Kudos to them who always expose these scams and also to you. But these scammers won't stop until they've been caught personally by the authorities. After the scam mania in the telegram channels and groups, they're now migrating to discord servers because it has gained it's popularity during 2020 although it's been existing for a long time. The scripts and texts of these scammers are already familiar to us but newbies are always the vulnerable ones that they're targeting.
We need to take our approach to a different level from what we is the status quo, if we do not remain vigilant about this scams and all we do is depend on authorities to catch this scum that are scamming the people on the Internet, the problem will only proliferate. Lately, Discord is getting the same treatment as Telegram becoming a new paradise for scammers and Discord has a new array of people that doesn't know what scams are lurking on the Internet. The only way for this scammer's platform migration to not become successful is to teach people the basics of different types of scam and how to spot one, as @passwordnow has said, the script never changes which means that we just need to teach people how some typical scam scripts work and hope to God that they won't get scammed after knowing the scripts.