Is this for real that CafeSwap Exchange Platform has a Lottery features? Has anyone give this a try please CafeSwap team can you throw more in light on this I try doing research but still can't get the real picture of how the Lottery features works I know the return must be encouraging and I'm really interested in things like this. If possible there should be a documentary tutorial video on your website on how exactly this works to make things more easier for users most especially those who are interested.
Yes, we have a lottery features in the platform please read the below message carefully:
BREW Lottery
Brew Lottery Running Once Daily (UTC Times)
Lottery Ticket Fee for 1 ticket: 1 BREW
Single User Lottery Entry Limit: No overall limit, but only 50 can be bought at one time through the UI
Paying for one ticket will give users a random 4 digit combination with each digit being between 1-9, for e.g. “9-7-3-4”
How to win:
To win the lottery jackpot (50% of the entire lottery pool), users need to match all 4 numbers on their tickets in the same position as the 4 winning numbers.
If you don’t match all 4, no need to worry. As long as you match 2 or more numbers in the correct position, you are guaranteed to win a reward.
Winning Ratio:
Match all 4 numbers in the exact order = win 50% of the pot (or split the pot if more than 1 winner).
Match 3 numbers in the exact order = win or split 20% of the pot.
Match 2 numbers in the exact order = win or split 10% of the pot.
Burn the remaining 20% of the pot.
Please note - in the event that no participants were able to match 3 numbers on any draw, the 20% allocated to winners will then be burned accordingly.
For example, if the final 4 winning numbers are “9-7-3-8”:
“2-3-9-1” = match 0
“9-7-3-8” = match all 4
“9-7-3-2” = match 3
“2-7-3-8” = match 3
“2-3-3-8” = match 2
“1-7-1-8” = match 2
Lottery phases:
Each full lottery session is completed every 24 hours (1 per day), with the timings for each as below:
5:00 PM UTC-3:00 PM UTC (Buy Tickets)
3:00 PM UTC-3:15 PM UTC (Lottery Draw)
3:15 PM UTC-5:00 PM UTC (Claiming & Celebration Time)
An example of a lottery session starting at 5:00 PM is below:
Phase 1 - Buy Tickets (5:00 PM to 3:00 PM)
You have 22 hours to buy tickets.
The lottery jackpot will accumulate at the top of the page with each ticket bought.
Users will receive a ticket (comprised of 4 digits) for each 1 BREW paid.
Phase 2 - Lottery Draw! (3:00 PM)
The 4 winning lottery numbers are drawn and will appear on the page.
Each participant’s winnings will be automatically calculated based on their ticket numbers and shown on the page.
Users can claim winnings if they have any.
Users will also be able to see the lottery results: How many users matched all 4 numbers, 3 numbers and 2 numbers.
Phase 3 - Celebration and Sharing (3:00 PM - 5:00 PM)
If you won, congrats! Share with your friends or in our community groups.
The next lottery starts in 2 hour!
How are ticket numbers drawn?
The lottery aims to be completely random. Even though the ticket numbers given out are determined by a front-end logic, there is an extremely low chance that anyone is able to determine the 4 winning numbers ahead of time.
The 1st lottery number will be determined based on the %10 remainder of a hash encoded by the blockhash and the number of participating users at the entry deadline.
The 2nd lottery number will be determined based on the %10 remainder of a hash encoded by the blockhash and the total pooled brew balance at the entry deadline.
The 3rd lottery number will be determined based on the %10 remainder of a hash encoded by the blockhash and the timestamp of the last lottery participant at the entry deadline.
The 4th lottery number will be determined based on the %10 remainder of a hash encoded by the blockhash and the block difficulty at the entry deadline.
For the exact code on how the above is calculated, please refer here.
Roadmap BUSD_lottery