The current ethereum price is indeed comparatively very low. Compared to the price of Bitcoin, ethereum should now have a price of over $ 5,000. The reason for this condition is the high level of gas for transactions in this network. Some campaigns, including AMEPAY, are still hesitant to pay out part of their tokens to bounty company participants because of this. However, this is a temporary problem and, as Buterin assured, this problem should disappear in July. So, if possible, we should give up making small transactions on the ethereum network for now.
I think with July update it is going to go down, that is what I am expecting ethereum to do next, drop the fee to low levels and have a high price instead. That is going to be great, it would help miners because even though they are charging less ETH it is still a lot of ETH that they are mining so the price of ETH being high would help them, and it would help anyone who holds ethereum, and who deals with ethereum and people who want to move it around would have easier time as well.
It is just a logical method, it is not going to hurt anyone and it would definitely help anyone. So fee under 5 bucks and price over 5k will be the only way to go for ethereum to survive. I think it was basically 10x compared to last year so that is not bad, but it could definitely get bigger, could go towards 3k easily with this kind of change if the fee is dropped.