The complication that I mentioned is that after you paid the money, they would return it to the platform you were sent to? Why not update your account balance as long as they are sure that the money belongs to you?
it is easy to update your account or access the private key and refund you?
The destination tags help them to know which account the deposit was made to. XRP unlike Bitcoin or Ethereum can use one address for thousands of accounts. What helps differentiate who sent how much is the destination tag.
Accountability and Records: So If they just keep crediting accounts without tags and keep that untagged xrp in there, it may create problems for them in the long run when it comes to records and auditing. Just like you could have forgotten to use a tag, just know there are other people who may have done the same mistake in the past and more will do it in the future.
Now think about a scenario of a hack, like one that happened recently to them where someone got hold of private keys and started making transfers out of the hot wallets. How will they be able to make accountability for the accounts they credited minus the destination tag transactions.
Security: You can never be so sure when it comes to all this online stuff and cryptocurrencies. The XRP ledger if public and one can easily see transactions that have destination tags and those that don't. Imagine I am a thief and I hatch an evil plan of sniffing around the exchange XRP addresses and look out for transactions with no DT. As soon as I see one, I contact support and tell them I made a mistake and sent a transaction with no DT and within the 24 hours, they credit my account and I cash it out, meanwhile the real person who made the transaction contacts support after 2 days claiming the same thing. Someone innocent ends up losing money that way.
So to avoid all this, the best way is resending the funds back to the address of origin. They get to keep the ledger balanced or records intact while being very sure that they sent back the XRP to the genuine owner.
And the option of sending the $ 10, why not have one address for all refunds that you can get in general instead of sending it in private? With all the scams, asking for an amount from users seems strange.
I never experienced this but it surely looks fishy. Maybe try contacting them through different avenues and see if the response is consistent.
Does any of you know if they have Bitcointalk account? I sent to@KuCoin Exchange but I don't know if it's an official account and I will try to create a topic on Reddit.
It's their marketing representative here, He will just tell u to write to support.