Note: I am not a developer, or affiliated officially with the Umbria protocol. I am an avid community member and I believe in the project and team's visionDeFi project Umbria (UMBR) now live on Uniswap
Name: Umbria
Symbol: UMBR
Decimal: 18
Contract: 0xa4bbe66f151b22b167127c770016b15ff97dd35c
Total supply: 10,000,000 (5,000,000 current supply)
Online Blockchain PLC and Umbria Labs has developed an ecosystem of cryptocurrency-based projects and user-experiences, aimed to provide anyone with a friendly entry-point into DeFi (Decentralised Finance), called Umbria. By leveraging pre-established, open source DeFi implementations and libraries, used in current projects, such as Uniswap, Compound and Sushiswap, Umbria aims to simplify and demystify the DeFi user-experience.
Umbria Labs began researching DeFi in 2019, and has since successfully launched a decentralised finance ecosystem with an exchange, liquidity pools and yield farming, on the Ropsten testnet of the Ethereum Blockchain. During this research phase, Umbria Labs and Online Blockchain PLC conducted research on
1) the limitations of other DeFi platforms such as Sushiswap
2) the level at which new users could effectively use current DeFi platforms.
The conclusion was that Sushiswap and Uniswap, among other popular DeFi platforms are inaccessible for those without an advanced knowledge of cryptocurrency and DeFi. Umbria Labs also concluded that there is a need in the current DeFi landscape, for a platform that offers a simple entry-point into DeFi. Umbria Lab's vision is to improve the Decentralized Finance space by creating tools (Yield Farming, Exchange, Pools, Vaults, etc) without the unnecessary complexity to the user
Exchanges: will be 5 phases for adding Umbria, with each phase started when the previous phase finishes
100,000 Tokens will be added to Uniswap at $0.50
100,000 Tokens will be added to Uniswap at $0.60
100,000 Tokens will be added to Uniswap at $0.70
100,000 Tokens will be added to Uniswap at $0.80
100,000 Tokens will be added to Uniswap at $0.90
RoadmapQ4 2020
Launch Umbria exchange and menu protocol on the Ethereum testnet. Create Umbria staking and yield farming protocol on Ethereum testnet.
Umbria protocol experiments successfully tested on Ropsten testnet. Swapping, liquidity pools, exchange and UMBR staking successfully tested.
Q1 2021
Launch Umbria protocol version 1 on Ethereum mainnet. Create Uniswap V2 UMBR-ETH token pair. Provide 500,000 tokens for UMBR-ETH liquidity on Uniswap.
Bounty program begins. Exchange listings begin. UMBR available for early community adoption.
Umbria Litepaper deployed and reviewed.
Airdrop 500,000 UMBR tokens to users who are providing liquidity in the Umbria protocol. Bonus UMBR per block begins for LP holders, for two weeks.
Q3 2021
Launch Umbria LP token staking contract on Ethereum mainnet. Users receive an UMBR reward to staking certain LP tokens. Launch version 1 of Umbria yield farming vault contracts on Ethereum testnet.
Umbria governance migration begins. Umbria protocol contract ownership is transferred to governence contracts, to increase the level of decentralization of the protocol.
Umbria naked-staking begins. Users can stake their UMBR tokens to receive more UMBR.
Launch version 1 of Umbria yield farming vault contracts on Ethereum mainnet. Umbria V2 research phase begins. Non-custodial asset wrapping, flash-loans, vaults, interoperability, MATIC integration explored.
Q4 2021
Launch layer 2 transaction fee reduction protocol for the Umbria network, on the Ethereum mainnet.
Implement crosschain interoperability to allow any cryptocurrency to be exchanged, staked and swapped on the Umbria protocol.