First off all this not financial advice

After manipulate trough main media Game stop lost most of its Value .because rich people dont allow us to win.Sec etc wont do a thing .poor people never get rich because they wont allow it
Like George Carlin said its i started in crypto the media told us bitcoin wil be forbiden so many years,banks sec forbid people who wurk for them to buy Bitcoin
BTCSo many red flags in the media that they wil ban bitcoin Not many people could hold btc because of the news and big tech,
one excample
in 2017 they say: this there many excamples,
As the price of Bitcoin and Bitcoin futures have risen in 2017, one Morgan Stanley analyst has a radically different take on the digital currency. In a markedly different take Today’s Bitcoin price is around $16,000, but analyst James Faucette said in a research note last week, that the value of Bitcoin could actually be… zero.
In a research note titled “Bitcoin Decrypted,” the Morgan Stanley analyst outlined several reasons for why Bitcoin may have no real-world value, Business Insider first reported. One reason is that it’s not a real currency, Faucette said, since Bitcoin has no interest rate attached to it. Another is that since it’s not a physical object like gold (which can be used as a precious metal), it lacks an intrinsic value.
these day they say 2021
Morgan Stanley’s global strategist has made a case that bitcoin is making progress towards replacing the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency. “Do not assume that your traditional currencies are the only stores of value, or mediums of exchange, that people will ever trust,” he warned governments.
Now whe have a change a real opportunity a new short cut BTC = Bitcoin Gold it have the old chain from btc 2009 its excatly the same til fork date So if you lost 100 btc in 2010 you lost 100 Btg also
see your self most people lost
BTC coins trough FBI BTC-E And Mount Gox me lost BTC those day to
BTG only have one real problem the price is to low so network have many attacks because lack of miners ,
But if price increase Miners wil increase network would be strong and investors wil come then a new
BTCor BTG is born
The suply is same as bitcoin the price of btg is same as btc 10 years ago this could be a golden ticket a short cut of a new
BTC and sec etc media cant stop this time
Btc is mined now trough big tech china is mined trough people Btg is for all the people this a golden chance a short cut
Anyone can mine BTG with readily available graphics cards. Bitcoin Gold uses Equihash-BTG, also known as Equihash(144,5) or Zhash. This version of Equihash uses more memory than an ASIC can muster, but runs fine on many graphics cards - maybe even one already in your computer! Try it - and join our forums for support from a like-minded community.
its like how Sathosi wanted to see
BTCi only want to share the real vision of Sathosi the price today is $11,5 all stil have a change to have a real BTG
The fact that new coins are produced means the money supply increases by a planned amount, but this does not necessarily result in inflation. If the supply of money increases at the same rate that the number of people using it increases, prices remain stable. If it does not increase as fast as demand, there will be deflation and early holders of money will see its value increase.
The $ £ ¥ ₩ wil fail soon they wil say trough Corona
Funds wil not hold value so people need to store value
You can store at btc 40k or store value in btg $11
Easy choise .or buy gold or silver in real this the only way
Take care life your life, life your live as you want take control of your life
And ty for reading
I remember how they talked about Bitcoin Cash in the same way. You just need to remember - there will never be any second bitcoin, if someone moves bitcoin, then a project like Dfinity. This is the only project that has done something really worthwhile in recent years!