Exodus wallet is not a recommended wallet, but this is so surprising. It will be good to import the Exodus wallet seed phrase on electrum wallet to know if your balance will appear. I will not advice you to use Exodus wallet, use trusted ones like electrum.
To download electrum, use the official site for the download, electrum.org. Make sure you verify the wallet.
Let us know if your balance appear after importing the seed phrase on electrum wallet.
I'll definitely be ditching Exodus after this. I imported the seed phrase into Electrum and it shows the Bitcoin there. Am I able to just send this as normal now from Electrum?
sure, just twice-triple check your received address has corrected. also, make sure to create a fee where you want to fast received in Binance address.
if you first time using electrum you should have to take it slow, Do not rush, asking here if you have doubt before broadcasting the payment.
TUTORIAL: How to use Electrum (for beginners) < this guide for an old electrum version but step it almost same with a new version of electrum.