weeks, I have been planning an action related to the Russian forum which idiots may now mistake as being incited by this.  It is the reason for several of the exclusions that I made 2020-11-21, which barely missed Loyce’s 2020-11-21 scrape (  It has been delayed by distractions from the forum’s most highly trusted trolls, and by IRL personal tasks.

I didn’t know that Ratimov was stitching together posts from words written by others.  I did know that plagiarism and other wrongdoing are unaccountably acceptable behaviour in the judgment of Russian DTs.

I dislike the growing trend of plagiarism accusations being used as a political weapon on this forum.  I further dislike the trend of brushing off valid accusations with ad hominem diversionary responses to alt accounts.

Emphasis is in the original:
I don't have a problem with alt accounts as long as they're not used for evading bans. If you're hesitant to say something controversial because you don't want it to be associated with your name, please create an alt account and say it.

I sometimes find it helpful to read a post without looking at its author’s name.  That applies both to good posts, and to things that come off as surprisingly... otherwise.

For example, when Lauda was correctly accused in May, neither Lauda nor I made the idiotic ad hominem “n00btroll, go away” brush-off.  Although I infer that person behind that particular account probably had a malicious anti-Lauda motive for expending the effort to dig up those six-year-old posts (!), the use of an alt account was unnecessary in that case:  I know from private discussion that Lauda would not have retaliated for a correct accusation made on the basis of sound evidence.  Furthermore, both Lauda and I merited a different Newbie account’s thoughtfully presented inculpatory analysis of her posts (  The argument thereby stated was cogent, professionally presented, and apparently not malicious despite its harshness towards Lauda; I thought that it was meritorious.

Compare Ratimov’s response here:  Shoot the messenger.

It's okay, just another idiot-troll who, not understanding the situation, runs screaming in the meta, hoping to make some kind of sensation. What a pity that he spent so much time decorating the text, but did not find the time to read my topics more carefully.  :D

I don’t care who OP is, or what his motive is, if he brings a valid accusation backed by evidence.

Please address the substance of the matter.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist (Ratimov)
Post by: nullius on December 07, 2020, 06:09:19 AM
5. Was lauda removed from being a merit source for this and did anyone suggest he should be ?

Lauda was never a merit source.  You see, CH, this is a large part of your problem:  You often state factually untruthful misinformation.  It is doubly a shame, because you sometimes have some good points—and you undermine them by being, shall we say, “careless with the facts”.  Truthfulness is of the utmost importance to me; that is why I so admired Lauda, and always will.

Now, my post was about Ratimov.  The point of the Lauda contrast that I made halfway through my post was about Ratimov.  Ratimov has chosen to deal with this accusation by shooting the messenger, and denying that plagiarism is plagiarism.  About Ratimov:

In this case it is probably enough it had now been mentioned.

Why don’t you think that this is at least as bad as what many others have been punished for, if not much worse in substance?

A casual copy-and-paste is bad enough.  OP’s highlighting make it easy to see, this is an instance of systematically assembling text piecewise from others’ words.  And Ratimov has essentially admitted that he copied the text from someone else.

The post is very recent, earned 7 merits, and no doubt increased Ratimov’s reputation with some of the more intelligent users of the forum.  I myself happened across that post recently, and intended to merit it and reply.  (If I want to reply to something, I usually wait until I reply to send merit.)  I am shocked to see that it actually is not his.

And this is the case not only with this article, but with everyone. How else can you get 3000 Merits?

No, you can get thousands of merits with much more knowledge and effort than Ratimov evidently has.

I am not very familiar with Ratimov’s post history.  “...not only with this article”?  Have evidence?

I may perhaps be a little bit less adamant—just a little bit—

  • —if there were any ambiguity whatsoever in the apparent authorship of the body text of the post.  I viewed the post itself (, not only OP’s quote.  I sincerely tried to guess how a reader could discern that the text of the post actually quotes is spun from others’ words.  No way.  It is impossible to view the “source” links at the bottom as a mark of authorship:  Any reasonable person would see them purely as footnotes referring to sources of information, not as authorship credits.  Indeed, although I did not fully check the whole post, he seems to mix informational references with “sources” as authors.
  • —if Ratimov did not deny in principle that it is plagiarism to post something written by someone else, fully in the manner as if he is the author.
  • —if Ratimov had not chosen to reply with an ad hominem attack against an accusation brought with evidence

    It's okay, just another idiot-troll who, not understanding the situation, runs screaming in the meta, hoping to make some kind of sensation.

    —and by ridiculing the bringing of evidence (!).

    What a pity that he spent so much time decorating the text, but did not find the time to read my topics more carefully.  :D

    These knee-jerk reactions must stop!  Posts by anonymous parties, alt accounts, and “Newbies” (who may sometimes simply be longtime lurkers) should be judged by whether they are good are bad.  Most are bad—but then, many posts by “Legendary” accounts are also bad.

    I have always acted according to this principle.  In my prior experience, I have been accused of scamming by an anonymous alt account who apologized to me after, instead of attacking him as an “alt sockpuppet troll”, I acknowledged that his evidence against someone associated with me was correct, and I coöperated fully in the investigation of that scammer.  I am actually quite thankful to whoever was behind that account:  The investigation that he started saved me from getting sucked deeper into a scam by someone who had fooled me.  If I had started off by attacking him ad hominem on the basis of his using an obvious alt account, then my reputation would have been fried after theymos showed up with IP evidence that it was a known scammer—and I would have deserved it.  It was only my own sincerity and avoidance of knee-jerk reactions that saved me from saying, “go away n00btroll!” to the investigator who blew the lid off one of the most infamous scams of the past few years on this forum.

If they themselves have punished others for plagiarism that is different.
That would demonstrate double standards especially if they had used the trust system to do so.

Now stop this bullshit because this is exactly the kind of crap DT1 colluding goons are going to pull on you.

I am curious to see what lovesmayfamilis has to say about this.  (Among other things in the Russian forum.)

lovesmayfamilis Trusts these users' judgement:

44. Ratimov (;u=2627711) (Trust: (;u=2627711)  +9 / =0 / -0) (DT1! (11) 2983 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (

As for me, don’t worry—nobody will “pick me apart”.  ;-)  I will reply to you in the other thread another time; I am trying to catch up on some other things now.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: Harlot on December 07, 2020, 09:50:54 AM
Maybe the quick solution for this is besides adding the sources of the article the OP should also take not that majority of the post is "translated in English" from a particular article. I double checked the article in forklog and I can say majority of the post content also the pictures use are from that article. So maybe to avoid future debate regarding with post taken from another article you should make it clear that it is a translation from one article, with that people who think it is plagiarism will just leave you alone.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: jademaxsuy on December 07, 2020, 10:23:46 AM
Actually if we will go down on this matter if we will going to write a book or any research studies then there are rulings for this on how to quote and how to acknowledge the author or the real article and definitely it is not about copying and pasting. But there is no ruling here that this type of publishing is considered as plagiarism. This is not considered plagiarism in this forum as long as the source has been acknowledge completely different when you write research studies and or articles.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: wooI_Ioow on December 07, 2020, 09:24:28 PM
This is plagiarism.  Extreme plagiarism:  It is a more sophisticated form of “text-spinning”.

Thumbs up on this.

Besides stealing credit for authorship, this also devalues the effort of those who produce original work.

Stealing is an integral part of a rat. First I was thinking of him as of CPM but perhaps CPR would be more appropriate for this shitposter. You know,  his  Ratimov handle is not for nothing.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: Scam Exposey on December 07, 2020, 11:29:51 PM
I agree with nullius this time this is text spinning and also he do that just to get more merits here.

Imagine that? He do it for so many times, many users has been on  bad shape for doing that and if Ratimov can escape this then there's a problem with the system here.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist (#2627711 “Ratimov”)
Post by: nullius on December 08, 2020, 06:00:31 AM
This is one of the two worst plagiarisms that I have ever yet seen on this forum.  (The other is something that I found in the Russian forum—which, as aforementioned, I have been intending to report.)  It is not obvious, the way that it is presented in OP; OP’s retroversion to Russian does not show that Ratimov’s English-language post is almost entirely a straight copy-paste.  Insofar as I can tell, Ratimov wrote exactly two sentences of this long post in his own words.

It is obvious when you do what OP suggested, which nobody actually did:  Compare Ratimov’s English post with the Google translation of Ratimov’s so-called “source”.  Ratimov did a total rip-off!

When I have other posts to write (and other things to do in my life), I just spent several hours neatly formatting the Google translation of Ratimov’s “source” in BBcode, collating it with Ratimov’s plagiarised post, and packaging it with this explanation.  —All to show the nature of a post which Ratimov evidently slapped together in a few minutes, for which he received much praise.  ::)

I often spend hours of painstaking effort on one post.  I know that some other high-merit users invest similarly.  I have earned 2080 merits.  Ratimov copies and pastes Google translations of others’ work.  Ratimov has earned 3017 merits.  Why should anyone bother, when it is so easy to earn merits with copy and paste?

OP, good work.  I would send you merit on your throwaway account there, if I were not trying to save up some sMerits now.  Perhaps a merit source should merit you.  Perhaps LoyceV or suchmoon, who are so strongly against copypasta posts?

The Collation

Forward links:  Plagiarised Post (#post_ratimov_plagiarism); Original (#post_forklog_original).

Colour codes:

  • Text copied by Ratimov verbatim, or almost verbatim.
  • Text closely paraphrased by Ratimov.  Some of this “paraphrasing” may be a straight copy and paste; Google Translate does not give the exact same results every time.
  • Extraordinarily weird machine translation errors that Ratimov did not even bother to fix.  Emphasizes the essential copy-paste nature of this post.  ::) ::) ::)
  • In the original, this text was copied or closely paraphrased/text-spun by Ratimov.

It is recommended to open this post in two different browser windows, and compare the highlighted plagiarism with the highlighted original side-by-side.  The forum’s format does not admit any adequate representation of such a collation.

Where multiple paragraphs in the original were combined into one paragraph by Ratimov, I have preserved the original paragraph breaks with corresponding breaks in the highlighting.

Observe that all internal quotations and images in Ratimov’s post were also simply copied by him from the original.  Ratimov essentially reproduced a cut-down version of the Google Translate English version of a Russian article, and presented it as his own work—with a link to the original tossed into the middle of a list of so-called “source” links at the bottom.

This is not presented a translation of a Russian article, with appropriate credit given to the author, Andrew Asmakov; and credit is also not given to the translator, Google.  It appears to be Ratimov’s article; whereas it is a straight copy-paste, no different than any other “copypasta” besides its breathtaking scope and audacity.

Plagiarised Post

N.b. the merits from reputable users, who would not knowingly merit a copy-paste.  As I noted earlier, I had intended to merit it myself, and to make a thoughtful reply.

Merited by DdmrDdmr (;u=1582324) (2), OgNasty (;u=18321) (1), ETFbitcoin (;u=359716) (1), mk4 (;u=886521) (1), 20kevin20 (;u=806196) (1), GazetaBitcoin (;u=1285797) (1)
In this article I would like to touch upon such a theme as online privacy. As we know, now is the period of a pandemic, and it is at this time that rights and freedoms are being infringed, including on the Internet. Governments are using the pandemic as an excuse to restrict access to information. It also expands the powers to monitor and implement new technologies aimed at digitizing, collecting and analyzing personal data of people without adequate protection from abuse. Countries are introducing new Internet rules to restrict the flow of information across national borders.

But any action on the part of the government immediately provokes opposition, especially on the Internet. Indeed, for many users, the principles of unhindered access to information and free expression are fundamental to the development of civil society and economic prosperity. The history of the world wide web is also the history of the struggle for basic human rights, the possibilities for achieving which have grown immeasurably with the development of technology.

Next, let's analyze the 5 most famous program documents published in the network, which still remain relevant, iincluding for cryptocurrency supporters.

1. The Conscience of a Hacker (

The first significant attempt to explain the philosophy of hackers was an essay, written in January 1986 and later published in the electronic journal Phrack, entitled The Conscience of a Hacker. It was written by a hacker from Texas called The Mentor, Loyd Blankenship. Referring to the collective image of the world of adults, including teachers who think in familiar patterns, Blankenship writes:

But did you, in your three-piece psychology and 1950's technobrain, ever take a look behind the eyes of the hacker?  Did you ever wonder what made him tick, what forces shaped him, what may have molded him?

I made a discovery today.  I found a computer.  Wait a second, this is cool.  It does what I want it to.  If it makes a mistake, it's because I screwed it up.  Not because it doesn't like me... Or feels threatened by me...Or thinks I'm a smart ass...Or doesn't like teaching and shouldn't be here...Damn kid.  All he does is play games.  They're all alike.

You bet your ass we're all alike... we've been spoon-fed baby food at school when we hungered for steak... the bits of meat that you did let slip through were pre-chewed and tasteless.  We've been dominated by sadists, or ignored by the apathetic.  The few that had something to teach found us will-ing pupils, but those few are like drops of water in the desert.

This is our world now... the world of the electron and the switch, the beauty of the baud.  We make use of a service already existing without paying for what could be dirt-cheap if it wasn't run by profiteering gluttons, and you call us criminals.  We explore... and you call us criminals.  We seek after knowledge... and you call us criminals.  We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias... and you call us criminals. You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you murder, cheat, and lie to us and try to make us believe it's for our own good, yet we're the criminals.

Yes, I am a criminal.  My crime is that of curiosity.  My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like. My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for.

I am a hacker, and this is my manifesto.  You may stop this individual, but you can't stop us all... after all, we're all alike.

Blankenship's work is often referred to as the beginning of a story of confrontation between online activists and the real world in general, which later grew into a struggle with governments. (
Lloyd Blankenship about the history of writing the Hacker's Manifesto. H2K2 Conference in 2002.

2. The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto (

In the 1970s, when the first working prototypes of the Internet appeared, the issue of protecting data in an open environment became relevant. In 1978, American cryptographer David Chaum developed a blind digital signature - a public key encryption model. It allowed the creation of a database of people who could remain anonymous, while guaranteeing the reliability of the information they provided about themselves.

Chaum also dreamed of digital voting, the process of which could be verified without disclosing the identity of the voter, but primarily digital cash. In the mid-1980s, he was able to create a model in which users made payments while maintaining anonymity and guaranteeing the reality of funds. On the basis of these developments, the movement of cryptographers was born, advocating computer technology as a means of destroying the state. The main ideologist of this movement was the former leading researcher at Intel Timothy May.

Inspired by Chaum's 1985 paper "Security without identification: transaction systems to make big brother obsolete," which described a system that cryptographically hides the customer's identity, May set about exploring public key cryptographic security. He was firmly convinced that, when combined with networked computing, this technology could "destroy the structures of social power." In 1988, May published The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto, an essay he wrote based on Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto:

A specter is haunting the modern world, the specter of crypto anarchy.

It says that information technology will allow people to manage their lives without governments, but through cryptography, digital currencies and other decentralized tools. The anonymity these tools bring should be a catalyst for profound social change.

Timothy May writes:

Computer technology is on the verge of providing the ability for individuals and groups to communicate and interact with each other in a totally anonymous manner. Two persons may exchange messages, conduct business, and negotiate electronic contracts without ever knowing the True Name, or legal identity, of the other. Interactions over networks will be untraceable, via extensive re- routing of encrypted packets and tamper-proof boxes which implement cryptographic protocols with nearly perfect assurance against any tampering. Reputations will be of central importance, far more important in dealings than even the credit ratings of today. These developments will alter completely the nature of government regulation, the ability to tax and control economic interactions, the ability to keep information secret, and will even alter the nature of trust and reputation.

According to May, the ideological foundation of The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto was anarcho-capitalism, a form of anarchism that emphasizes voluntary transactions and the free market. His essay was partly a source of inspiration for the first prototypes of Bitcoin, and many cryptocurrency proponents consider Timothy May to be one of those people who made a huge contribution to its ideological foundation. However, in 2018, when it was 10 years since the publication of the Bitcoin white paper, May stated that, observing what was happening, he experienced "some interest, a certain surprise and great disappointment", and that "Satoshi would vomit" if he saw all hype and yelling to the heavens and HODL, as well as ever tighter regulation.

In his opinion, attempts to "befriend" regulators are likely to kill the key use cases for cryptocurrencies, which should not be variations on PayPal or Visa.

3. A Cypherpunk's Manifesto (

Timothy May also pioneered the cypherpunk movement, which he founded in 1992 with John Gilmore and Eric Hughes to champion the ideals of privacy and technology openness. It is believed that the movement was born in one of the informal meetings with close friends organized by May, Hughes and Gilmore. Such meetings began to be held regularly, and in order to attract other people who shared the interests and core values ​​of the movement, an electronic mailing list called "Cypherpunk" was created. In a short time, she gained hundreds of subscribers who tested ciphers, exchanged ideas and discussed new developments. The correspondence was conducted using the latest encryption methods such as PGP.

The group members had heated discussions on topics of politics and philosophy, which, combined with the study of computer science, cryptography and mathematics, led to the emergence of the Cypherpunk Manifesto. The document containing the main ideological provisions of this movement was published in 1993 by the aforementioned Eric Hughes.

Cypherpunks write code. We know that someone has to write software to defend privacy, and since we can't get privacy unless we all do, we're going to write it. We publish our code so that our fellow Cypherpunks may practice and play with it. Our code is free for all to use, worldwide. We don't much care if you don't approve of the software we write. We know that software can't be destroyed and that a widely dispersed system can't be shut down.

For privacy to be widespread it must be part of a social contract. People must come and together deploy these systems for the common good. Privacy only extends so far as the cooperation of one's fellows in society. We the Cypherpunks seek your questions and your concerns and hope we may engage you so that we do not deceive ourselves. We will not, however, be moved out of our course because some may disagree with our goals.

The manifesto emphasized that privacy and secrecy are not the same thing:

Privacy is necessary for an open society in the electronic age. Privacy is not secrecy. A private matter is something one doesn't want the whole world to know, but a secret matter is something one doesn't want anybody to know. Privacy is the power to selectively reveal oneself to the world.

The ideas of cypherpunks were subsequently implemented to one degree or another in cryptocurrencies. The mailing list included the creator of the Proof-of-Work algorithm Adam Back, the authors of the b-money proposals Wei Dai and Bitgold Nick Szabo, the movement had a significant impact on the creator of Zcash Zuko Wilcox. And it was in the cypherpunk mailing list in October 2008 that someone under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto published the famous white paper "Bitcoin: A Digital Peer-to-Peer Cash System."

4. A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace (

In February 1996, the founder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), John Perry Barlow, published an iconic document called A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace, which is still considered a classic of Internet libertarianism. The document consisted of harsh and unprincipled statements addressed to world governments and became a response to the Telecommunications Decency Act signed before this US President Bill Clinton, with the help of which the authorities tried to censor the Internet. Barlow's goal was to show that if states are still able to set limits on the dissemination of seditious ideas in traditional media, then on the World Wide Web they are powerless and such attempts are doomed to failure. He did not set the goal of "freeing the Internet", because the Internet was and remains free, and cyberspace has an innate immunity to supreme power.

Governments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from Cyberspace, the new home of Mind. On behalf of the future, I ask you of the past to leave us alone. You are not welcome among us. You have no sovereignty where we gather.

We have no elected government, nor are we likely to have one, so I address you with no greater authority than that with which liberty itself always speaks. I declare the global social space we are building to be naturally independent of the tyrannies you seek to impose on us. You have no moral right to rule us nor do you possess any methods of enforcement we have true reason to fear.

Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. You have neither solicited nor received ours. We did not invite you. You do not know us, nor do you know our world. Cyberspace does not lie within your borders. Do not think that you can build it, as though it were a public construction project. You cannot. It is an act of nature and it grows itself through our collective actions.

You have not engaged in our great and gathering conversation, nor did you create the wealth of our marketplaces. You do not know our culture, our ethics, or the unwritten codes that already provide our society more order than could be obtained by any of your impositions.

You claim there are problems among us that you need to solve. You use this claim as an excuse to invade our precincts. Many of these problems don't exist. Where there are real conflicts, where there are wrongs, we will identify them and address them by our means. We are forming our own Social Contract. This governance will arise according to the conditions of our world, not yours. Our world is different.

We will create a civilization of the Mind in Cyberspace. May it be more humane and fair than the world your governments have made before.

Despite the fact that the act signed by Bill Clinton later in the same 1996 by a federal court decision was declared unconstitutional, the struggle of supporters and opponents of freedom on the Internet continues, and Barlow's "Declaration" will remain relevant for a long time. Governments continue to practice blocking resources, seizing servers, and even physical arrests to this day, but cyberspace has resisted that too. New encryption tools, anonymization and blocking bypass tools appear.

5. Guerilla Open Access Manifesto (

Time is like water - it flows and changes. The history of the struggle for fundamental rights on the Internet confirmed this when in 2008 the world saw the Guerilla Open Access Manifesto, by Aaron Swartz. (

According to Schwartz's manifesto:

Information is power. But like all power, there are those who want to keep it for themselves. The world's entire scientific and cultural heritage, published over centuries in books and journals, is increasingly being digitized and locked up by a handful of private corporations. Want to read the papers featuring the most famous results of the sciences? You'll need to send enormous amounts to publishers like Reed Elsevier.

"I agree," many say, "but what can we do? The companies hold the copyrights, they make enormous amounts of money by charging for access, and it's perfectly legal - there's nothing we can do to stop them." But there is something we can, something that's already being done: we can fight back.

But all of this action goes on in the dark, hidden underground. It's called stealing or piracy, as if sharing a wealth of knowledge were the moral equivalent of plundering a ship and murdering its crew. But sharing isn't immoral - it's a moral imperative. Only those blinded by greed would refuse to let a friend make a copy.

Large corporations, of course, are blinded by greed. The laws under which they operate require it - their shareholders would revolt at anything less. And the politicians they have bought off back them, passing laws giving them the exclusive power to decide who can make copies.

We need to take information, wherever it is stored, make our copies and share them with the world. We need to take stuff that's out of copyright and add it to the archive. We need to buy secret databases and put them on the Web. We need to download scientific journals and upload them to file sharing networks. We need to fight for Guerilla Open Access.

With enough of us, around the world, we'll not just send a strong message opposing the privatization of knowledge - we'll make it a thing of the past. Will you join us?

Recently, it is often said that due to the coronavirus pandemic, life will never be the same again. This is probably partly true. But one thing will remain unchanged - the human need for basic rights and especially in the global network, where the main activity is now taking place. This means the inevitability of the emergence of new technologies, and with them - and new attempts by the state machine to crush them under itself.

And the emergence of new manifestos outlining the agenda for the future is only a matter of time. However, they already appear (



Achtung!  Google Translate can give slightly, subtly different results on different runs; results are not guaranteed to be stable.  Nonetheless, the text that I obtained (including several errors) is, in pertinent part, almost word-for-word identical to Ratimov’s copy.

I, nullius, certify that the following text was copied by me from Google Translate, at the link hereby provided.

From hackers and cypherpunks to online freedom advocates - the internet's five programming manifestos

11/19/2020 • Andrew Asmakov
#the Internet#cryptanarchism#hackers#cypherpunks

According to a recent report by human rights organization Freedom House, the coronavirus pandemic has negatively impacted global internet freedom. For 10 years in a row, users have faced a general denial of their rights, a phenomenon contributing to the crisis of democracy around the world.

Experts have identified three trends that indicate a decrease in the level of freedom on the Internet:

  • Governments are using the pandemic as an excuse to restrict access to information.
  • Under the same pretext , ( powers are expanding ( to monitor and implement new technologies aimed at digitizing, collecting and analyzing personal data of people without adequate protection from abuse.
  • The race of "cyber sovereignty" - countries introduce ( their own Internet rules to restrict the flow of information across national borders.

As you know, any action causes opposition. This is especially true for the Internet, for many of whose users the principles of free access to information and free expression are fundamental to the development of civil society and economic prosperity.

The history of the world wide web is also the history of the struggle for basic human rights, the possibilities for achieving which have grown immeasurably with the development of technology.

We have collected five of the most famous policy documents published on the network, which still remain relevant, including for cryptocurrency supporters.

Hacker's manifesto

The first significant attempt to explain the philosophy of hackers was an essay, written in January 1986 and later published in the electronic journal Phrack, entitled " The Conscience of a Hacker." It was written by a Texas hacker named The Mentor, Loyd Blankenship .

At the time of writing, often referred to as the "Hacker's Manifesto," Blankenship was only 20 years old and had been arrested by the FBI shortly before that. The reasons for the arrest are not fully known, Blankenship himself claimed that "he did nothing wrong - he just went into the computer, which he should not have entered." The most likely explanation is the participation of the essay author in the cult hacker group Legion of Doom ( , which is considered one of the most influential organizations of its kind in the history of technology and was most active between 1984 and 1991.

Referring to the collective image of the world of adults, including teachers who think in familiar patterns, Blankenship writes:

“You, with your three-element psychology and the tech brain of the 50s, have you ever looked a hacker in the eye? Have you ever wondered what makes it move, what forces have shaped it? "

“Today I made a discovery. I opened my computer. Wait a second ... that's great! He does what I want. If he makes a mistake, it's because I screwed up. Not because he doesn't like me ... Or he is intimidated by me ... Or thinks that I am too smart ... Or does not like to study and should not be here ... "

“You’re willing to swear with your ass that we are all the same. At school we were all spoon-fed baby food, while we wanted a steak ... Those pieces of meat that we got were chewed and tasteless. "

“Now this is our world ... The world of electrons and switches, the world of the beauty of baud. We use existing systems without paying for what could be cheaper than dirt if not run by dirty speculators and you call us criminals. We investigate and you call us criminals. We are looking for knowledge ... and you call us criminals. We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious strife ... and you call us criminals. You build atomic bombs, you unleash wars, you kill, you cheat and lie to us, trying to make us believe that all this is for our own good. "

“Yes, I'm a criminal. My crime is curiosity. My crime is that I judge people not by how they look, but by what they say and think. My crime is that I am much smarter than you. This is something that you will never forgive me.

“I'm a hacker. And this is my manifesto. You can stop one of us, but you cannot stop us all ... after all, we are all the same. "

Blankenship's work is often referred to as the beginning of a story of confrontation between online activists and the real world in general, which later grew into a struggle with governments. She was also noted by the creators of the film "Hackers" ( with Angelina Jolie in one of the roles, including an excerpt from the revised edition of "Manifesto".

[Youtube embed screenshotted by Ratimov for the forum] (
Loyd Blankenship on the history of the Hackers Manifesto. H2K2 conference in 2002.

Blankenship himself later worked for the Austin-based company Steve Jackson Games ( , which develops tabletop role-playing and card games. He was the author of GURPS Cyberpunk ( , a set of rules for cyberpunk worlds that the US Secret Service removed ( from the company's office in 1990 after a raid, calling it "a guide for cybercriminals."

In 2014, after working as a programmer, technical writer and game designer at various companies, Blankenship became a private security consultant, and since 2016, according to his LinkedIn profile ( , he has been working at McAfee, where he leads the department of user interface design for applications and enterprise products. ...

Cryptanarchist manifesto

In the 1970s, when the first working prototypes of the Internet appeared, the issue of protecting data in an open environment became relevant.

In 1978, American cryptographer David Chaum developed a blind digital signature - a public key encryption model. It allowed the creation of a database of people who could remain anonymous, while guaranteeing the reliability of the information they reported about themselves.

Genesis Archives: David Chaum's eCash and the birth of the cypherpunk dream Some people are born ahead of their time. They consider their ideas and views to be extremely simple and often wonder why society either does not take them seriously or rejects them as something alien. Progress almost always faces fierce resistance from the status quo, but it wins in the long run. Dr. David Chaum was one of those who were born an "astronaut" ... Read more (

Chaum also dreamed of digital voting, the process of which could be verified without revealing the identity of the voter, but primarily digital cash.

In the mid-1980s, he was able to create a model in which users made payments while maintaining anonymity and guaranteeing the reality of funds. On the basis of these developments, the movement of cryptographers was born who advocated computer technology as a means of destroying the state.

The main ideologist of this movement was the former leading researcher at Intel Timothy May .
Timothy May

Inspired by Chaum's 1985 paper "Security Without Identity: A Transactional System That Will Make Big Brother Anachronistic," which described a system that cryptographically obscures the customer's identity, May set about exploring public key cryptographic security. He was firmly convinced that, when combined with networked computing, this technology could "destroy the structures of social power."

In 1988, May published The Cryptanarchist Manifesto ( , an essay he wrote based on Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto:

"A ghost wanders the modern world, the ghost of cryptanarchy."

It says that information technology will allow people to manage their lives without governments, but through cryptography, digital currencies and other decentralized tools. The anonymity these tools bring should be a catalyst for profound social change.

“Computer technology has come very close to providing individuals or groups of people with the ability to communicate and interact completely anonymously ... This will completely change the nature of government regulation, the ability to collect taxes and control economic interaction, the ability to keep information secret and even change the nature of trust and reputation. "- wrote Timothy May.

According to May, the ideological foundation of the Cryptanarchist Manifesto was anarcho-capitalism, a form of anarchism that emphasizes voluntary transactions and the free market.

What is cryptanarchism? 1 What is cryptanarchism? Cryptoanarchism is a variation in which cryptographically secure anonymization technologies, digital pseudonyms, and digital money are used to bypass government controls such as surveillance, censorship, and taxation. 2 How did cryptanarchism begin? In the 1940s, Western intelligence agencies began to explore the idea of ​​having the recipient of a message participate in the encoding process. In 1973, a British mathematician ... Read more (

His essay was partly a source of inspiration for the first prototypes of Bitcoin, and many cryptocurrency proponents consider Timothy May to be one of those people who made a huge contribution to its ideological foundation.

However, in 2018, when it was 10 years since the publication of the Bitcoin white paper ( , May stated ( that, observing what was happening, he experienced "some interest, a certain surprise and great disappointment", and that "Satoshi would vomit" if he saw all hype and screaming to the heavens and HODL, as well as ever tighter regulation.

“I don’t know how Satoshi wanted his creation, but I don’t think his vision included cryptocurrency exchanges with their draconian identity verification and anti-money laundering laws, account freezes and mandatory cooperation with intelligence agencies on the subject of“ suspicious activity ”. It is highly likely that all this chatter about governance, regulation and blockchain will result in the creation of a society of total supervision and control, where everyone will have a personal file, ”Timothy May said then.

In his opinion, attempts to "befriend" regulators are likely to kill the key use cases for cryptocurrencies, which should not be variations on PayPal or Visa.

Timothy May coined the ( term "Four Horsemen of the Infocalypse" ( , which refers to drug trafficking, money laundering, terrorism and pedophilia, used by governments to intimidate and justify restrictions on cryptography and, as a result, restrictions on privacy and anonymity.

In December 2018, at the age of 66, Timothy May died ( of natural causes at his California home.

Cypherpunk Manifesto

Timothy May also pioneered the cypherpunk movement, which he founded in 1992 with John Gilmore ( and Eric Hughes to ( champion the ideals of privacy and technology openness. It is believed that the movement was born in one of the informal meetings with close friends organized by May, Hughes and Gilmore.

Such meetings began to be held regularly, and in order to attract other people who shared the interests and core values ​​of the movement, an electronic mailing list called "Cypherpunk" was created. In a short time, she gained hundreds of subscribers who tested ciphers, exchanged ideas and discussed new developments. The correspondence was conducted using the latest encryption methods such as PGP.

Bitcoin and privacy - how cypherpunks realize the dream of a free internet of the future They write code. Their code is open to everyone and can be used free of charge. But they don't do it out of altruism - they know that someone in this world has to write code and create programs that help protect privacy. They are convinced that privacy, including from government agencies, whose attention to the private life of people with everyone ... Read more (

The group members had heated discussions on topics of politics and philosophy, which, combined with the study of computer science, cryptography and mathematics, led to the emergence of the Cypherpunk Manifesto ( . A document containing the main ideological provisions of this movement was published in 1993 by the aforementioned Eric Hughes .

“Cypherpunks write code. We know that someone has to keep writing code to protect information, and since we see no other way to protect our data, we keep writing code. […] Our code is available to anyone on earth. We don't care too much that some people don't like what we do. We know that our programs cannot be destroyed, and the growing network cannot be stopped. "

“Confidentiality is essential for an open society in the digital age. […] Confidentiality in an open society requires the use of cryptography. […] We cypherpunks are called to create anonymous systems. We protect our privacy with cryptography, anonymous email forwarding systems, digital signatures, and electronic money. [...] Cryptography will inevitably spread throughout the world, and with it the systems of anonymous transactions that it makes possible. "

The manifesto emphasized that privacy and secrecy are not the same thing.

“A private matter is something that, in the opinion of a person, the whole world does not need to know, and no one should know about a secret matter at all. Privacy is the ability to choose what information about yourself to reveal to the world. "
Eric Hughes

The ideas of cypherpunks were subsequently implemented to one degree or another in cryptocurrencies. The mailing list included the creator of the Proof-of-Work algorithm Adam Back , the authors of the b-money ( proposals Wei Dai and Bitgold ( Nick Szabo , the movement had a significant impact on the creator of Zcash ( Zuko Wilcox .

And it was in the cypherpunk mailing list in October 2008 that someone under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto published the ( famous white paper "Bitcoin: A Digital Peer-to-Peer Cash System."

Cyberspace Declaration of Independence

In February 1996, the founder of social organization Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) , John Perry Barlow published a cult document entitled "Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace» ( (A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace), and today is considered a classic of Internet libertarianism.

The document consisted of harsh and unprincipled statements addressed to world governments and became a response to the Telecommunications Decency Act, signed before this US President Bill Clinton, with the help of which the authorities tried to censor the Internet.

Barlow's goal was to show that if states are still able to set limits on the dissemination of seditious ideas in traditional media, then on the World Wide Web they are powerless and such attempts are doomed to failure. He did not set the task of "freeing the Internet" because the Internet was and remains free, and cyberspace has an innate immunity to supreme power.

<<<vimeo video>>>

“Governments of the Industrial World, you are weary giants of flesh and steel; my Motherland is Cyberspace, the new home of Consciousness. On behalf of the future, I ask you, who have everything in the past, - leave us alone. You are superfluous among us. You do not have supreme authority where we are gathered. "

“We did not choose a government, and it is unlikely that we will ever have one, so I appeal to you, having a power not greater than the one with which freedom itself speaks. I declare that the global public space we are building is by nature independent of the tyranny you seek to impose on us. You have neither a moral right to rule over us, nor methods of coercion that could really frighten us. "

“Governments are truly empowered by the consent of those they rule. […] You declare that we have problems for you to solve. […] Many of these problems do not exist. Where there are real conflicts and shortcomings, we will identify and eliminate them by our own means. We establish our own Social Contract. This mode of government will arise according to the conditions of our world, not yours. Our world is different. "

“You are terrified of your own children, because they feel at home in a world in which you will always be immigrants. Because you are afraid of them, you cowardly shift your parenting responsibilities to the bureaucratic apparatus. […] Your increasingly obsolete information industry would like to perpetuate its dominance by pushing laws - both in America and elsewhere - requiring ownership of speech itself around the world. "

“These increasingly hostile colonial measures put us in a position in which the adherents of freedom and self-determination found themselves in their time, forced to reject the authority of a remote uniform power. We must declare the freedom of our virtual selves from your dominion, even if we agree that you continue to dominate our bodies. We will spread our "I" throughout the planet so that no one can arrest our thoughts. "

“We will create a civilization of Consciousness in Cyberspace. Let it be more humane and honest than the world that your governments have created before. "

Despite the fact that the act signed by Bill Clinton later in the same 1996 by a federal court decision was declared unconstitutional, the struggle of supporters and opponents of freedom on the Internet continues, and Barlow's "Declaration" will remain relevant for a long time.

Governments continue to practice blocking resources, seizing servers, and even physical arrests to this day, but cyberspace has resisted that too. New encryption tools, anonymization and blocking bypass tools appear.

“I’m completely free to talk to Edward Snowden anytime I want, even though the NSA guys would like to know when and what we’re talking about,” John Barlow told Wired ( in 2016 , calling it further proof that governments from the physical world have no real power on the internet.

On February 7, 2018, John Barlow, who also wrote the lyrics for the legendary rock band Grateful Dead, died at the age of 70 at his San Francisco home. As Wired tech reporter Stephen Levy wrote ( in an obituary, the "bard of the internet" is gone.

The guerrilla manifesto on open access

Time is like water - it flows and changes. The history of the struggle for fundamental rights on the Internet confirmed this when in 2008 the world saw Aaron Schwartz's “Guerrilla Manifesto on Open Information” ( .

[Youtube embed screenshotted by Ratimov for the forum] (

According to Schwartz's manifesto:

“Information is power. But, as is usually the case with power, there are those who want to have it alone. The entire world scientific and cultural heritage, published over the centuries in various books and magazines, is rapidly being digitized and hidden from prying eyes by a handful of private corporations. "

“I agree,” many say, “but what can we do? The companies own the copyrights and make a lot of money. And this is completely legal. There is no way we can stop them. "

“But all of this is happening in a dark underground. This is called theft or piracy. […] But sharing information is not immoral. This is a moral imperative. Only those blinded by greed do not agree with this. "

“Big corporations are undoubtedly blinded by greed. This is required by the laws according to which they function. Their shareholders will rise up if profits are missing. And politicians bought by corporations cover them up, inventing the laws they need. "

“We need to take information, wherever it is stored, make copies of ourselves and share them with the world. We need to take materials that are not copyrighted and add them to the archive. We need to buy secret databases and make them freely available. We need to download scientific journals and upload them to file-sharing networks. We must fight for Guerrilla Open Access.

"With enough of us around the world, we will not only send a compelling message against the privatization of knowledge, we will leave this system in the past."

Born in 1986 in Chicago, Schwartz lived a short but extremely vibrant life, bursting, like Jim Morrison in the 1960s, on the other side of the information space.

Already at the age of 14, he became a co-author of the RSS 1.0 specification, after which he worked under the guidance of the creator of the Internet Tim Berners-Lee at W3C. Schwartz got into the first program at Y Combinator with startup Infogami, which later merged with the popular site Reddit and later worked on projects such as Open Library, Creative Commons, and

Another contribution of the Internet legend is the creation of Deaddrop, later renamed SecureDrop ( , a platform for anonymous information leakage ( , which is used by the world's largest media. The list of projects to which Schwartz had a hand is endless.

On January 11, 2013, at the age of 26, Aaron Schwartz committed suicide. Shortly before that, he was charged with hacking into the computer network of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), on the aggregate of which he could face up to 35 years in prison.


Recently, it is often said that due to the coronavirus pandemic, life will never be the same. This is probably partly true. But one thing will remain unchanged - the human need for basic rights, and especially in the global network, where the main activity is now taking place.

This means the inevitability of the emergence of new technologies, and with them - and new attempts by the state machine to crush them under itself.

And the emergence of new manifestos outlining the agenda for the future is only a matter of time. However, they are already appearing ( .

Subscribe to ForkLog news in Telegram: ForkLog FEED ( - the entire news feed, ForkLog ( - the most important news and polls.

#the Internet #cryptanarchism #hackers #cypherpunks

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: nutildah on December 08, 2020, 07:27:38 AM
Not plagiarism. He referenced the sources at the end of the post (as was noticed in post #2 of this thread, yet here we are on page 2).

Is there an example of someone who has been banned for plagiarism after including sources in their post? If you can find that, that would be a convincing argument that a new standard needs to be developed. However, it would appear that we are good with the standards we have now.

As far as the whole CM campaign angle is concerned, Ratimov works harder than most people here and I can't think of many more deserving of a spot in the campaign.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: witcher_sense on December 08, 2020, 07:51:15 AM
As far as forum rules go, providing the source is enough. Even just adding quotes ([quote] or "...") without giving a source would probably be enough to avoid a ban. Contrary to popular belief, the plagiarism rule and application thereof is very lenient. It's usually fine as long as moderators can see that the user didn't intend to pass the text as their own.

It is due to the fact that bitcointalk forum is not a literature forum where writers are competing with each other in eloquence and writing, where plagiarism is strictly prohibited. However, unlike on this forum, on literature forums, there are specific and clear rules regarding what plagiarism is (the notion of plagiarism is strictly defined) and what can be considered plagiarism (if all the rules are not strictly followed by a writer, it is plagiarism).

Let us take a look at the rules regarding plagiarism, which I found on some literature forum.

See Forum Rule # 6


6. If you are going to refer to or use content from other sites, authors, or entities, you must include a link or citation for it.

You cannot copy and paste entire articles, stories, poems, or etc. from other sites or entities as that is copyright infringement, and contributes nothing to discussion.

You should not need more than a few lines, sentences, or maybe a paragraph, to make your point in reference to the topic/discussion.

From ; “Under the fair use doctrine of the U.S. copyright statute, it is permissible to use limited portions of a work including quotes, for purposes such as commentary, criticism, news reporting, and scholarly reports.”

Passing off others’ work as your own, whether unintentionally or purposefully, is copyright infringement, and the Literature Network abides by the Copyright Laws of the United States of America and of other countries where applicable.

Even if Ratimov were a writer and posted his articles on the said literature forum, he would barely be considered a plagiarist because he followed at least 2 out of 3 rules. Moreover, given that the first rule is the same as that on bitcointalk forum and Ratimov strictly followed it, he cannot be considered plagiarist on this forum whatsoever.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist (#2627711 “Ratimov”)
Post by: nullius on December 08, 2020, 08:04:03 AM
nutildah must be high on LSD ( right now, at this particular moment.  And people on this forum generally have no idea what plagiarism is:  They call insubstantive copy-pastes of uncreative material “plagiarism” (e.g., RegulusHR), but deny that extreme, definitional plagiarism is plagiarism.

What Is Plagiarism?

Plagiarism is usually defined as a discrete offense, a specific failure to give credit to a particular source. But it actually raises a much more fundamental question for writers: “Where is my voice in this project?” Seen in this light, the strategies that help you avoid plagiarism can also be strategies that help you gain power as a writer. Once your guiding question about your relationship to sources is “Where is my voice?” you are well on your way to using sources in an effective and legitimate way.

Plagiarism is the use of another’s work, words, or ideas without attribution. The word “plagiarism” comes from the Latin word for “kidnapper” and is considered a form of theft, a breach of honesty in the community. Plagiarizers suffer serious consequences.

But beyond the risk of penalties, there are urgent moral and intellectual reasons to avoid plagiarism. When you write, you’re joining an ongoing conversation. When you plagiarize, you join that conversation on false grounds, representing yourself as someone you are not. What is more, the act of stealing another’s words or ideas erases your voice.

You must always make clear in your written work where you have borrowed from others.

- [NSFW]

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: JaneAhonen on December 08, 2020, 08:54:03 AM
Let us take a look at the rules regarding plagiarism, which I found on some literature forum.

See Forum Rule # 6


You should not need more than a few lines, sentences, or maybe a paragraph, to make your point in reference to the topic/discussion.

Read this again. It says that you dont need more then few sentences but he copies whole articles.How about that?

He is doing that all the time.Google translating  russian articles from forklog website
6 Fundamental Reasons Why Bitcoin is Growing  (
Majority of text google translated from

Lets all start google translating articles from other languages and opening new topics.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: Frengki_cisco on December 08, 2020, 08:59:06 AM
The game of round one is over.
Answered all problems.
Not included in the plagiarism category.

In fact it was. Look deeper,  he made copypaste of English phrase, verbatim and litteratim, not giving a reference link. But even this doesn't matter, he is spamming by copypasting content created by other authors and this is pinnacle.
Before you accuse other people of plagiarism you must see something applied by the Bitcointalk forum owner.

Read carefully and understand the contents, the essence of the rules of Plagiarism.

Common rule violations

These are the most common rule violations that newbies make. There are other rules than these.

  • Plagiarism: If you copy some text from somewhere, then you should have a good reason for it, and you must link to the source. Doing otherwise is plagiarism. Changing a few words around doesn't matter. If we find that you plagiarized, then you absolutely will be permanently banned, even if we find it years after you did it.

What Ratimov did was not the fault and offense as you are accusing.

So, let me ask you again.
Did Ratimov do what is stated in the above rules, if he did and put the source or changed some words, Ratimov's answer does not qualify as a plagiarism violation.

Now a second battle is at stake, I spend 2-4 hours reading, what do I see here the accusations against Ratimov.
In my assessment based on the rules made and said by the owner of the Forum BitCointalk.

Ratimov = Not classified as plagiarism.

If, as Ratimov wrote breaking the rules here, PM themmos, delete all the rules written above.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: mdayonliner on December 08, 2020, 09:02:47 AM
Archived version of the accused topic:

I did not go for the entire topic of this thread ( but just wanted to see what the case is by comparing with google translation. My findings are below for only with the beginning part
From the OP:
From accused topic:

Let's do some sampling...

Пpaвитeльcтвa иcпoльзyют пaндeмию кaк пpeдлoг для oгpaничeния дocтyпa к инфopмaции. Oн тaкжe pacшиpяeт пoлнoмoчия пo мoнитopингy и внeдpeнию нoвыx тexнoлoгий, нaпpaвлeнныx нa oцифpoвкy, cбop и aнaлиз личныx дaнныx людeй бeз нaдлeжaщeй зaщиты oт злoyпoтpeблeний. Cтpaны ввoдят нoвыe пpaвилa Интepнeтa, чтoбы oгpaничить пoтoк инфopмaции чepeз нaциoнaльныe гpaницы.

Google translation
Governments use pandemic as a prerequisite to limit access to information. It also expands the power of monitoring and introducing new technologies aimed at digitizing, collecting and analyzing the personal data of evil people. Countries are introducing new Internet rules to limit the flow of information across national borders.
On the thread
Governments are using the pandemic as an excuse to restrict access to information. It also expands the powers to monitor and implement new technologies aimed at digitizing, collecting and analyzing personal data of people without adequate protection from abuse. Countries are introducing new Internet rules to restrict the flow of information across national borders.

для мнoгиx пoльзoвaтeлeй пpинципы бecпpeпятcтвeннoгo дocтyпa к инфopмaции и cвoбoднoгo выpaжeния мнeний имeют ocнoвoпoлaгaющee знaчeниe для paзвития гpaждaнcкoгo oбщecтвa и экoнoмичecкoгo пpoцвeтaния. Иcтopия вceмиpнoй пayтины - этo тaкжe иcтopия бopьбы зa ocнoвныe пpaвa чeлoвeкa, вoзмoжнocти для дocтижeния кoтopыx нeизмepимo выpocли c paзвитиeм тexнoлoгий.

Google translation
for many users, the principles of unrestricted access to information and free expressions of opinion are of fundamental importance for the enjoyment of enjoyment The history of the world of patina is also the history of the struggle for basic human rights;
On the thread
for many users, the principles of unhindered access to information and free expression are fundamental to the development of civil society and economic prosperity. The history of the world wide web is also the history of the struggle for basic human rights,

The original source is of course

Let's say it's not plagiarism but is this something that the topic author (@Ratimov) can claim that is his own too?
No he can not.

But if we start reading the topic will anyone question at the first glance that the above samplings are not @Ratimov's own contents?
No. The way it has presented, no one will have any doubt that it's not @Ratimov's own contents unless we would see this topic from the OP

Question to those merit senders (DdmrDdmr (2), OgNasty (1), ETFbitcoin (1), mk4 (1), 20kevin20 (1), GazetaBitcoin (1)),

Did it look like the introduction (2 paragraphs) was entirely the author's (@Ratimov) own words when you sent the merits?
I am sure the answer will come Yes

Does it look like that it's just a lazy translation with some tweaks and you are feeling annoyed now?
The possible answer, Yes.

@Ratimov, you wanted to craft it in such a way that you wanted the credit of the article to be your own. This is not right either if this is not plagiarism.
If I would sent you merit then I would regret it after discovering this tactics.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist (#2627711 “Ratimov”)
Post by: nullius on December 08, 2020, 09:03:22 AM
We don't give a shit what your particular definition of plagiarism is.

That wasn’t my definition of plagiarism, you self-made nutcase.  I copied and pasted that definition of plagiarism from Yale.EDU.  Wasn’t it obvious?  ::)

You must always make clear in your written work where you have borrowed from others.

- [NSFW]

So, I guess that you “don’t give a shit” what Yale University tells its faculty and students about plagiarism.  That is acceptable:  There is no reason for anyone to give a shit about your opinion.  (Drop the presumptuous “we”.  It is obviously not a royal “we”, for there is nothing royal about you; and it cannot be an editorial “we”, for you are an awful writer.)

literal nobodies

Ah, so you finally noticed my nym.  You know how when somebody takes the username, “BitcoinBillionaire”, “VIP Boss”, or “Supergenius”, it is usually the opposite of the truth?  ;-)
No one is a god.

mdayonliner, even if you didn’t want to read the whole 2-page thread, a skim would have informed you that I already spent several hours doing a a full side-by-side collation of the English (  Good work on the parts that you caught, but there was much more—actually, the whole thing except for the first two sentences which were based on the Asmakov article, but apparently expressed in Ratimov’s words (insofar as I can tell).

Lets all start google translating articles from other languages and opening new topics.
^^^ This.  Sums it up.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: mdayonliner on December 08, 2020, 09:43:15 AM
Are we going to question every single mistake and "mistake" when sending merit, especially to member who aren't merit source?
No, I am not.
I am trying to make a point here that those who sent merit to that topic, never thought that was not crafted in such a way so that it looks like OP's own contents.

Also have a look on the new discovery about the same contents: Use of article spinner and plagiarism (

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: nutildah on December 08, 2020, 09:54:25 AM
I am trying to make a point here that those who sent merit to that topic, never thought that was not crafted in such a way so that it looks like OP's own contents.

If I see sources underneath a post, quite often that's enough for me to skip meriting it as I don't have unlimited merits and prefer wholly original thought.

I don't have a problem with those who do merit such posts. If they find the information valuable and wouldn't have seen it if Ratimov hadn't posted it, that's all that really matters.

We're not a literary forum, we're a forum about bitcoin.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: mdayonliner on December 08, 2020, 09:59:36 AM
I don't have a problem with those who do merit such posts.
I too have no problem.

Just to clear again,
Question to those merit senders (DdmrDdmr (2), OgNasty (1), ETFbitcoin (1), mk4 (1), 20kevin20 (1), GazetaBitcoin (1))
Guys I am not accusing any of you because you sent merit. I am trying to find out that when you sent the merits you did not know that those contents were not @Ratimov's own.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist (#2627711 “Ratimov”)
Post by: nullius on December 08, 2020, 10:00:35 AM
As I myself observed further up the thread, the problem with the merits is not with the senders—to the contrary!  I myself almost sent merit to this post.  I would have felt cheated if I had.  It is one of the reasons why I am focused on this topic—one of many good reasons.

N.b. the merits from reputable users, who would not knowingly merit a copy-paste.  As I noted earlier, I had intended to merit it myself, and to make a thoughtful reply.

Why is this post not showing up?  It seems still to be available; and I have not received any notification of a deleted post.  But it does not show on the thread.  Is there now an actual shadow-ban function on this forum?

I believe that this succinctly illustrates the problem with Ratimov’s copy-paste jobs, which I had deliberately mimicked with a copied-and-pasted post of my own:

Explanations are now added in red for the dullards here:
We don't give a shit what your particular definition of plagiarism is.

That wasn’t my definition of plagiarism, you self-made nutcase.  I copied and pasted that definition of plagiarism from Yale.EDU.  Wasn’t it obvious?  ::)

[Almost all of the snipped text here was copied and pasted from Yale.EDU.]

You must always make clear in your written work where you have borrowed from others.  [← Copying and pasting ends here.]

sources:  [A misleading list of “sources” just like Ratimov’s, with the copied and pasted page linked in as #3 out of 7 links.]
- [NSFW]

So, I guess that you “don’t give a shit” what Yale University tells its faculty and students about plagiarism.  That is acceptable:  There is no reason for anyone to give a shit about your opinion.  (Drop the presumptuous “we”.  It is obviously not a royal “we”, for there is nothing royal about you; and it cannot be an editorial “we”, for you are an awful writer.)

[...some parts snipped here...]

Lets all start google translating articles from other languages and opening new topics.
^^^ This.  Sums it up.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: tranthidung on December 08, 2020, 11:59:46 AM
- Copy-paste, this is when I find interesting material, and there is nothing special to add, it is beautiful and so, so I transfer it almost in its original form.
- This is a statement in your own words of the very essence of several other people's articles,
- This is a completely original topic, where I collect material from scratch. These are usually very large lists.
Some opinion:
  • It is not an academic forum.
  • I read in the past that the forum is the only one (not include academic forum) has a rule on plagiarism. Not sure about the correctness of this info. If yes, at least the forum is the first forum has such rule (bitcoingarden has a rule for plagiarism after community made proposal but the rule is not strict as in this forum)
  • The forum has its rule on plagiarism but it does not have a rule on Verbatim plagiarism. So why not skip the Verbatim plagiarism?
  • The willingness to share something is good but don't abuse it. I don't say you are abusing it either. Honestly, you are one of very good members on the forum. Topics you share are selective and have high quality. I admire you because of this. It means you are knowledgeable and have good selective process. I did not read most of them but say thanks by the way.
  • If you don't earn merit (in fact you earned a lot), no one cares about it. It means something.
  • If the style is not accepted, the forum (list of unofficial rules) needs to be updated and violations after that day will be judged and bans will be applied. For now, skip it and move on
  • If the community need a rule for Verbatim plagiarism, raise a proposal, and admin will make his approval decision

I am not a fan of copy, paste, spin and mix original paragraphs and topic creator's opinion, honestly.

For the accusation on text spinning, translation, etc, I don't want to spend time to look at the complicated investigation.  ;)

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist (#2627711 “Ratimov”)
Post by: nullius on December 08, 2020, 12:00:04 PM
Unfortunately, many did not realize that they got to the Bitcoin forum, and not to the forum with completely original content. Here, really original content, maybe 10%, the rest is all a copy-paste of finished materials or partial use of someone else's material.

My jaw just dropped:  Is this person a DT1 and a merit source!?  —Ratimov, have you no shame?


Plagiarism has always been unacceptable here.  theymos has generally expressed that he despises plagiarism, ever since the days when Satoshi was still here:

The article is full of plagiarism from Bitcoin Market and

I desire attribution for my contributions.
This latter post confuses plagiarism with copyright, which is one of my pet peeves; but at least theymos’ heart was in the right place there.

The material is submitted with all references to primary sources and whoever knows how to analyze information will immediately understand that this is not an author's creation.

Nonsense.  On the face of your English-language post, it would require magical psychic powers to discern that you had posted a Google translation of Russian-language link #3 of 7 in your so-called “sources” list.

Your “references” to “sources” were only a cover-up to hide the source and dishonestly deny credit to the author.  You had only one source, which you totally ripped off and misrepresented as if it were your own original work.  ‘Kidnapped’, per the Latin etymology of the word “plagiarism”.

I observe that you did not even mention the name of the actual author.  The author’s name is Andrew Asmakov.  I am thus far the only one to have identified the author by name.  The author of the article—the one who deserves the credit for it!

Will I create topics like the one discussed here? I certainly will. And I don't care if someone doesn't like something,

It is a gross violation of forum rules.  One of the two worst plagiarisms that I have yet seen here, as I said.

Clowns-trolls who come here to write from the alts, it's generally not even worth attention to answer something to them.

Your despicable response is the very worst part of this.

You act with full intentions.  You are remorseless.  You blame anybody who accuses you.

What a contrast to this (for much less extensive bad posts that had occurred five years before, had never been repeated, and which I actually believe to have been unintentional):

Username: Lauda
Profile link:;u=101872
Thank you for reporting these.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: JaneAhonen on December 08, 2020, 01:07:14 PM
If I said that I am the author of these articles, even if there are links to the original, it would be a different moment. And what you thought there is already another moment.

When you wrote In this article I would like to touch upon such a theme that sounds like you wrote that article.That sentence should be started with In this article  Andrew Asmakov touched  upon such a theme...

Nonsense.  On the face of your English-language post, it would require magical psychic powers to discern that you had posted a Google translation of Russian-language link #3 of 7 in your so-called “sources” list.

Only reason why he inserted 7 sources is to appear like he invested hard work while compiling many different articles and texts.In reality all he did is google translated 1 article and then shared few more sources that were inside that article to look better.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist (#2627711 “Ratimov”)
Post by: nullius on December 08, 2020, 01:36:06 PM
If I said that I am the author of these articles, even if there are links to the original, it would be a different moment. And what you thought there is already another moment.

When you wrote In this article I would like to touch upon such a theme that sounds like you wrote that article.That sentence should be started with In this article  Andrew Asmakov touched  upon such a theme...

Good catch, and a very important point.  I am not sure how I missed that.

  • If you republish a text written by another person,* it is critical to put the author’s byline up top, in a prominent position!
  • Ratimov flat-out lied about the authorship of the post.
    In this article I would like to touch upon such a theme as online privacy. As we know, now is the period of a pandemic, and it is at this time that rights and freedoms are being infringed, including on the Internet.  [—text fully copied from a Google translation of an article written by Andrew Askamov—]

Now, who will give me credit for my being the first to mention on this thread the most important part, the author’s name, which everybody else has ignored?  Hah.

* Assuming arguendo that this is allowed by forum rules as an OP.  I don’t think it is, generally; though there are some nuances in the rules here, IIUC.

Nonsense.  On the face of your English-language post, it would require magical psychic powers to discern that you had posted a Google translation of Russian-language link #3 of 7 in your so-called “sources” list.

Only reason why he inserted 7 sources is to appear like he invested hard work while compiling many different articles and texts.In reality all he did is google translated 1 article and then shared few more sources that were inside that article to look better.

That, too.  In addition to hiding the actual source.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: DdmrDdmr on December 08, 2020, 05:22:38 PM
<.> Question to those merit senders (DdmrDdmr (2), OgNasty (1), ETFbitcoin (1), mk4 (1), 20kevin20 (1), GazetaBitcoin (1)),

Did it look like the introduction (2 paragraphs) was entirely the author's (@Ratimov) own words when you sent the merits?
Since I’m quoted here for meriting (albeit this being an irrelevant fact) the thread being deconstructed, I’ll provide my input as to what I saw when reading through the referenced thread.

What I saw was an elaborate thread, that contained interesting information, far from the usual type of content, and that was appealing to read. I’ve already merited @Ratimov multiple times, so there was no need to vet the content like I often do with first-timers. By vet, I mean see if there was a reference to the source, and determine whether the content surpassed the copy/paste that many newly created accounts resort to (without link -> plagiarism; with link -> unsubstantial post in general).

I did enjoy the read, and the structure looked like the typical layout of a posting author’s compiled and worded set of comments, with embedded verbatim quotes. I therefore did assume, as I’d generally do on mentally vetted profiles, that the non-quoted parts of the post were indeed essentially @Ratimov’s wording, not original content, since drafting original content when laying out historical information is not that common.

I do recall seeing the reference to the sources, and clicking on the first two. Having no wish for further readings on the topic at the time, and being thrown back by the (understandable) format of the first two sources (*), I scrolled back to the top, pressed the Merit button, and went for my puffed-up hyper generous procedure of awarding 2 sMerits (as opposed to my mean 1 sMerit usual).

Now is this plagiarism?
It depends on the prism we are using. From the perspective of the forum, the reference/s are there, so it complies with what is ordinarily common law around here, and cannot be deemed as Bitcointalk rule-type interpreted tradition plagiarism, as (unofficial) rules stand. From an academic point of view, any thesis with this degree of non-original wording would be pointed out, and the author would by all means fail his thesis.

When are we going to have a original wording indicator (percentage) for each post?
I would certainly take it into heavy consideration when meriting, but I guess this question surpasses the meriting factor.

(*) The third source is of course the key, but being in Russian, I would probably not have really looked at it upon reflecting on the fact, thus missing the visually similar layout, which, dealing with a vetted profile, I would probably not have looked into.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist (#2627711 “Ratimov”)
Post by: nullius on December 08, 2020, 06:24:41 PM
Internal quotation fixed so as to make mdayonliner’s meaning clear:
<.> Question to those merit senders (DdmrDdmr (2), OgNasty (1), ETFbitcoin (1), mk4 (1), 20kevin20 (1), GazetaBitcoin (1)),

Did it look like the introduction (2 paragraphs) was entirely the author's (@Ratimov) own words when you sent the merits?
I am sure the answer will come Yes
Since I’m quoted here for meriting (albeit this being an irrelevant fact) the thread being deconstructed, I’ll provide my input as to what I saw when reading through the referenced thread.

It is not irrelevant.  As I myself said before mdayonliner raised this issue, in the internal quotation:

As I myself observed further up the thread, the problem with the merits is not with the senders—to the contrary!  I myself almost sent merit to this post.  I would have felt cheated if I had.  It is one of the reasons why I am focused on this topic—one of many good reasons.

Plagiarised Post

N.b. the merits from reputable users, who would not knowingly merit a copy-paste.  As I noted earlier, I had intended to merit it myself, and to make a thoughtful reply.

Merited by DdmrDdmr (;u=1582324) (2), OgNasty (;u=18321) (1), ETFbitcoin (;u=359716) (1), mk4 (;u=886521) (1), 20kevin20 (;u=806196) (1), GazetaBitcoin (;u=1285797) (1)

I therefore did assume, as I’d generally do on mentally vetted profiles, that the non-quoted parts of the post were indeed essentially @Ratimov’s wording, not original content, since drafting original content when laying out historical information is not that common.

Now, don’t you feel cheated that you sent merit to Ratimov for a rip-off Google Translate copy of another author’s work?

By the way, I know that there are people here, including myself, who do draft original content on this forum—including in “laying out historical information”.  Ratimov’s plagiarism cheapens their (our) work.

Now is this plagiarism?
It depends on the prism we are using.

Definitional plagiarism is plagiarism.

From the perspective of the forum, the reference/s are there, so it complies with what is ordinarily common law around here, and cannot be deemed as Bitcointalk rule-type interpreted tradition plagiarism, as (unofficial) rules stand.

Nonsense.  A buried, unlabelled reference at the bottom of a long post which begins with an explicit claim of this being Ratimov’s article—say what!?

From an academic point of view, any thesis with this degree of non-original wording would be pointed out, and the author would by all means fail his thesis.

Wrong.  With “this degree of non-original wording” in an academic thesis (!), i.e. all but the first two sentences (!!), the plagiarist would be expelled from university and permanently blacklisted from admissions.  Furthermore, any degrees previously awarded may be retroactively stripped, depending on the circumstance.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: NotATether on December 08, 2020, 11:18:00 PM
The problem is that when you want to share an article you found on a website to interested people on bitcointalk, there doesn't exist a way to do it. The alternatives don't accomplish what you want.

1. If someone wants to share an article and posts this:
Hey everyone, I found an interesting article about <X> you all should read, it's at https://<BLOG-URL>

Most of the people who you want to read it won't, because they are apprehensive of clicking unknown links.

2. There is no "Share" button on bitcointalk where you can send an article you read to a new thread for others to read (such a feature would be heavily abused too).

So I think the best solution is, to include the sentence "I am not the source, this information came from the following articles:" at the end, before the list of links. Even though it is generally accepted that including links to articles you derived information from is a form of attribution (and attribution absolves you from claims of plagiarism), it looks like some people overlook this, and want to see a more prominent form of attribution.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: nutildah on December 08, 2020, 11:33:11 PM
This is the only definition of plagiarism that matters:

Common rule violations

These are the most common rule violations that newbies make. There are other rules than these.

  • Plagiarism: If you copy some text from somewhere, then you should have a good reason for it, and you must link to the source. Doing otherwise is plagiarism. Changing a few words around doesn't matter. If we find that you plagiarized, then you absolutely will be permanently banned, even if we find it years after you did it.

Copied text from somewhere: check.
Has a good reason for it: check.
Link to the source: check.

Ergo, Ratimov did not commit plagiarism as defined by the admin of the forum. Any case to be made that Ratimov should still be punished should be based on evidence that other users have been banned for plagiarism even after including the source, which AFAIK has never happened.

Lauda and cryptohunter, on the other hand, both committed plagiarism according to these standards. It's pretty clear if you are able to set emotional judgment aside.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist (#2627711 “Ratimov”)
Post by: nullius on December 09, 2020, 04:37:02 AM
So I think the best solution is, to include the sentence "I am not the source, this information came from the following articles:" at the end, before the list of links.

Why at the end?  That is inverted thinking, especially because the forum’s format gives a byline for the author of every post:  The poster’s username.  That is up top.

In general (ignoring weird edge cases), the only acceptable way properly to give credit for lengthy copied material is to present the actual author’s name (and, if applicable, the source hyperlink) on a byline prominently displayed at the top of the copied material.  Cf. the forum’s <quote> block format, which attributes a quotation at the top thereof.

Anything else here is either improper attribution, or plagiarism, depending on whether the person doing it has made a good-faith effort to cite the source.  Last month, I quoted an academic writing resource’s explanation of the difference. (  Somebody who appears to have tried to cite the source, and made a mistake, deserves guidance (if appropriate, via a polite PM).  Somebody who prefaces the copied material with text unavoidably implying authorship thereof, and buries a source link in a tiny-text list of links at the bottom, has clearly committed plagiarism.

This is the only definition of plagiarism that matters:

Common rule violations

These are the most common rule violations that newbies make. There are other rules than these.

  • Plagiarism: If you copy some text from somewhere, then you should have a good reason for it, and you must link to the source. Doing otherwise is plagiarism. Changing a few words around doesn't matter. If we find that you plagiarized, then you absolutely will be permanently banned, even if we find it years after you did it.

Copied text from somewhere: check.
Has a good reason for it: check.
Link to the source: check.

Ergo, Ratimov did not commit plagiarism as defined by the admin of the forum. Any case to be made that Ratimov should still be punished should be based on evidence that other users have been banned for plagiarism even after including the source, which AFAIK has never happened.

nutildah’s illogical hairsplitting and rules-lawyering over a mechanistic parsing of a quote demonstrates empirically that using LSD can permanently compromise one’s powers of judgment and reasoning.  PSA:  It is an irreparably damaging “experience (” that young people should avoid!

Pro tip nutildah:  Twisting theymos’ words to cover burying a tiny “source” link in the middle of a misrepresented list of “source” links, at the very bottom of a copied-pasted post that (a) did not name the original author, (b) dishonestly claimed Ratimov’s authorship (“In this article I...”), shows only that you yourself are mentally deranged and/or malicious and dishonest.  All of the above, I think.

Going by your own standards, Lauda should have been banned for plagiarism.
Lauda and cryptohunter, on the other hand, both committed plagiarism according to these standards. It's pretty clear if you are able to set emotional judgment aside.

nutildah, your obsessive, unjustified cryptohunter-style attack on Lauda is also quite revealing.  CH, it is such a nice secret fan club you have here!  Now, watch me pick them apart.

  • What Lauda did was orders of magnitude less-bad in scope and in level of dishonesty than Ratimov’s plagiarism.  nutildah perversely inverts the truth in comparing the two.  Lauda never intentionally ripped off whole posts from foreign language articles, laundered them through an automated translator, and then posted them as new topic OPs prefaced by a line dishonestly claiming authorship (“In this article I would like to touch upon...”).
  • If Lauda had done that, and/or if Lauda had reacted to the plagiarism accusation the same way as Ratimov has, then I would have eaten kitty-chops, extra rare (, with a nice Chianti.

    I was about ready to dine on feline fillet; and I grilled Lauda about this in private.
    A bank’s KYC/AML compliance officer once tried to test me.  I was critical ( of his discourteous intrusion.

    She did not, because she was an honest person.  Nobody is perfect.  At the baseline, honest people who are caught in some past wrongdoing (usually due to sincere mistakes) do not attack the accuser, declare that wrongdoing is right in principle, and remorselessly insist that they will keep doing wrong.

    Username: Lauda
    Profile link:;u=101872
    Thank you for reporting these.

    In the circumstance, Lauda did the best to make right that she could do without a time machine.  In private, that was also the first time that, among other ( things, I heard her mention the idea of requesting a self-ban—in the manner of kitty seppuku.  I had to talk her out of it.  For obvious reasons, I did not want to disclose that publicly at the time when all of Lauda’s enemies were demanding that she be banned.

    the way of the warrior (
    if your friend self-eviscerates
    beheading is friendship (
    Base image source: The Gist of Japan: The Islands, Their People, And Missions, Rev. R. B. Peery, A.M., Ph.D. (1897), p. 85,
    via Wikimedia Commons (

    I don’t think that that had anything to do with what happened in October.  Her activity did drop off a cliff after May; but from my view of the situation, I think that it was probably a coincidence—probably.  Anyway, nutildah and cryptohunter can now both celebrate together that “the banned plagiarist Lauda” is gone!
  • If Lauda had done anything like this anytime recently, I would have seen it differently.  Ratimov is committing extreme plagiarism much worse than anything that Lauda ever did, and he is doing it right now.

That is reality.  If you don’t like it, o nutty nutildah, take another hit of acid to make it go away.  ::)

P.S., protip for nutildah and suchmoon:  Pretending to ignore me renders you (even more) impotent as a debate opponent.  It also makes you look silly to the audience, when you reasonably need to respond to something that I said.  Awkward!  Please keep doing it.  Thanks.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: suchmoon on December 09, 2020, 04:49:06 AM
So I think the best solution is, to include the sentence "I am not the source, this information came from the following articles:" at the end, before the list of links. Even though it is generally accepted that including links to articles you derived information from is a form of attribution (and attribution absolves you from claims of plagiarism), it looks like some people overlook this, and want to see a more prominent form of attribution.

There are many ways to make it clear what the source is:

Quote from: some dude, definitely not me
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Some dude said: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. -- some dude

However this:

I think that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Some of the above text may have been copied from some dude.

... is misleading even though it's not a bannable offence. Why do this when you can do it properly without making anyone guess what is copypasta and what isn't? I can understand newbies fumbling with quotes but more experienced posters should know better.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist (#2627711 “Ratimov”)
Post by: nullius on December 09, 2020, 05:23:24 AM
...even though it's not a bannable offence.

Why not?  It is a clear-cut textbook example of definitional plagiarism.

I think it mostly fits the description of “Source-based Plagiarism” in the Plagiarism Spectrum 2.0 ( (infographic PDF (, though what Ratimov did is worse insofar as he clearly made himself appear to be the original author of the text.  Really, what Ratimov did is just old-fashioned plagiarism with some duplicitous double-talk about “sources”.

I don’t think that everything on that spectrum is applicable outside academia—in particular, “self-plagiarism”.  If e.g. a forum member were habitually to copy and paste his own articles into the forum from his own website, then it would not be “plagiarism” in any meaningful sense here; but it may be spamming, which is also against the rules.  Anyway, some of the concepts on that infographic are certainly useful in this discussion.


However this:

I think that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

long text

[...lots ’o links...]
- https: //
[...moar moar links!...]

... is misleading, and definitely plagiarism

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: ScumBuster on December 09, 2020, 09:37:04 AM
I have assembled a few quotes from theymos. Bold added by me throughout. Italics present in originals.

For it to plagiarism, you have to have the intention of passing the text off as an original work by you. In all of these recent cases (unless we make a mistake, which is rare), it's extremely obvious in context that the person is copy/pasting to make money. Usually they're copy/pasting someone else's post and not adding anything else, in fact, which makes it very clear.
Plagiarism is what gets people permabanned, not just copying. Plagiarism is copying with the intent of passing the work off as your own.

In this article I would like to touch upon
In this article I would like to touch upon
In this article I would like to touch upon

I cannot think of how one could show the "intent of passing work off as one's own" any more than an opening sentence like this.

From an academic point of view, any thesis with this degree of non-original wording would be pointed out, and the author would by all means fail his thesis.
the plagiarist would be expelled from university and permanently blacklisted from admissions.

The path forward is decided then. Submitting a Google translated article in its entirety, even with a link at the bottom, would get you expelled from a university, no questions asked.

Anything that'd get you expelled from a university for plagiarism (which all of the above-banned examples would) will get you permabanned from this forum, regardless of your rank.

If someone copy/pasted something that was amazingly high-quality and on-topic, I'd understand more (though you'd still get banned)

Here, really original content, maybe 10%, the rest is all a copy-paste of finished materials or partial use of someone else's material.

This is eye opening. Thinking that 90% of content here is plagiarized speaks volumes to his character, is at odds with the purpose of the forum, and is a truly pathetic excuse.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: friends1980 on December 09, 2020, 11:30:44 AM

In this article I would like to touch upon
In this article I would like to touch upon
In this article I would like to touch upon

I cannot think of how one could show the "intent of passing work off as one's own" any more than an opening sentence like this.

I could, though.

For instance, by not posting any sources. His post is more than just the first phrase. The fact that the link is there among other links, or the fact that other people have thought this post was original (therefore Merited it), are not relevant. The link is there completely in the open (maybe surrounded by other links, but it's there), which is probably enough to at least create enough "reasonable" doubt about the good or bad intentions of the poster. At least, that's what I think, but we are not the judges in here, the mods are and it's up to them to decide.

That being said, I do think you're playing with fire, Ratimov. You're a respected, high-Merited member of this forum, but your "I would like to" phrase would probably not have passed the jury, had you been a low-ranked newbie shitposter.

Also, you shouldn't set every advice in this thread aside as if they were only negative comments from "clowntrolls". There's enough signs that enough people have been misled about the way you formulated your opening phrase and the style of your article. If that happens once, it's not your fault. But if you'd continue to post articles in the same way, without taking into account some of these warnings above, it could raise questions about your intentions after all.

My two cents, and just a friendly suggestion to formulate your stuff more carefully.


Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: 20kevin20 on December 09, 2020, 01:20:14 PM
Question to those merit senders (DdmrDdmr (2), OgNasty (1), ETFbitcoin (1), mk4 (1), 20kevin20 (1), GazetaBitcoin (1)),

Did it look like the introduction (2 paragraphs) was entirely the author's (@Ratimov) own words when you sent the merits?
I am sure the answer will come Yes

Does it look like that it's just a lazy translation with some tweaks and you are feeling annoyed now?
The possible answer, Yes.
So I'll come out in a neutral position to express my opinion, especially since I've merited the accused topic. I'm a non-native English speaker, so I have to often confront translation issues myself. Thought it would be nice to give an answer to this thread.

To answer your first question, I honestly never contemplated whether it was Ratimov who wrote the introduction or it was taken from one of the sources mentioned below. To be fair, the fact that the thread starts with "In this article I would like to touch upon" does make it seem like Ratimov was the one to write and compile the topic from zero but I, at least personally, do not necessarily feel offended by it.

Now for the second question of yours, I have mixed feelings. If Ratimov wanted to hide the fact that the original article was not written by him, he could've used his own words and do a complete translation and rewrite of the text. And had he done that, we all would've accused him for text spinning and plagiarism. Would you feel less "cheated" on by Ratimov if the translation wasn't a "lazy" one but a complete rewrite of the original article instead?

Having seen a lot of threads throughout my BTCTalk experience, I thought Ratimov's thread deserved a merit especially since it's well organized and the information he's provided is interesting, not that easy to discover and different to what you usually see around here. I often see threads that are either completely uninteresting or have a very bad layout. I often struggle organizing my own threads and find myself not being able to make it pleasant to the eye even after hours of editing, so I always appreciate well-written posts.

I also know what it takes to write a thread well enough to be appreciated by others over here. From what I've seen, most of the CM participants have a long history of high quality posts and so I don't really feel like checking their posts for plagiarism. And while I do kinda feel like he's "cheated" since I spend hours and hours on a post written from zero to earn the same/less merit than Ratimov does for a copied one, I do not consider I have the right to complain in this situation since I have not bothered to check the sources beforehand (and even if I did, the key source is in an unknown language to me anyway).

As far as I've seen, copied posts are allowed on the forum as soon as you mention the sources in the footer. Ratimov's threads do have the sources mentioned, so I think having an issue about Ratimov not mentioning the author's name is a bit far-fetched since I don't think I've seen someone else do that when quoting/copying information from a source.

But on the other hand, I don't agree with Ratimov's POV either ("Chipmixer pays for 50 posts, that is, I write about 20 posts for free"). While the maximum amount of paid posts is 50 and you exceed it by 20 more, you cannot ignore that a part of your recent merit comes from these "free" posts that you copy from other websites when you know that the high amount of appreciation is one of the probable reasons DS accepted you (and is still keeping you) in the campaign he manages.

As I said, I am neutral in this situation though. I do not feel like being necessarily cheated for giving the merit, and if that thread does not deserve it then I'm sure there are many others written by Ratimov which do - so if that's the case, then take it as if I have given him a merit for all his work on the forum so far. I take it as plagiarism when there's no source mentioned - and Ratimov did mention the exact sources, which should go in tandem with the forum rules. The fact that the official definition of plagiarism does not fit the forum's is a different thing.

Hopefully my reply comes in as a helpful one for the accusation - and, hopefully, no hard feelings to whoever reads this. :)

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist (#2627711 “Ratimov”)
Post by: nullius on December 09, 2020, 03:11:50 PM
Regardless of how some “people” defend the indefensible, I doubt that a reputable signature campaign manager will want to waste his client’s money paying a plagiarist to spam the forum with Google translations of articles written by others.  ::)

It's okay, just another idiot-troll
You are wasting your time. Clowns-trolls who come here to write from the alts, it's generally not even worth attention to answer something to them.
Merit summary for airfinex

Merit: 5

Sent in the last 120 days

Received in the last 120 days

  • December 08, 2020, 07:49:15 PM: 5 from DarkStar_ (;u=507936) for Merit Source - Plagiarist (

It’s okay, just another idiot-troll meriting a clown-troll.  You are wasting your time.  It’s generally not even worth attention to answer.

Before drawing such conclusions, you must understand that English is not my native language and I cannot create completely English texts myself, without auxiliary tools.

Here I can be someone who is familiar with both Russian and English:

Phrase: Xoтeлocь бы в этoй cтaтьe зaтpoнyть and phrase: я xoтeл бы в этoй cтaтьe зaтpoнyть translated by Google is VERY EQUALLY. Even though the original word "I" may not be mentioned:

Ratimov is misdirecting with an attempt to divert an English-speaking audience into a debate over the finer points of Russian grammar, by exploiting a loophole in Google’s low-quality, error-ridden automated translation.

Ironically, he thereby implicitly admits that his Google-translated shitposts are inaccurate, “zero or low value, pointless or uninteresting posts or threads” that violate Rule #1 (  Anyway, let’s cut the nonsense.

Ratimov claims to provide translations.  Only an outright scammer would make a name for himself by providing translations to a target language in which he lacks even the most basic facility.  As an English speaker myself, I think that the English-speaking audience will agree with me that if Ratimov did not notice the meaning and implication of the first-person pronoun “I” in the very first sentence of his post—in one of only two sentences that he himself wrote in the post, then he should not even be engaging regularly in English-language discussions—let alone offering any translations to English!


  • For someone who not only posts regularly in the English forum, but offers translations to English, it is incredible for him to allege that he just didn’t realize that the sentence he prepended to a copy-paste used the word “I” in a way that claims ownership of the article.  It is an excuse tantamount to, “The dog ate my homework.”  By far, the most probable explanation is that he is lying and making up a cover story, now that he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
  • The evidence in that initial, added sentence, “In this article I would like to touch upon...” dovetails with the evidence that he (a) he provided no byline naming the author of the article, and (b) he deceitfully buried the link to the original in tiny text, amidst an anonymous, unexplained, misrepresented list of links at the bottom.

    If he had honestly represented the authorship of the post by naming the author prominently at the top (or even at all), then it may be arguably just a little bit plausible that he got confused with a contradictory English preface.  Not so, when each and every indicium of authorship is that Ratimov wrote the post.

We need not reach the questions (plural) of whether he really used Google Translate to create that sentence, and if so, what he really typed into it:  The questions are nugatory, whereas anyone who is regularly active in the English forum could damn well see what the output meant.

For the record:  I would not apply the same argument to someone who exclusively, or almost exclusively posted in a Local forum.  But then, such a person would not be spamming the English-language forums with Google translations of articles written by other people; thus, the question would not arise.

The fact that the link is there among other links, or the fact that other people have thought this post was original (therefore Merited it), are not relevant. The link is there completely in the open (maybe surrounded by other links, but it's there), which is probably enough to at least create enough "reasonable" doubt about the good or bad intentions of the poster. At least, that's what I think, ...

That does not only strain credulity:  It shatters it into a thousand pieces, stomps on it, then douses it with petrol and lights it ablaze.

Credulity is well and truly dead here.  (Unless you also seriously believe that confirmed science proves that you should short Bitcoin at high leverage.)

Furthermore, certainty beyond a reasonable doubt is not hereby the proper standard of evidence (  I argue that these forum issues should be judged on the preponderance of the evidence.  (That said, the doubt about the intent of mashing an unlabelled source link into a tiny list of links is unreasonable doubt.)

At this juncture, I should also point out that as I was unaware when I entered this thread, Ratimov has previously had plagiarism accusations for copied-pasted posts with “source” links at the end.  For example:

Re: Report plagiarism (copy/paste) here. Mods: please give temp or permban as needed
yours, verbatim and litteratim, is today's.
Ratimov keeps doing the same thing, copying whole articles and  then sharing reference link at the end. He just did it again.

How do Crypto exchanges stack up based on different metrics? (

It is true that he shared link from Medium article he copied the content from, but whats the point of those topics since it is a word for word copy?

The referenced post:

[—looooong wall of 100% pure copy-and-paste—]

Source: (
Note:  The “source” link thereby is in normal-sized text.  The post is still at best improperly attributed; and if done not in ignorance of the issue, it is plagiarism.

Overall, the weight of the evidence is that Ratimov hides the foreign-language “source” link to evade the accusations that are brought when people can actually find the “source”.

The following is only Meta issue insofar as it shows that Ratimov is acting in bad faith from start to finish.  If he abuses his current DT1 status in a pitiable attempt to intimidate and retaliate against me, it goes to character; and it tends to demonstrate that he is lying about his intentions with his plagiarized post.

It is otherwise a Reputation issue; but it is too stupid for me to feel like bothering with a Reputation thread over it right now.  Retaliation for negative trust feedback that will be of business/trade-risk interest to signature campaign managers who don’t want to be cheated into paying for Google-translated plagiarism?  LOL.  Srsly?

/me yawns.

Trust summary for Ratimov

Trusted feedback

nullius (;u=976210)2020-12-08Reference (, remorseless plagiarist. Used Google Translate to translate an article from Russian to English, prefaced a condensed version thereof with the claim, “In this article *I* would like to touch upon...”, buried a link to the original Russian article in the middle of a small-text list of links at the bottom, and posted that as a topic OP in the English-language forum. Denies that this is plagiarism (!), and attacks *ad hominem* those who accuse him of plagiarism (!!). Dishonest and untrustworthy.

Sent feedback

nullius (;u=976210)2020-12-08Trust abuse. Stupid lying idiot and whiner. He wrote me some kind of nonsense in the trust, entirely based on his fantasies. From the point of view of the rules of the forum, this text, to which he refers, does not violate anything. He breaks something there only in his sick head. Don't trust this troll.

Well, there I go again, using my “main account” to stand up for right over wrong.  ::)

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: wooI_Ioow on December 09, 2020, 03:28:12 PM

Before drawing such conclusions, you must understand that English is not my native language and I cannot create completely English texts myself, without auxiliary tools. And of course in the original there were no 'I' and there cannot be. I always create any theme in Russian and then convert it to English. Of course, the same Google or I myself can make some mistakes that I can find out about later or notice myself.

And now regarding the phrase that they are trying to inflate here, because there is nothing more to find fault with, let's start to find fault with the little things:

Here I can be someone who is familiar with both Russian and English:

Phrase: Xoтeлocь бы в этoй cтaтьe зaтpoнyть and phrase: я xoтeл бы в этoй cтaтьe зaтpoнyть translated by Google is VERY EQUALLY. Even though the original word "I" may not be mentioned:

Here's an example:

Now let's see my version of the text:

In this article I would like to touch upon such

If I originally wrote an article in the first person, then after the phrase In this article there would be a comma(according to google translate, because we have already figured out that I used it when creating the English version of the text), but I don't have it. Because the storytelling is never in the first person. So it can translate, but in the original there were no such words as "I" and could not be.

Therefore, all these would-be detectives, when they try to find fault with any word, think superficially. They never check everything thoroughly. The first thing that saw, they immediately ran to report. And then it's funny to read it.

Another attempt to ascribe false authorship to me is bursting at the seams again. ;)

Crap, you were posting to English boards. Linguists said both Russian phrases allude they are in the first person. Apart of being plagiary you are DT abuser who deliberately sent  me a neg  for your own advantage  after  I showed up  plagiarism in your posts ,

If Ratimov plagiarized something, it's the job of mods to ban him for that

however it's the job of DT to ~ him for trust abusing.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: JaneAhonen on December 09, 2020, 05:05:21 PM
If I originally wrote an article in the first person, then after the phrase In this article there would be a comma(according to google translate, because we have already figured out that I used it when creating the English version of the text), but I don't have it. Because the storytelling is never in the first person. So it can translate, but in the original there were no such words as "I" and could not be.

So you want to say that  you couldnt write sentence In this article I would like to touch upon such a theme as online privacy. by yourself in english and you had to write in russian first and then translate ?
If that is the case you shouldnt even write in english board,if you cant write simple sentence without google translate.Otherwise anyone can use google translate to write in other boards as much as they want.


Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: johhnyUA on December 09, 2020, 10:57:28 PM
I don't want to read the whole thread and this should be left to mods, but it would be better to tell why this happened. At first, all people with registration date after 2017 are very suspicious to me, especially russians (i know at least one big russian forum,  MMPG where bitcointalk bounties were advertised as "easy money", with all related consequences).

This is sad, not because people from post USSR so bad, rather it's hard to think about anything except money if your salary is around 200 dollars (I see such "philosophy" every day around me).

So average noob came here without being interested in crypto as a technology, hence he don't know (and don't want to learn) anything valuable about crypto. What he's able to do?

- "fight scams"
- "translate (mostly) useless shit which in any way belongs to the subject"
Sometimes, not often, write a useless (mostly) guides which very often it's just a rewriting of older guides, or the same guides (in terms of meaning) but from other sources. We in our russian local board already have a lot of guides about sending transaction offline, how much priv keys bitcoin has and so on. Sometimes i find myself with feeling that I'm in fucking "Groundhog Day".

The proof why such things is being doing for some personal "karma" scores (hey hey, look how many fine translations and guides i have in my portfolio) rather than for community, is the fact that nothing forbids people to add new info to already existing guides. But in that case of course you can't use your message as a proof of how you're cool.

The proof is for example the topic ( where old russian local members (some of them with 2013 reg date) complain about such "translations".

And this is not a problem of Ratimov or someone other, i doubt that they are evil genius, rather they're doing the things which is have a better KPI. For example, Ratimov is not bad trader, but here, after he found that his trading strategies didn't interested anyone, he turned into a "scam fighter, forum cleanser, and translator". Just because you merit useless translations, not trading.
And this is was just a matter of time when someone will finally make an error in translation or something like that just to get more coins from his sig.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: DoubleAweSeven on December 10, 2020, 04:24:21 AM
How ironic and funny this situation is. A "MODERATOR" is a plagiarist? I can't believe what is happening right now. It's clear that it's not your standard plagiarism due to the fact that he cited the source BUT that doesn't mean it's not plagiarism. It's more a like a more complicated form of plagiarism. Anyone who wasn't aware would be fooled immediately but someone who knows will actually see it.

Quote a fun thread to read. I hope this thread be a catalyst to address this kind of plagiarism.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: nutildah on December 10, 2020, 04:35:40 AM
How ironic and funny this situation is. A "MODERATOR" is a plagiarist?

If you're referring to Ratimov, he's not a moderator. He's just in the ChipMixer campaign which means he is receiving extra scrutiny.

I think Ratimov has learned what to do going forward after all this in order to avoid these types of threads being made about him in the future.

@Ratimov: You do a lot of good work but its actually too much! Just be yourself and don't try to impress everyone so hard going forward. Trust me, we're already impressed.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: tranthidung on December 10, 2020, 04:46:22 AM
@Ratimov: You do a lot of good work but its actually too much! Just be yourself and don't try to impress everyone so hard going forward. Trust me, we're already impressed.
I said the same as yours (

Ratimov indeed made lots of huge threads and he is knowledgeable and spent decent efforts and time to compiled those huge topics. With topics he simply shared, he is knowlegeable and selective to do so and I admired him for his selection process.

I can learn from myself too. Don't do anything too much and too often, then people will don't feel values of what you are doing. Sometimes, it can cause side-effects, they feel annoying. Sometimes, they are jealous and many other reasons.

Some notes
  • Learn (first): and I much appreciated all people helped and partially built up my adventure here. I spent my time definitely but you all have your contributions indirectly.
  • Share: share things selectively and reduce the intensity. Some people who are unable to do what they do will feel uncomfortable with your achievements.
  • Abuse: yes it is. Low quality members will look at reputable users and their works (mostly they pay attention on merits) and repeat with same styles. The more people do it, the more potential troubles you can get (as initiator).

I am impressed with Ratimov works BUT such the drama raises the need to revise the rule on plagiarsim and guide how to share documents better.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist (#2627711 “Ratimov”)
Post by: nullius on December 10, 2020, 05:22:30 AM
Why is witcher_sense defending Ratimov hereby?

Mнoгиe дyмaют, чтo вocпoльзoвaвшиcь гyгл-тpaнcлeйтoм мoжнo aдeквaтнo пepeдaть cyть, нo им нyжнo ocoзнaть, чтo пepeвoд - этo иcкyccтвo и тяжeлый тpyд, кoтopый нeльзя зaкoнчить oдним нaжaтиeм кнoпки.

Perhaps Ratimov can provide us with a translation of that!  Of course, he will need to use Google Translate, because:

I cannot create completely English texts myself, without auxiliary tools.

witcher_sense now loves Google Translate so much, he thinks that it’s fine to spam the English section with Google translations of plagiarised Russian articles?  ::)

The proof is for example the topic ( where old russian local members (some of them with 2013 reg date) complain about such "translations".

Good thread.  I recommend that everybody following this case should read it, using Google Translate if necessary.

So average noob came here without being interested in crypto as a technology, hence he don't know (and don't want to learn) anything valuable about crypto. What he's able to do?

- "fight scams"
- "translate (mostly) useless shit which in any way belongs to the subject"
Sometimes, not often, write a useless (mostly) guides which very often it's just a rewriting of older guides, or the same guides (in terms of meaning) but from other sources. We in our russian local board already have a lot of guides about sending transaction offline, how much priv keys bitcoin has and so on. Sometimes i find myself with feeling that I'm in fucking "Groundhog Day".

Whereas Ratimov seems not to be even capable of doing translations.  He is only using Google Translate, and posting the results.  —At least, that is what he now claims, in substantial effect.  Anyone who claims that he cannot write in English without Google-translating his own words from Russian, and effectually claims not even to know the meaning of the pronoun “I” (, obviously cannot make any translations involving the English language—not to English, and not from English!  Right?

This is sad, not because people from post USSR so bad, [...]

For my part, I have always had the highest respect for people from Russia, Ukraine, and other Eastern bloc regions.  It is a shame when a few bad apples make the whole barrel smell rotten to some Westerners with limited viewpoints.

rather it's hard to think about anything except money if your salary is around 200 dollars (I see such "philosophy" every day around me).

I have spoken privately to users here who are from countries so poor, they have family members who make the equivalent of about USD 30 $ per month at full-time jobs.  (No joke.  Real “third world” places.)  For them, even a low-end bounty or signature campaign means significant money.  The users to whom I spoke did the best that they could honestly:  No cheating, no spamming, no shitposting—just wearing a paid signature while trying to improve their knowledge of Bitcoin, and otherwise to engage with the forum community.

They had to compete against the flood of spammers who would do anything for a merit; and they risked false accusations of cheating in campaigns, simply due to being from very problematic regions.  They found that to be quite discouraging.

Yes, true stories.  Blended together with some insubstantive details changed, to protect the privacy of people who confided in me.

Hereby, we have the same problem:  A generalized version of Gresham’s Law.  The bad displaces the good.  The result is a state of affairs in which the honest, the truthful ones, are considered the more stupid.  It would end in the belief that it is better to have a share in the wrongdoing, than to stand by with empty hands or allow oneself to be wronged.

As I indicated earlier in this thread, I take as a personal affront when, after all of the time and effort I have invested in making original high-quality posts that people merited, I see Ratimov making a forum career of huge copy-paste OPs.  Why the hell did I ever waste my time with this forum!?

Or:  🤔 Why don’t I do the same thing? (  Surely, if I were to make a habit of that, I would soon reach my 3000th merit!

—And why don’t I get paid for it?  🤑  It is by now a sort of an open secret here that I am poor.  Isn’t that an unlimited justification, plus a mark of sainthood?  ::)

And why not others?  Why doesn’t johnnyUA do the same as Ratimov?  Why doesn’t everybody?

Surely, that would make the forum a successful community; and it would do much to advance Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: DoubleAweSeven on December 10, 2020, 09:40:53 AM
How ironic and funny this situation is. A "MODERATOR" is a plagiarist?
If you're referring to Ratimov, he's not a moderator. He's just in the ChipMixer campaign which means he is receiving extra scrutiny.
My bad. I thought he is a moderator.

Anyway, can I do what he does? Like finding a non-english article about something related to cryptocurrency then translate it to english, cite source, and wait for the merits to come? He also gets paid high from doing this so it's probably the best thing to do here in the forum without worrying about plagiarism.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: ScumBuster on December 10, 2020, 09:41:34 AM
I think Ratimov has learned what to do going forward after all this in order to avoid these types of threads being made about him in the future.

@Ratimov: You do a lot of good work but its actually too much! Just be yourself and don't try to impress everyone so hard going forward. Trust me, we're already impressed.

It has been pointed out before that he is plagiarizing, and he has continued to plagiarize, so I am not holding my breath that he has learned anything.

Ratimov indeed made lots of huge threads and he is knowledgeable and spent decent efforts and time to compiled those huge topics. With topics he simply shared, he is knowlegeable and selective to do so and I admired him for his selection process.

I can learn from myself too. Don't do anything too much and too often, then people will don't feel values of what you are doing. Sometimes, it can cause side-effects, they feel annoying. Sometimes, they are jealous and many other reasons.

Knowledgeable? Ha! Can you link to a single knowledgeable post he has made which is original and not a copy paste of someone else's work?

Feel annoying? You mean like having whole boards filled up with dozens of useless spam threads filled with useless statistics no one cares about? You and Ratimov aren't that different; not a single original thought between you.

You both say that you are impressed by him? Impressed by what exactly? His ability to copy and paste? His posts could be made by a bot, and a very simple one at that.


This is a good summary. Add posting endless lists of stats to your list of things that require zero knowledge but for some reason keep getting awarded with merits.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist (#2627711 “Ratimov”)
Post by: witcher_sense on December 10, 2020, 10:09:35 AM
Why is witcher_sense defending Ratimov hereby?

Mнoгиe дyмaют, чтo вocпoльзoвaвшиcь гyгл-тpaнcлeйтoм мoжнo aдeквaтнo пepeдaть cyть, нo им нyжнo ocoзнaть, чтo пepeвoд - этo иcкyccтвo и тяжeлый тpyд, кoтopый нeльзя зaкoнчить oдним нaжaтиeм кнoпки.

Perhaps Ratimov can provide us with a translation of that!  Of course, he will need to use Google Translate, because:

I cannot create completely English texts myself, without auxiliary tools.

witcher_sense now loves Google Translate so much, he thinks that it’s fine to spam the English section with Google translations of plagiarised Russian articles?  ::)

Where in the post you mentioned did I justify or encourage the use of machine translation tools?

My point is no different than that of others who dare to defend Ratimov. I'm just referring to the forum rules. Ratimov didn't break forum rules, otherwise, he would be already banned, would he not?

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist (#2627711 “Ratimov”)
Post by: DoubleAweSeven on December 10, 2020, 10:48:36 AM
Why is witcher_sense defending Ratimov hereby?

Mнoгиe дyмaют, чтo вocпoльзoвaвшиcь гyгл-тpaнcлeйтoм мoжнo aдeквaтнo пepeдaть cyть, нo им нyжнo ocoзнaть, чтo пepeвoд - этo иcкyccтвo и тяжeлый тpyд, кoтopый нeльзя зaкoнчить oдним нaжaтиeм кнoпки.

Perhaps Ratimov can provide us with a translation of that!  Of course, he will need to use Google Translate, because:

I cannot create completely English texts myself, without auxiliary tools.

witcher_sense now loves Google Translate so much, he thinks that it’s fine to spam the English section with Google translations of plagiarised Russian articles?  ::)

Where in the post you mentioned did I justify or encourage the use of machine translation tools?

My point is no different than that of others who dare to defend Ratimov. I'm just referring to the forum rules. Ratimov didn't break forum rules, otherwise, he would be already banned, would he not?

There's obviously a loophole in the rules that prevents him from getting banned. Also these forum rules you are referring to is actually not the offcial rules of the forum. I don't know. I might be wrong.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: wooI_Ioow on December 10, 2020, 11:53:20 AM
How ironic and funny this situation is. A "MODERATOR" is a plagiarist?
If you're referring to Ratimov, he's not a moderator. He's just in the ChipMixer campaign which means he is receiving extra scrutiny.
My bad. I thought he is a moderator.

Anyway, can I do what he does? Like finding a non-english article about something related to cryptocurrency then translate it to english, cite source, and wait for the merits to come? He also gets paid high from doing this so it's probably the best thing to do here in the forum without worrying about plagiarism.

Why limit yourself to English alone? His crap has been also spotted in Spanish and Italian boards. He's a multilingual plagiarist.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: DoubleAweSeven on December 10, 2020, 12:45:07 PM
Why limit yourself to English alone? His crap has been also spotted in Spanish and Italian boards. He's a multilingual plagiarist.

Wow, that's actually genius. Not only you are helping internationally, you are also informing other local boards. I guess I should start doing this for the sake of knowledge and spreading positive information to the whole forum.

Ratimov is a pioneer.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on December 10, 2020, 02:52:31 PM
Why is this topic going on for several days and no one can remember a good rule that also holds in this forum?

23. When deciding if a user has broken the rules, the staff have the right to follow their interpretation of the rules.[e]

Ratimov, you have passed to the next step. Having appeared in the Russian locale, you also fought for your reputation. I think it only makes you stronger. Some people cannot calm down until they ruin the lives of others. They spend time searching to avenge their mistakes. The OP wrote that you once left him a red tag. Yes, people are vindictive, and more often than not they are not inclined to blame themselves for their mistakes.
A lot of advice has been said, and as always, "initiative is punishable", you have concluded, and I think that everything will soon settle down.
Well, I again urge everyone to calm down and remember the good rule number 23.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: BlackViruse on December 10, 2020, 03:47:09 PM
I hope everyone is better now and move on my dad always tells me "when a poor man breaks the law the penalty takes place immediately but when a rich man breaks the law different judges are invited and the law is amended in favor of the rich man"
The person in question was accused of;

1. Plagiarism
2. Using a Google translator.

But the whole case was labeled Witch hunt. We move..

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: airfinex on December 10, 2020, 04:24:28 PM
Why is this topic going on for several days and no one can remember a good rule that also holds in this forum?

23. When deciding if a user has broken the rules, the staff have the right to follow their interpretation of the rules.[e]

Ratimov, you have passed to the next step. Having appeared in the Russian locale, you also fought for your reputation. I think it only makes you stronger. Some people cannot calm down until they ruin the lives of others. They spend time searching to avenge their mistakes. The OP wrote that you once left him a red tag. Yes, people are vindictive, and more often than not they are not inclined to blame themselves for their mistakes.
A lot of advice has been said, and as always, "initiative is punishable", you have concluded, and I think that everything will soon settle down.
Well, I again urge everyone to calm down and remember the good rule number 23.

lovesmayfamilis, I am amazed at what a two-faced whore you are. In the exact same situation, you say something completely different, I can only explain this by the fact that bitcoinst apparently didn't fuck you to protect him.

Since you are so fond of quoting the rules, I will also quote something.

User bitcoinst (;u=555953) from Russian local section. There are rules written in black and white that say:

Messages must be original. "Stuffing" the number of messages made by the copy-paste principle from another resource is unacceptable. Such messages fall under the first paragraph of the rules.
Unfortunately, in the English section, I did not find amendments to such rules.
This is a very common occurrence, which clearly indicates the cunning of those who write such posts. The Internet is open, anyone can find any information on the web, but this should not be the rule for creating messages in subscription companies.

We all understand the subtext with which such messages are created. If this is taken for messages of low quality, in this case, informing the moderators will be absolutely correct.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: wooI_Ioow on December 10, 2020, 06:36:38 PM
Why is this topic going on for several days and no one can remember a good rule that also holds in this forum?

23. When deciding if a user has broken the rules, the staff have the right to follow their interpretation of the rules.[e]

Ratimov, you have passed to the next step. Having appeared in the Russian locale, you also fought for your reputation. I think it only makes you stronger. Some people cannot calm down until they ruin the lives of others. They spend time searching to avenge their mistakes. The OP wrote that you once left him a red tag. Yes, people are vindictive, and more often than not they are not inclined to blame themselves for their mistakes.
A lot of advice has been said, and as always, "initiative is punishable", you have concluded, and I think that everything will soon settle down.
Well, I again urge everyone to calm down and remember the good rule number 23.

lovesmayfamilis, I am amazed at what a two-faced whore you are. In the exact same situation, you say something completely different, I can only explain this by the fact that bitcoinst apparently didn't fuck you to protect him.

Since you are so fond of quoting the rules, I will also quote something.

User bitcoinst (;u=555953) from Russian local section. There are rules written in black and white that say:

Messages must be original. "Stuffing" the number of messages made by the copy-paste principle from another resource is unacceptable. Such messages fall under the first paragraph of the rules.
Unfortunately, in the English section, I did not find amendments to such rules.
This is a very common occurrence, which clearly indicates the cunning of those who write such posts. The Internet is open, anyone can find any information on the web, but this should not be the rule for creating messages in subscription companies.

We all understand the subtext with which such messages are created. If this is taken for messages of low quality, in this case, informing the moderators will be absolutely correct.

Is    bitcoinst  (;u=555953)a merit source? No. This explains the difference between lovesmayfamilis's attitudes towards him and  Ratimov. lovesmayfamilis  backlashed  him/her/self.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: ScumBuster on December 11, 2020, 03:57:01 AM
Ratimov is DT1 and merit source.
Ratimov adds witcher_sense to trust list, leaves positive rating.
Ratimov adds lovesmayfamilis to trust list, leaves positive rating.
These users used to report plagiarism. Now they defend it for selfish reasons.


With my topics, I save other beginners, and not only, time to study some information. So that they do not search for all this all over the Internet, do not use translators, but so that they come in and here it is, everything is ready, just read and study.

Hahaha, what bullshit. You save them the time of copying and pasting an article in to Google translate, because you already did it for them? And then added a sentence lying about how you wrote it? Shameful excuse.

Yes, thank you. Several users and a moderator have already given me a couple of tips on how to avoid such accusations.

What tips? Stop fucking plagiarizing? Hahaha.

Still waiting for links to knowledgeable posts Ratimov has made which aren't copy paste. Why does no one reply?

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist (#2627711 “Ratimov”)
Post by: nullius on December 11, 2020, 06:09:06 AM
Still waiting for links to knowledgeable posts Ratimov has made which aren't copy paste. Why does no one reply?

So, the unbanned copypasteress (, who subsequently made a career of getting small copypasters banned, now steps up to protect the major active career plagiarist who is systematically spamming this forum with completely ripped-off posts.  I expected that—I saw it coming—though of course, I could not accuse someone of something that she had not yet done.  ::)

Much of this discussion exemplifies a phenomenon that Lauda privately called “the enablers”.  Some enablers are cowards:  They will do the right thing when convenient, but they will never criticize or oppose popular people—let alone those with DT inclusions.  Of those who defend Ratimov on this thread, how many act from peer pressure?

Others run a common sort of reputational long con on this forum:  They build reputation playing police against smaller wrongdoing, then exploit that position to protect bigger wrongdoing.  If there is no honour among thieves, why not show virtue prosecuting pickpockets so as to promote highway robbery?

Yes, people are vindictive, and more often than not they are not inclined to blame themselves for their mistakes.

You hypocrite!  Ratimov is the one hereby not inclined to blame himself for his own wrongdoing, which is assuredly not a mistake.

Lauda бы нaзвaлa тeбя xитpoй.  I am not so gentle: I will call you xитpoвыeбaннoй.

(I would ask Ratimov to translate, but he cannot:  He is a tool, and my tricks are superior to his tools.  O Google Translate, я тeбя тыкaл!)

Whereas I, who have hereby condemned Ratimov, assuredly have never had any self-interested grudge against him.  Indeed, I had nothing at all against him—before a few weeks ago, when I independently discovered something dirty in the Russian forum; you will be miserable when I disclose that publicly.  And hereby, I act on the evidence.

I condemn plagiarism.  Ratimov is a systematic, active, remorseless plagiarist who blames only others for his own wrongdoing.  Therefore, I condemn Ratimov.

Quote from: nullius
Unlike copyright law violations, plagiarism is truly the theft of ideas.  It is singularly the most reprehensible wrong that can be committed within the realm of the intellect; and it is inherently fraudulent, an intellectual scam by definition.

If they themselves have punished others for plagiarism that is different.
I am curious to see what lovesmayfamilis has to say about this.  (Among other things in the Russian forum.)

Actually, I wasn’t really curious.  Just call me cynical.
“Paтимoв” = Ratimov (

Paтимoв ты нe пpocтo Гepoй. Tы yжe cyпepГepoй ( (
дa eщe и вceвидящий copc. (
Moи пoздpaвлeния!!!

lovesmayfamilis’ bad-faith rules-lawyering should get short shrift!

lovesmayfamilis, I am amazed at what a two-faced whore you are. In the exact same situation, you say something completely different, I can only explain this by the fact that bitcoinst apparently didn't fuck you to protect him.

Since you are so fond of quoting the rules, I will also quote something.

User bitcoinst (;u=555953) from Russian local section. There are rules written in black and white that say:

Messages must be original. "Stuffing" the number of messages made by the copy-paste principle from another resource is unacceptable. Such messages fall under the first paragraph of the rules.
Unfortunately, in the English section, I did not find amendments to such rules.
This is a very common occurrence, which clearly indicates the cunning of those who write such posts. The Internet is open, anyone can find any information on the web, but this should not be the rule for creating messages in subscription companies.

We all understand the subtext with which such messages are created. If this is taken for messages of low quality, in this case, informing the moderators will be absolutely correct.

Tsk, tsk.  Dear anonymous “clown troll”, you did such a good job reporting this.  Please, let us keep our language suitable to the cultural level of the audience!  :D

With due apologies to the gentleman who just started cursing at me under his breath.  I realized long ago that this forum is not a place for gentlemen.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: mdayonliner on December 11, 2020, 11:28:45 AM
Unfortunately, many did not realize that they got to the Bitcoin forum, and not to the forum with completely original content. Here, really original content, maybe 10%, the rest is all a copy-paste of finished materials or partial use of someone else's material.
Man! I take offence of this. You are saying I have posted only 10% original content and rest are twisted texts from others?

Let me become John McAfee but with some twist.
Go through my post history. Prove me that I have even 2% plagiarism (fuck 10% original contents that you think, I have 99.99% original contents) from all of my posts. I will take a picture of my brown dick with a mask on my face and post it here for 24 hours.

If you believe in this psychology of 10% original contents then no wonder why you are not still seeing that you have done something wrong.
This is what you have done:
Contents from your local language >> Google Translation >> Article spinning >> Formatting in your own way with reference links at the bottom.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist (#2627711 “Ratimov”)
Post by: johhnyUA on December 11, 2020, 11:59:11 AM
Lauda бы нaзвaлa тeбя xитpoй.  I am not so gentle: I will call you xитpoвыeбaннoй.

This is obviously deserve a merit. Of course, if it would be from native speaking russian user i would consider it as bad taste. But such jokes is beyond of understanding of any westerner (even for people who understand russian language, like suchmoon .nullius, please, this is just example of a user who can speak on russian, don't start any essay about suchmoon pls. thx in advance).

And yeah, i think this topic should be closed, because it turned to be arena with a lot of angry noobs. Mods has said their words.

And yeah, your try to accuse someone in hypocrisy will not work. Russians (in a a counterweight to ukrainians and belarusians) are well known for their "двoeмыcлиe". So it's too natural for them for example to hunt criminals and in the same time to make some crimes (russian police). Or to be banned for plagiarism and to catch plagiarists and to show zero tolerance to already banned people.

It doesn't matter wrong Ratimov or you, Ratimov can't understand your accuses.

P.S: I will be glad to get answer (besides i doubt that the answer is needed here) not longer than my original post )

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: JaneAhonen on December 11, 2020, 02:22:01 PM
Some people cannot calm down until they ruin the lives of others. They spend time searching to avenge their mistakes.

I dont know if you realize but you just described yourself.That is all you do,you look for mistakes so you can run and report.Unless that person is your favorite merit daddy,then you defend.

Yes, thank you. Several users and a moderator have already given me a couple of tips on how to avoid such accusations.

You were warned months ago about your behaviour but that didnt make you stop.You still wouldnt stop if no one made this topic

If you create a very long topic, but only show the sources after clicking Page Down 21 times, it looks like you wrote it by yourself until I finish reading. If you copy data from other websites, it should be obvious to the reader that you did this. If someone stops reading before reaching the end, he'll never see your sources.

Let me put it this way: if you (or anyone else) would use my text in such a way, it wouldn't feel like you do justice to the effort I put in.
If you improve on your referencing, you'll also avoid giving anyone an excuse to create topics like this.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist (#2627711 “Ratimov”)
Post by: airfinex on December 12, 2020, 04:37:04 PM
Lauda бы нaзвaлa тeбя xитpoй.  I am not so gentle: I will call you xитpoвыeбaннoй.

This is obviously deserve a merit. Of course, if it would be from native speaking russian user i would consider it as bad taste. But such jokes is beyond of understanding of any westerner (even for people who understand russian language, like suchmoon .nullius, please, this is just example of a user who can speak on russian, don't start any essay about suchmoon pls. thx in advance).

And yeah, i think this topic should be closed, because it turned to be arena with a lot of angry noobs. Mods has said their words.

And yeah, your try to accuse someone in hypocrisy will not work. Russians (in a a counterweight to ukrainians and belarusians) are well known for their "двoeмыcлиe". So it's too natural for them for example to hunt criminals and in the same time to make some crimes (russian police). Or to be banned for plagiarism and to catch plagiarists and to show zero tolerance to already banned people.

It doesn't matter wrong Ratimov or you, Ratimov can't understand your accuses.

P.S: I will be glad to get answer (besides i doubt that the answer is needed here) not longer than my original post )
lovesmayfamilis will not answer in this conversation, since she has nothing to say in excuse.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: wooI_Ioow on December 13, 2020, 06:59:44 PM
Why limit yourself to English alone? His crap has been also spotted in Spanish and Italian boards. He's a multilingual plagiarist.

Wow, that's actually genius. Not only you are helping internationally, you are also informing other local boards. I guess I should start doing this for the sake of knowledge and spreading positive information to the whole forum.

Ratimov is a pioneer.

To pay tribute to him do it  under Ratimov hashtag. Look at mine

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist (#2627711 “Ratimov”)
Post by: nullius on December 14, 2020, 03:15:29 AM
Ratimov is a pioneer.

To pay tribute to him do it  under Ratimov hashtag. Look at mine

I already did similarly—but from an English-language article, and without the #Ratimov tag.  Nice touch!

It makes a good point, but I don’t want to encourage too much of this.  —Well, maybe not.  If Ratimov can build up his forum career with copy-pastes and Google Translate, then seriously, why shouldn’t others?  wooI_Ioow is well on his way to becoming a merit source and DT1 with >3000 earned merits, and many opportunities!

In my evil thoughts, I have also considered that perhaps I should write a script that auto-spams the forum with 10 or 20 or 500 copy-pasted articles per day—with an optional command-line switch for laundering through Google Translate.  I would name the script ratimov, because Ratimov himself is such a script.  If I were to upload ratimov to Github, it would be a service to Newbies who want to rank up their accounts, get bestest bounties.  Is it not a Forum Virtue to help Newbies follow the exemplary achievements of the forum’s high-trust, high-merit users?  ???

Still waiting for links to knowledgeable posts Ratimov has made which aren't copy paste. Why does no one reply?

Still no answer.  Has Ratimov made any high-quality posts from his own original work!?

Perhaps some people may not understand why this case invokes my wrath.  But it should anger anyone who has spent considerable time and effort contributing original work to this forum.

If I were asked the same question as ScumBuster has asked Ratimov, then I could simply point to my post history!  I only make original posts!  Want a short list selection?  I just tried to pick ten of my own best posts almost at random, and wound up with eleven:

  • Re: Why do people hate segwit so much? (  (2017-12-04)  16 merits, even though this Newbie post was made almost two months before the start of the merit system.  Original commentary in my own words, supported by a properly cited quotation of Greg Maxwell re ASICBOOST.  Post #11 in my post history.
  • One of my best-ever posts about privacy. ( (2017-12-06)  This Newbie post also received some merits, even though it was made two months before merits existed.  A fully original short essay, with some original ideas that I have never seen expressed anywhere else.
  • Bitcoin’s Public-Key Security Level (  (2018-01-31)  One of my best-ever posts, in my own opinion.  Fully original writing, except for one screenshot of a table from the SEC 2 standard (the document that defines secp256k1).
  • A post about what standards of evidence ( should be applied by DT in forum disputes.  Fully original writing (except for contextual reply quotes).  (2020-02-05)
  • Lauda is a WITCH, who cast an evil spell on me! BURN THE WITCH! (  (2018-02-18)  An original satire that influenced theymos’ 2018 April Fool’s joke (, and gave Lauda her final permanent avatar.

    Note:  I was gone from the forum between 2018-04-24 and 2020-01-01, and also from late May–late August 2020.
  • Project Anastasia: Bitcoiners Against Identity Theft (  (2020-01-05)  Not only original writing, but a highly original idea:  The comparison of Craig Wright’s theft of Satoshi’s identity with the imposters who pretended to be Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova.
  • [WO] The banking system doesn’t work ( (2020-09-18)
  • [WO] Brainlaundering about “money laundering” ( (2020-09-21) A short “Emperor has no clothes!” style post pointing out a fallacy that I don’t see being discussed.  Original thinking.
  • [WO] Fungibility, Payjoin, and CoinSwap ( (2020-10-05)  Mostly references or quotes other sources; but ties that together with my own commentary, explaining why this is important.
  • Why privacy? — Re: Buying a domain (anonymously) using bitcoin ( (2020-10-28)  Centred around properly sourced quotations of some jlopp material, but that is only to support my own commentary.
  • Judge concurs with nullius: Keys = titular ownership (vs. beneficial ownership) (  (2020-11-25)  Again!  Not only do I use my own words, but I express my own original thinking, or at least independent thinking.  To my knowledge, I am the first person ever to identify Bitcoin’s essential nature as a bearer asset, and thereupon to differentiate between titular ownership versus beneficial ownership—at least, I never saw anyone else say this before I did.  (I first expressed this idea on 2020-01-19, as thereby self-quoted.)

Imagine what I personally invested here!  Now, I feel cheated.

For Ratimov to obtain social status, forum merits, DT1 power, and financial compensation by defrauding the public with rip-off posts, it is a slap in the face to anyone who has ever spent real time, effort, and virtù on this forum.

It makes me wonder:  Why did I ever waste my life contributing to this forum?

Of course, I do not mean that to be about myself only.  Other contributors, or potential contributors may reasonably feel the same way.  This is damaging to the long-term health of the forum:  Ratimov has shown that honest hard work is stupid.

Hereby, we have the same problem:  A generalized version of Gresham’s Law.  The bad displaces the good.  The result is a state of affairs in which the honest, the truthful ones, are considered the more stupid.  It would end in the belief that it is better to have a share in the wrongdoing, than to stand by with empty hands or allow oneself to be wronged.

With due apologies to the gentleman who just started cursing at me under his breath.  I realized long ago that this forum is not a place for gentlemen.
i would consider it as bad taste. But such jokes is beyond of understanding of any westerner

Ah, you are too much of a gentleman!  Although nobody understands Russian humour, I hope that this is in somewhat better taste:  “DT1 дивa” lovesmayfamilis wants a Prada bag full of merrrritttss! (

Must be viewed full-sized to be appreciated; lovesmayfamilis has my permission to use it as her desktop wallpaper (full HD, 1920x1080):

I should elaborate on something that English speakers may not understand from my prior post.  In the post that I quoted, wherein lovesmayfamilis depicted Ratimov as Superman, she specifically praised him as a “вceвидящий copc”, ‘all-seeing source’.  Whereas “copc” is not even a native Russian word; it is a phonetic transliteration of “source” (compare “oпeн copc”, ‘open source’).  In the context of her post, lovesmayfamilis called Ratimov the all-seeing merit source who surely sees many of her own posts.

Protip for plagiarists and copy-paste spammers:  Get source status, and send many merits to lovesmayfamilis.  She will defend your allegedly God- Mod-given right to copy and paste whole posts.  But if you have not sent her hundreds of source merits, then she will demand that you should be banned!

And yeah, your try to accuse someone in hypocrisy will not work. Russians (in a a counterweight to ukrainians and belarusians) are well known for their "двoeмыcлиe".

Alas—I always tell Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians, sometimes the worst feuds are between brothers.  I respect people from all these lands, although I understand why some of them have animosity toward each other.  Anyway, no Russian can beat the Americans for “двoeмыcлиe”, at which Americans are history’s past-masters.

This being an American forum, perhaps I should not have such high expectations for integrity.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist-Ratimov
Post by: wooI_Ioow on December 14, 2020, 05:24:55 AM
@nullius, perhaps my thoughts are even more evil. With enough merits I would give anyone the opportunity to try the posting in the Ratimov-style and get merit from me and, eventually, from others.  Rules would be as simple as that: find non-English article, feed it to Google Translate, copy-paste  output, credit Ratimov's "invention" by placing  at the top "#Ratimov's-style". ChipMixer signature holders would be more than welcomed.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist-Ratimov
Post by: nullius on December 14, 2020, 06:46:20 AM
@nullius, perhaps my thoughts are even more evil. With enough merits I would give anyone the opportunity to try the posting in the Ratimov-style and get merit from me and, eventually, from others.

But you don’t have enough merits?  That is easy to fix:  Apply for merit source privileges!

For your application, choose some genuinely-faked-by Ratimov rip-offs that you feel deserve an extra +10 or +50 for creative original means of getting away with plagiarism.  Stuff your application with some “stuffing” posts by bitcoinst (and all of his alts), to show that you are unbiased and you do not simply favour Ratimov.  To show that you bear no grudges or ill-will toward anybody (and to gain political support from someone who will do anything for merits!), also include in your application the copy-paste for which lovesmayfamilis was previously banned.

Soon, you will be the Superhero and “all-seeing source” of Newbies who spam the forum with plagiarised articles so that they can rank up, get bestest bounties.

I hope that everybody realizes that I am joking.

I hope that I am joking.  The way this thread is going, it may actually be the state of the forum.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist-Ratimov
Post by: wooI_Ioow on December 14, 2020, 07:37:55 AM
@nullius, perhaps my thoughts are even more evil. With enough merits I would give anyone the opportunity to try the posting in the Ratimov-style and get merit from me and, eventually, from others.

But you don’t have enough merits?  That is easy to fix:  Apply for merit source privileges!

For your application, choose some genuinely-faked-by Ratimov rip-offs that you feel deserve an extra +10 or +50 for creative original means of getting away with plagiarism.  Stuff your application with some “stuffing” posts by bitcoinst (and all of his alts), to show that you are unbiased and you do not simply favour Ratimov.  To show that you bear no grudges or ill-will toward anybody (and to gain political support from someone who will do anything for merits!), also include in your application the copy-paste for which lovesmayfamilis was previously banned.

Soon, you will be the Superhero and “all-seeing source” of Newbies who spam the forum with plagiarised articles so that they can rank up, get bestest bounties.

I hope that everybody realizes that I am joking.

I hope that I am joking.  The way this thread is going, it may actually be the state of the forum.

You are genuinely whip-smart devil. That's a chance, perhaps,  i'll take it in a while.

Maybe  this time I have to challenge Russian section and place there my "genuine" Ratimiv's style article . Ratimov does reverse in the local

Their mod is likely to favor  my endeavor.

Take a closer look at the list of sources from Ratimov. The link to the source that you are quoting is in the list of sources from Ratimov  :)

What do you think?

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist-Ratimov
Post by: nullius on December 14, 2020, 12:00:27 PM
Maybe  this time I have to challenge Russian section and place there my "genuine" Ratimiv's style article . Ratimov does reverse in the local



What do you think?

I confirmed (with a spot check, not word-by-word collation) that the post indeed matches Google Translate’s output.  However, this one is clearly attributed at the top, and is therefore not plagiarism.  It is a copy-paste, of course.  But not plagiarism.

“Aвтop” = ‘Author’; “Opигинaл” = ‘Original’
Пoчeмy кopпopaтивныe кaзнaчeйcтвa мoгyт paccмaтpивaть Биткoин

Aвтop: Ria Bhutoria и Tess McCurdy (http://)

[Google Translated text.]

I observe that this post was made on 2020-12-13, after this thread was raised on 2020-12-05.  Ratimov’s citation is in a format more or less similar to what I myself suggested 2020-12-10 (; and he uses exactly the format for (human) translations that I suggested to wolwoo on 2020-04-17 (; thus, I certainly don’t call that plagiarism.

(If it were the unattributed copy of a human translation published elsewhere, then it would be a plagiarism of the translation; I have recently begun to suspect that generally, there may be rampant plagiarism of translations by fake translators.  But I think that the application of principle to automated translation tools is subtle, and not always so easy to answer.  Ratimov’s abuse of Google Translate for his pretense of being a translator (!) to and from languages that he positively claims not to know ( (!!) is certainly fraudulent, dishonest, and untrustworthy; but is it plagiarism?  I lean towards “yes” because he does it habitually, and oftentimes with the explicit claim that he is the translator.  I think that the claim of being a translator pushes it over the line.  Other cases may differ.)

On its face, Ratimov’s post does blatantly violate (at least) Global Rule #27, and also the Russian local rule against “stuffing” that lovesmayfamilis so helpfully raised in the bitcoinst case (plus, perhaps, the rule against low-value posts).  As mprep recently noted, moderators have discretion to apply the spirit of the rules, not merely the letter thereof; I appreciate this, and I do not suggest that rules should ever be applied mechanistically.  However, if Ratimov does this frequently (let alone makes a career of it), then it clearly must be prohibited unless there are special rules just for him.  The spirit of the rules is, after all, to stop sigspammers from making rank, merit, and money with negligible effort by flooding the forum with stuff they don’t actually produce, thus drowning out quality posts and reducing the quality of discussion for everyone.

27. Using automated translation tools to post translated content in Local boards is not allowed.

Internal quotation expanded:
Messages must be original. "Stuffing" the number of messages made by the copy-paste principle from another resource is unacceptable. Such messages fall under the first paragraph of the rules.

7. Cooбщeния дoлжны быть opигинaльными. "Haбивaниe" кoличecтвa cooбщeний cдeлaнныx пo пpинципy кoпи-пacтa c дpyгoгo pecypca нeдoпycтимo. Пoдoбныe cooбщeния пoдпaдaют пoд пepвый пyнкт пpaвил.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist-Ratimov
Post by: mdayonliner on December 14, 2020, 12:41:54 PM
I observe that this post was made on 2020-12-13, after this thread was raised on 2020-12-05.  Ratimov’s citation is in a format more or less similar to what I myself suggested 2020-12-10 (; and he uses exactly the format for (human) translations that I suggested to wolwoo on 2020-04-17 (; thus, I certainly don’t call that plagiarism.
This has reference at the topic ✅
This is not plagiarism ✅
This is not translation ✅
Then what is it ❓

A head to head comparison just to make it as clear as mineral water
Google translation
Large image:
Large image:

27. Using automated translation tools to post translated content in Local boards is not allowed.

Reported with the following comments:
used automated translator, investigation :

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist-Ratimov
Post by: Smartprofit on December 14, 2020, 02:25:16 PM
I would like to note that I really like to read the materials of the user Ratimov on the forum.  

I periodically read articles on various issues of the crypto industry.  These articles have been translated from English.  Ratimov also writes interesting posts on trading and on general issues of the forum (this is original content).  

It seems to me that Ratimov performs a very important function on the forum - he systematizes various content.  It seems to me that he motivates other members of the forum to write better content.

There are not very many participants on the forum now.  Every active forum member is very valuable to our community.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: Yogee on December 14, 2020, 02:55:09 PM
Smartprofit, this topic is for the plagiarism case so you should probably stick to that. Maybe you can create a separate thread and list all his accomplishments on his behalf if you feel like defending him.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: Smartprofit on December 14, 2020, 03:40:34 PM
Smartprofit, this topic is for the plagiarism case so you should probably stick to that. Maybe you can create a separate thread and list all his accomplishments on his behalf if you feel like defending him.

My opinion is that there is no plagiarism.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: koks and marihuanna on December 14, 2020, 03:42:42 PM
Smartprofit, this topic is for the plagiarism case so you should probably stick to that. Maybe you can create a separate thread and list all his accomplishments on his behalf if you feel like defending him.

My opinion is that there is no plagiarism.

My opinion is that there is plagiarism.  ;)

+ I create new topic about Ratimov

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist (#2627711 “Ratimov”)
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on December 14, 2020, 03:43:06 PM
I often spend hours of painstaking effort on one post.  I know that some other high-merit users invest similarly.
It's obvious you do, though that tends to force other members to have to invest tons of time reading what you wrote, which I cannot consistently do I'm afraid.  But that's a "me" problem and not a "you" one.

Smartprofit, this topic is for the plagiarism case so you should probably stick to that. Maybe you can create a separate thread and list all his accomplishments on his behalf if you feel like defending him.
Yeah.  I sort of hate to see Ratimov get banned, but if he plagiarized something then at the very least he deserves a temp or a signature ban--and that would only be if Theymos agreed that he deserved such lenient treatment.  I think I've only seen one or two members get their accounts restored, so it's rare.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist-Ratimov
Post by: wooI_Ioow on December 14, 2020, 04:36:53 PM
Maybe  this time I have to challenge Russian section and place there my "genuine" Ratimiv's style article . Ratimov does reverse in the local



What do you think?

On its face, Ratimov’s post does blatantly violate (at least) Global Rule #27,

Yes, that was the connotation of my message. Literally the  half of his Russian contribution is  Google Translate copypasta which violates  Rule #27. That Ratimov's rule#27- breaking-copypasta is so wide that it goes far beyond the scope of this thread and requires  the new one filled in the details.

Reported with the following comments:
used automated translator, investigation :

Blessing,  but "a rabbit hole" is much deeper.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist (#2627711 “Ratimov”)
Post by: nullius on December 14, 2020, 10:00:23 PM
Smartprofit, this topic is for the plagiarism case so you should probably stick to that. Maybe you can create a separate thread and list all his accomplishments on his behalf if you feel like defending him.
Yeah.  I sort of hate to see Ratimov get banned, but if he plagiarized something then at the very least he deserves a temp or a signature ban--and that would only be if Theymos agreed that he deserved such lenient treatment.  I think I've only seen one or two members get their accounts restored, so it's rare.

It’s ironic that at this juncture, you mention theymos’ general hard line against plagiarism.  For in the Russian Reputation topic, Ratimov is now claiming that theymos has answered this Meta topic (via global moderator request)—impliedly to his favour.  I think that he is playing the language barrier, insofar as many of the Russian readers may not understand this discussion—unless they use Google Translate, of course!  (Though every Russian will understand what I said to lovesmayfamilis (—etc., etc. (

Coздaли тoпик Merit Source - Plagiarist

Cлoyпoк, oн yжe кaк 10 днeй тaм гopит, тaм yжe oтвeтили пoчти вce, включaя мoдepoв и тeймoca(чepeз зaпpoc глoбaлa)

A LVL F тoлькo peкoмeндyeт. ;D ;D ;D

C пoдключeниeм.
Ends with usual conspiracy theories.  ::)

Ratimov claims that only trolls are interested in this hereby Meta topic—indeed, that only trolls say that what he did is plagiarism:

Кoтopыe yжe oтпиcaлиcь тaм или пpocтo пpoшли мимo? Cлoyпoк. Taм yжe дaвнo paзoбpaлиcь, чтo этo пoд плaгиaт нe зaпиcaть, тoлькo пaчкa тpoллeй ocтaлacь дaльшe мycoлить этy тeмy.

To my awareness, the only staff member who has commented publicly about Ratimov is Xal0lex, whose post on this topic was clearly wrong ( (as argued by myself and others in the ensuing pages).  My discussion with mprep in the Rules thread, and mprep’s request for theymos’ opinion (, was about the automated translation Rule #27, not the plagiarism rule; and it was a general question about the rules, not a specific question about the Ratimov case.  (I also asked for a review of the plagiarism rule; but mprep declined to proceed with that.)

It looks like Ratimov is making this up as he goes along.

I often spend hours of painstaking effort on one post.  I know that some other high-merit users invest similarly.
It's obvious you do, though that tends to force other members to have to invest tons of time reading what you wrote, which I cannot consistently do I'm afraid.  But that's a "me" problem and not a "you" one.

No problem.  I know that many of my posts about philosophy, history, art, culture, or politics may be, shall we say, “not of common interest”.  It is why I mostly chose to list highly original posts on topics of interest to every reasonably intelligent reader of this forum:  Bitcoin, and privacy.  (To make some other points by the way, I started with a 2017 Bitcoin post that is very vitriolic toward Bcashers; and I added in a few DT/forum community classics.)

That was not to brag about myself, but to illustrate why I care about this topic—and also to illustrate ScumBuster’s point, by contrast.

The production of original work would neither justify nor excuse plagiarism; however, there is still a difference in degree between an occasional cheater (= bad), and one who substantially fakes his whole reputation with rip-offs of others’ work (= worse).  Ratimov and his supporters claim that he is oh so great.  Any monkey can copy and paste articles, with or without Google Translate.  If Ratimov is such a great contributor to the community, really, please:  Where are his high-quality original contributions?  Will the Superhero Ratimov deign to treat us to a portfolio shortlist of his knowledgeable, in-depth original work, like the list that I easily provided for myself?

I need not comment on what my list shows about Ratimov’s allegation that only trolls are interested in this Meta topic.

On its face, Ratimov’s post does blatantly violate (at least) Global Rule #27,

Yes, that was the connotation of my message. Literally the  half of his Russian contribution is  Google Translate copypasta which violates  Rule #27. That Ratimov's rule#27- breaking-copypasta is so wide that it goes far beyond the scope of this thread and requires  the new one filled in the details.

I suggest that it’s unnecessary to proliferate threads about Ratimov.  There should probably be a Reputation topic about his DT status; but making too many Meta topics about one person would dissipate the signal, and raise the noise.  Neither helps lead to appropriate actions; and it would be inconvenient for people to follow multiple threads about Ratimov.  I offer this advice to help the Newbie.  :)

If Ratimov is habitually breaking other forum rules, that is a Meta issue.  Unless OP objects that it may dilute the focus of the topic on the most serious accusation of plagiarism, I propose that we should discuss that here.

I have not had time to analyse his post history.  Is Ratimov habitually spamming the Russian local with Google translations of others’ articles?  If so, then even with attribution, that runs roughshod over the purpose of Global Rule #27; and it also violates the Russian local forum’s rule against “stuffing”, insofar as the posts are just copy-paste jobs.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist (#2627711 “Ratimov”)
Post by: wooI_Ioow on December 14, 2020, 10:52:22 PM
 Is Ratimov habitually spamming the Russian local with Google translations of others’ articles?  

Yes, he is.

Original :

Google-Translate-assisted Ratimov's spam that violates Rule#27 -   (

Google Translate of random passage pertaining to  that spam:

Comparison of  two:

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist-Ratimov
Post by: mdayonliner on December 15, 2020, 10:15:30 AM
Blessing,  but "a rabbit hole" is much deeper.
Good to see that the posts has been deleted. If anyone expert in spotting this kind of behaviours then I would suggest them to report to the mods and it will be handled. At least this action of my reported posts shows the good interest.

Let's not go against mods, admins or anyone here just because a user found a way to abuse a rule. Maybe the officials are still puzzled and looking for a way to stop this kind of activities.

Title: Merit_Source&Plagiarist&Rule27_disruptor: Ratimov
Post by: wooI_Ioow on December 15, 2020, 01:07:02 PM

How can I get such reports status?

Original :

Google-Translate-assisted Ratimov's spam that violates Rule#27:  (

Google Translate of random passage pertaining to  that spam:

Comparison of two:

Wouldn't OP mind to change the thread  title  to Merit_Source&Plagiarist&Rule27_disruptor: Ratimov ?

Title: Re: Merit_Source&Plagiarist&Rule27_disruptor: Ratimov
Post by: mole0815 on December 15, 2020, 03:26:11 PM
How can I get such reports status?

I don't know how many reports you currently have but from 300 good reports you have access to these statistics.
Other source:
new report history stats accessed after 300 good reports

Title: Merit_Source&Plagiarist&Rule27_disruptor: Ratimov
Post by: wooI_Ioow on December 15, 2020, 06:57:35 PM

I don't know how many reports you currently have but from 300 good reports you have access to these statistics.


Original :

Google-Translate-assisted Ratimov's spam that violates Rule#27:  ( )

Google Translate of random passage pertaining to  that spam:

Comparison of two:

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist (#2627711 “Ratimov”)
Post by: fxpc on December 15, 2020, 11:15:08 PM
I have not had time to analyse his post history.  Is Ratimov habitually spamming the Russian local with Google translations of others’ articles?  If so, then even with attribution, that runs roughshod over the purpose of Global Rule #27; and it also violates the Russian local forum’s rule against “stuffing”, insofar as the posts are just copy-paste jobs.

Yes, it is.

Ratimov and zasad@ (;u=2654005) are corrupt. They both spammed Russian local with Google translations. I doubt very much that these are 2 different persons but it isn't important. Both users are involved in merit abuse to monetize their spam. Bestchange - advertising buyer from zasad@ (not only signature campaign) said:
Xoтим пoблaгoдapить zasad@ зa eгo вклaд в paзвитиe кpиптoвaлютнoгo cooбщecтвa.
Quote from: Translation
We would like to thank zasad@ for his contribution to the development of the cryptocurrency community.
Bestchange didn't answer to my public question - how does he measure this "development"? But zasad@ fell into hysterics as it happened many times before, which is surprisingly similar to Ratimov's hysterics.

Google translations for Bitcointalk is more valuable than anything else? I have no other reasonable explanations for the facts of farming 2 spammer's accounts into heroes in 1 year and for amount of merit exceeding the activity by ~4 times.

Satoshi, we fucked everything up. (johhnyUA)

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist (#2627711 “Ratimov”)
Post by: nullius on December 16, 2020, 01:55:01 AM
  Is Ratimov habitually spamming the Russian local with Google translations of others’ articles? 

Yes, he is.

With such brave investigative work, soon you will be a Hero Member with >3000 earned merits, DT1 status, and merit source privileges hated by certain parties.  Keep it up!

Maybe the officials are still puzzled and looking for a way to stop this kind of activities.

I hope so.

I have not had time to analyse his post history.  Is Ratimov habitually spamming the Russian local with Google translations of others’ articles?  If so, then even with attribution, that runs roughshod over the purpose of Global Rule #27; and it also violates the Russian local forum’s rule against “stuffing”, insofar as the posts are just copy-paste jobs.

Yes, it is.

Ratimov and zasad@ (;u=2654005) are corrupt. They both spammed Russian local with Google translations.


Google translations for Bitcointalk is more valuable than anything else? I have no other reasonable explanations for the facts of farming 2 spammer's accounts into heroes in 1 year and for amount of merit exceeding the activity by ~4 times.

Thanks for the insight from a Russian local regular.  I have a question that perhaps may be best answered from your perspective.

I detect from your signature (and your previous signature!) that you have a certain... dislike for sigspam.  I myself have always refused a paid signature; but I am more moderate toward this issue.  I think that some good people get paid for their time and effort on the forum; and because they are good contributors, they only accept signatures from campaigns with the best reputations for zero spam.

Now, in the thread to which you linked (and johhny linked before here), I noticed something that made me uncomfortable.  Vadi2323 (Legendary, registration date in 2014) has a parody signature hostile to Chipmixer.  As a privacy advocate, I have oftentimes defended Chipmixer’s reputation.  I even ran my own little custom Chipmixer ad for nine months, with zero payment — not in the official campaign! — only to show solidarity with Chipmixer, and to protest against this type of hostility.

I wonder, why the hostility toward Chipmixer?

Is the Google Translate spam from Ratimov bringing ill repute to his sponsor inside the Russian forum, where perhaps the campaign manager may not be able to follow all activity?

My thanks for any further insight that may be provided by you, or by other Russian forum regulars who despise spam.

(Note:  This text has been tested and modified, to make it a little bit easier for Russian users to read with Google Translate.  Thus, it is not quite my usual writing style.)

Satoshi, we fucked everything up. (johhnyUA)

It is a wise quote.  On many points.  Unfortunately.

P.S., fxpc, perhaps I would copy your signature — if my signature were not bought and paid for by my PGP key fingerprint!

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist (#2627711 “Ratimov”)
Post by: fxpc on December 16, 2020, 09:08:36 AM
I have not had time to analyse his post history.  Is Ratimov habitually spamming the Russian local with Google translations of others’ articles?  If so, then even with attribution, that runs roughshod over the purpose of Global Rule #27; and it also violates the Russian local forum’s rule against “stuffing”, insofar as the posts are just copy-paste jobs.

Yes, it is.

Ratimov and zasad@ (;u=2654005) are corrupt. They both spammed Russian local with Google translations.


Google translations for Bitcointalk is more valuable than anything else? I have no other reasonable explanations for the facts of farming 2 spammer's accounts into heroes in 1 year and for amount of merit exceeding the activity by ~4 times.

Thanks for the insight from a Russian local regular.  I have a question that perhaps may be best answered from your perspective.

I detect from your signature (and your previous signature!) that you have a certain... dislike for sigspam.  I myself have always refused a paid signature; but I am more moderate toward this issue.  I think that some good people get paid for their time and effort on the forum; and because they are good contributors, they only accept signatures from campaigns with the best reputations for zero spam.

Now, in the thread to which you linked (and johhny linked before here), I noticed something that made me uncomfortable.  Vadi2323 (Legendary, registration date in 2014) has a parody signature hostile to Chipmixer.  As a privacy advocate, I have oftentimes defended Chipmixer’s reputation.  I even ran my own little custom Chipmixer ad for nine months, with zero payment — not in the official campaign! — only to show solidarity with Chipmixer, and to protest against this type of hostility.

I wonder, why the hostility toward Chipmixer?

Is the Google Translate spam from Ratimov bringing ill repute to his sponsor inside the Russian forum, where perhaps the campaign manager may not be able to follow all activity?

My thanks for any further insight that may be provided by you, or by other Russian forum regulars who despise spam.

(Note:  This text has been tested and modified, to make it a little bit easier for Russian users to read with Google Translate.  Thus, it is not quite my usual writing style.)

You are welcome.

Any pay-per-post signature campaign generates sigspam because even good people obey the psychological principles of loss avoidance. I don't see any other troubles with the fact that good people are getting paid for signature.

It's hard to deny that the bulk of Chipmixer's users use it as a laundry. This isn't a reason for me to organize a crusade against Chipmixer. By the way, Chipmixer sponsors another type of sigspam in Russian local - taikuri13 (;u=1855828). Most posts of this user are similar to the output of a neural network for generating texts. Posts contain all the keywords of the topic but anyone who tries to understand them risks getting a brain fracture. Technically it doesn't violate forum rules, practically the quality of his posts is close to garbage. It seems that Ratimov's sponsor doesn't care about reputation. Perhaps this is the reason for hostility toward Chipmixer.

Thanks for simplifying the text.

P.S., fxpc, perhaps I would copy your signature — if my signature were not bought and paid for by my PGP key fingerprint!


Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist (#2627711 “Ratimov”)
Post by: wooI_Ioow on December 16, 2020, 12:02:22 PM
 Is Ratimov habitually spamming the Russian local with Google translations of others’ articles?  

Yes, he is.

With such brave investigative work, soon you will be a Hero Member with >3000 earned merits, DT1 status, and merit source privileges hated by certain parties.  Keep it up!

I'll do. Next inspection is about to come.

Today I'll probe their mods to see how wide is corruption in Russian section sending them my first report accompanied by following comment "Google-Translate-assisted to habitually break Rule#27. Inspectorate " , de facto I have reported  three cases.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist (#2627711 “Ratimov”)
Post by: mdayonliner on December 16, 2020, 12:18:58 PM
Today I'll probe their mods to see how wide is corruption of Russian section sending them my first report accompanied by following comment "Google-Translate-assisted to habitually break Rule#27. Inspectorate "
I like the reporting idea than this you had in mind ( few days ago.

With the 2nd one you would not help the community but with these reports you certainly is going to have a huge contribution, favour to the community. Maybe all these breaking Rule#27 were unnoticed by the Russian users and mods. Weird to think though.

If you have free time and much care for the community, I will encourage you to focus on reporting.

Thanks mate.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist (#2627711 “Ratimov”)
Post by: wooI_Ioow on December 18, 2020, 01:36:32 PM
 Is Ratimov habitually spamming the Russian local with Google translations of others’ articles?  

Yes, he is.

With such brave investigative work, soon you will be a Hero Member with >3000 earned merits, DT1 status, and merit source privileges hated by certain parties.  Keep it up!

I'll do. Next inspection is about to come.

Today I'll probe their mods to see how wide is corruption in Russian section sending them my first report accompanied by following comment "Google-Translate-assisted to habitually break Rule#27. Inspectorate " , de facto I have reported  three cases.

Sent them today the second notifications. The fist reports   were ignored.  Do Russian mods support the break of rule 27? If they do I perhaps will spam there doing Google translate. 

than this you had in mind ( few days ago.

de facto, that was intended to be regarded to as to vitriol.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist (#2627711 “Ratimov”)
Post by: mdayonliner on December 18, 2020, 07:46:44 PM
Sent them today the second notifications. The fist reports   were ignored.  Do Russian mods support the break of rule 27? If they do I perhaps will spam there doing Google translate.  
I can help you in this maybe it will work as a support on the reports you make.

When you report, can you make a list of the posts and PM me end of the day, everyday? I will also report those posts and since I have more than 300 reports I can easily share the report status.

If I was an expert in the Russian language then I would do it by my own.


Let me represent this a better way so that the mods can easily get his trick.

This is for the mods.
Post in question:
Google translation
Large image:
Large image:

I have two more from wooI_Ioow, I will investigate and format them before I report the following two.


Reported with the following comment
used automated translator, investigation :
Reported post:

Title: Merit_Source&Plagiarist&Rule27_disruptor: Ratimov
Post by: wooI_Ioow on December 19, 2020, 08:33:56 AM
@mdayonliner, thanks for your involvement.

In Russian section Ratimov does reverse. He uses Google tool  to translate English article into Russian, makes slight alterations and then copy-paste   that translation.

The comparison of  two texts, one given by Google and the  other published by Ratimov gives expected result. Both are almost identical. Ratimov is so lazy that he doesn't bother changing the wording or twisting the words.  Mods have to be blind if they don't see that.

I used this tool to compare his and Google  Translate passages.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: airfinex on February 28, 2021, 11:05:06 AM
Quoting for historical reference.

Quote from: LoyceV
I'll respond here because my name was mentioned. First: this isn't the first topic about Ratimov, and I think I've said everything there is to say about it already. I think Ratimov can/should improve on his references, but ultimately it's not up to me. If the forum doesn't ban him for it, he seems to have found a loophole to easily make long posts that many people appreciate.
That being said, after several topics calling him out for plagiarism his large Merit earnings have dropped significantly:
Merit received by Ratimov (;u=2627711) (Trust list ( from January 24, 2018 until December 18, 2020 (source (
I also don't think Ratimov deserves negative feedback for this, as it doesn't mean he can't be trusted for trading.

I do think he's setting a bad example though, and I think plagiarism rules could be improved. So if anything, you may want to focus your energy on adjusting the rules in a separate topic (in Meta ( You could use Ratimov as an example for your arguments, but don't make it about him.

Does DarkStar know he is paying for plagiarism
Merit sent by DarkStar_ (;u=507936) (Trust list ( from January 24, 2018 until December 18, 2020 (source (
  1978. Tue Dec  8 20:49:15 2020: 5 (7201) to airfinex (;u=2467935) (Trust list ( (history ( for Merit Source - Plagiarist (

I also don't like some of Ratimov's Sent feedback. It's retaliatory and goes against what I consider correct use of the Trust system ( I get that several people created an alt account to call him out on this, and this is actually encouraged by theymos (
If you're hesitant to say something controversial because you don't want it to be associated with your name, please create an alt account and say it.
I always consider Trust inclusions and exclusions a bit of a "gliding scale": I usually don't (dis)agree with all ratings, but if the number gets too high, I might change my Trust list. I think I'm not alone in this, and Ratimov's DT-strength is already ( starting to decline ( a bit.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: eddie13 on March 01, 2021, 05:57:19 AM
Guy was even nominated “newbie of the year”..

3000+ merits for using Google translate eh?
What a great method of distributing DT voting power..

Bunch of DT + trust too for “catching alts and scambusting”
Not a single actual trade...
Not even a 2 year old account..

What a fucking joke this system is..

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: fxpc on March 01, 2021, 10:31:54 AM
Guy was even nominated “newbie of the year”..

3000+ merits for using Google translate eh?
What a great method of distributing DT voting power..

Bunch of DT + trust too for “catching alts and scambusting”
Not a single actual trade...
Not even a 2 year old account..

What a fucking joke this system is..

This guy also brags about how much BTC he earns from his corrupt schemes. Scambusting? These "investigators" are incapable of investigating anything. I challenged them to investigate. ( In response, deathly silence. Gang revels so much in its impunity that lovesmayfamilis (;u=1982152), who previously received a 1-year signature ban for plagiarism (already expired), comes here to mock community and protect her (or his) accomplice. Theymos became blind or decided to allow plagiarism? Can any native speaker ask him? I think Chipmixer and other signature campaigns should not sponsor people who destroy the forum or should leave. What do you think?

Гypoн, ты cчитaть нe нayчилcя, чтo 3 гoдa нaзaд, чтo ceйчac. Hy кaкoй из тeбя тpeйдep? Tы жaднaя зaвиcтливaя cyчкa, кoтopaя пocтoяннo нopoвит cчитaть чyжиe дeньги. Xoтя тpeйдepa дoлжны вoлнoвaть тoлькo eгo дoxoды. Teбя тaк этo пapит, чтo ты пocтoяннo нopoвишь пpикинyть, cкoлькo я нa пoдпиcи зapaбaтывaю. Cчитaть мoи дeньги....cyчкa, этa вaкaнcия yжe зaнятa. :D


Зa пocлeдниe 4,5 мecяцa фopyм мнe пepeвeл 0.55 биткa. Этo ты cтoлькo нa кoмиccияx тpaтишь? Бaлaбoл ты нecчacтный, зaвиcтливый и oбидчивый. :D
Huron, you haven't learned to count, that 3 years ago, that now. What kind of trader are you? You are a greedy envious bitch who constantly strives to count other people's money. Although the trader should only care about his income. You are so worried that you constantly strive to estimate how much I earn from signatures. Count my money .... bitch, this vacancy is already taken. :D


Over the past 4.5 months, the forum has transferred 0.55 BTC to me. Is that how much you spend on commissions? You are an unfortunate liar, envious and resentful. :D

Quoting for historical reference.

Did not have time to happen the first day of spring, so already a seasonal exacerbation of mental illness? Repetition of "painful" experiences? Perhaps so far it is only in the early stages to urgently see a doctor, and not rape the forum?

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: airfinex on March 01, 2021, 10:51:49 AM
Are you saying that lovesmayfamilis is now exposing what he was banned for earlier? Link please

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: fxpc on March 01, 2021, 10:59:54 AM
Are you saying that lovesmayfamilis is now exposing what he was banned for earlier? Link please

Hypocritical, isn't it? 8)

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: Obito on March 01, 2021, 11:23:35 AM
My take on this situation is to not put a bias stance and for the mods to investigate the case that can read Russian because I believe that justice or equality in investigation should be granted whether they are high rank users or not. If there were sources cited then I think that there shouldn't be a problem but I believe that we should approach it like a research paper, if it was copied word for word then it is plagiarism and if it was a verbatim or a paraphrase of the source then it is acceptable.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: ScumBuster on March 01, 2021, 12:38:31 PM
Ratimov is DT1 and merit source.
Ratimov adds witcher_sense to trust list, leaves positive rating.
Ratimov adds lovesmayfamilis to trust list, leaves positive rating.
These users used to report plagiarism. Now they defend it for selfish reasons.

lovesmayfamilis defends his abusing friend.

Still waiting for links to knowledgeable posts Ratimov has made which aren't copy paste. Why does no one reply?

STILL WAITING. Maybe lovesmayfamilis can show that Ratimov it not useless pile of shit plagiarizer.

Also look my thread about Ratimov and trust abusing

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: airfinex on March 01, 2021, 01:50:00 PM
ScumBuster, Please refrain from posting in my topic.

You create FUD, and against the background of your messages people can perceive my arguments with disdain.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on March 01, 2021, 02:47:45 PM
So here we have the Russian moderator essentially vouching for Ratimov, saying he did in fact cite his sources--or at least that's what it looks like to me. 

I'd be interested to hear from others on this.  I don't know if it's a witch hunt or not.
I did not say that there are no sources, they are for "formality", at the very bottom.
I'd already posted in this thread (see above) and was just contacted by OP via PM regarding this post, which he feels is abusive:

Did not have time to happen the first day of spring, so already a seasonal exacerbation of mental illness? Repetition of "painful" experiences? Perhaps so far it is only in the early stages to urgently see a doctor, and not rape the forum?
And I'd say it's a little harsh, borderline trolling.  On the other hand, this is bitcointalk and I've written posts that were much worse than that myself (though not lately).  You've got to have a thick skin on this forum, especially when you create threads like this one. 

I quoted your response to my post above because it shows that Ratimov did in fact cite his sources and therefore he didn't plagiarize anything.  The mods obviously felt the same way, and I think it's time to move on from this.  I think you meant well, OP; you just happened to be wrong on this one.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: fxpc on March 01, 2021, 03:58:10 PM
Ratimov did in fact cite his sources and therefore he didn't plagiarize anything.

Anyway, merit source made unnecessary Google translations to pump himself and his gang with merits and then participate in Chipmixer's signature campaign. This is corruption.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: eddie13 on March 01, 2021, 05:10:28 PM
I don’t think he is going to be banned either, but I think it’s pretty sketchy..
"In this article I would like to touch upon"
Claims to not be able to read English well enough to proofread the “I” out of his text spin? Yeah sure..

Technically the source was there, but is quite deceptive..

And it shows well how screwed up our current DT/Merit system is, as briefly outlined in my last post in this thread..
Dude doesn’t even comprehend the word “I”, but his judgement is very well trusted to discern situations enough to put him into a forum leadership position?

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: fxpc on March 02, 2021, 06:27:14 AM
Leadership judgement and reaction:
Пpи этoм Maкcимкa дeлaeт вид чтo eгo кoppyпциoнныx cxeм нe cyщecтвyeт и тpacт aбyзит пo этoмy пoвoдy.
Ocтaвил мнe нeгaтивный oтзыв:
Liar and troll. Distributes false information that I allegedly earn money on the forum in corruption schemes.

Tpoллинг видимo в тoм, чтo я eгo пocты пpoцитиpoвaл. Paтимoв, ты yвepeн чтo y тeбя xвaтит кpacки нa вcex пoльзoвaтeлeй имeющиx яйцa или ты тoлькo мeня бoишьcя? 8)
At the same time, Maxim (Ratimov) abuse trust system and pretends that his corruption schemes don't exist.
Left me a negative feedback:
Liar and troll. Distributes false information that I allegedly earn money on the forum in corruption schemes.

Trolling is probably that I quoted his posts. Ratimov, are you sure that you have enough red paint for all users who have balls, or are you only afraid of me? 8)

пoльзoвaтeлeй имeющиx яйцa или ты тoлькo мeня бoишьcя? 8)

У тeбя вмecтo яиц вaгинa, зacaдa oднoй фpaзoй тeбя зacтaвил pacплaкaтьcя, cкaзaв пpo кpым. Peзyльтaт твoeй иcтepики y тeбя в пoдпиcи.

тpacт aбyзит пo этoмy пoвoдy.

Moжeшь oбжaлoвaть этoт oтзыв, чтo ты пиздaбoл и тpoлль, кoнeчнo ecли y тeбя ecть пpyфы тex кoppyпциoнныx cxeм, пpo кoтopыe ты cпaмишь в paзныx paздeлax. Ho мы oбa знaeм, чтo этoт выcep cyщecтвyeт тoлькo в paмкax твoeгo бoльнoгo вooбpaжeния. ;)
Translation with my comments:
for all users who have balls, or are you only afraid of me? 8)

Instead of balls, you have a vagina, zasad@ (;u=2654005) (comment: Ratimov's alt or accomplice) made you cry in one phrase, saying about the Crimea (comment: I have no idea what relation Crimea has to Ratimov and his corruption schemes). The result of your hysterics is in your signature.

abuse trust system.

You can appeal this review that you are a pizdabol (comment: obscene Russian slang means liar) and a troll, of course, if you have proofs of those corruption schemes about which you spam in different sections. But we both know that it only exists in frames of your sick imagination. ;)

If my posts are spam, why don't the moderators delete them? ::)
Are members of DT1 satisfied to be on the same level with a such person?

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: airfinex on March 03, 2021, 04:48:15 PM
Archival citation

The system is for handling trade risk, not for flagging people for good/bad posts/personalities/ideas.
Stupid idiot, troll, son of a bitch, schizophrenic, Idiot with a broken head, this is how the text of the majority of feedback left by Ratimov begins. Ratimov regularly resorts to reciprocal exceptions and feedback abuse. In addition to this, the user left 35 positive reviews with praise, which have nothing to do with real transactions, except for reviews to the BestChange manager.

I believe in LoyceV religion, believe that the Trust System should not be used to indicate that someone is a troll and Idiot, and I believe that the Trust System should not be used as a weapon. This vengeful attitude of Ratimov demonstrates how he really understands the basics of the trust system, demonstrates with what arrogance he really treats the community.

eddie13 expressed his opinion and Ratimov added him to the list of distrust.

3000+ merits for using Google translate eh?
What a great method of distributing DT voting power..

Bunch of DT + trust too for “catching alts and scambusting”
Not a single actual trade...
Not even a 2 year old account..

What a fucking joke this system is..

fxpc quoted Ratimov and received an unreasonable red label

I published evidence of plagiarism using Google translator and Ratimov offended me right away.

Ratimov Left Nullius with an insulting feedback.

There are dozens of reviews of this kind!

Marcel, Marie.

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: eddie13 on March 07, 2021, 12:39:20 AM
Umm guys..
We have a complete newb on DT1, who has been kicked from his sig camp for basically sig spamming/merit farming through the deceptive use of google translate (bordering on outright plagiarism), is throwing out shit negative ratings of nothing but personal insults for many of those who speak of it, shit positive ratings, and leaving retaliatory exclusions for basically anyone who says anything or excludes him..

Maybe it’s time for some ~Ratimov action ya think???


Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: Excimer on March 14, 2021, 06:53:11 AM
These plagiarist (;u=2627711) has no right to be a meritsourcer

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: airfinex on March 16, 2021, 07:59:18 PM
lovesmayfamilis, so strictly defends her beliefs that she did not comment on the situation with Ratimov.  :'(

Another creation of a person who regularly creates topics for beginners, copying articles, even if they have links to sources.

I can't figure out, maybe everyone needs to create similar topics? We will pull out everything from the Internet, from making soup to repairing tractors. The main thing is that there will be links, and this is no longer plagiarism. Is this content helpful?

Where do we go on such roads? Is there a solution to these things? Do such writers need to be noted in their trust?

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: airfinex on September 03, 2021, 05:51:38 PM

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: NotATether on September 04, 2021, 04:44:43 AM

Why the wait for 6 months before stirring up the drama again?

Title: Re: Merit Source - Plagiarist
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on September 04, 2021, 07:55:44 AM

Why the wait for 6 months before stirring up the drama again?

It is at these times, in the fall and spring, that relapse begins in people who love squabbles.
And also I think this is due to the detection of plagiarism in two new members of the BestChange subscription company. (new noise)
lovesmayfamilis, so strictly defends her beliefs that she did not comment on the situation with Ratimov.  :'(

I'll answer, OP, the last question you asked. I also think it is not correct to copy-paste, even with the provision of links. But the story with Ratimov does not fit these parameters at all. Thus, many forum members who create guides can be accused of plagiarism.
It's autumn outside, reduce your ardor, forget old grievances.