Hi everyone,
After long search on Internet and despite my effort I cannot found a solution to my problem also I post here maybe someone can help me.
I didn't started my DMD wallet since 2018 and now I must do a special trick to transfert my DMD to the new wallet v3.
One Diamond founder send me this document
https://bit.diamonds/how_transition_short.pdf by mail.
Also I add some nodes in the diamond.conf and it work, I have actually 9 connection to the network. But the wallet didn't start to sync and I don't know what to do more.
Since 24h my wallet is launched and take about 2% of my processor but it seem nothing append.
My second problem is they said to go to Send Coin > Coin Control and exporte private key of every address. The problem is there is no address in this list.
Must I solve my sync problem to see addresses there ? Or I have another problem ?
In every other altcoin I own with a core wallet, the sync start when I start the core but not for Diamond and I don't know why and finally how to transfer my coin to others wallet.
Thank you for your help.