WHY DAOLAUNCHCentralized Finance earn lots of money from upcoming new startups, by marketing or audit. Investors are receiving some profits to invest them, hoping they should be doing a good job. Plenty numbers of DeFi products came out todays, but still DeFi ecosystem has never been able to replace the role of audit, and marketing.
DAOLaunch ecosystem, combine audit, marketing and investment roles on decentralized platform. Share more profits among investors,not dominate by CeFi. Invest and Audit the project by our governance, and Let’s launch it to the moon.
Useful BUT No Fee
Time-based Token Lock: Distribute tokens gradually to prevent investors dump, or show integrity to lock up team allocation or LP tokens, simple and easy steps.
DAICO: Activate DAICO or not flexibly. When activate DAICO, appear clearly on platform and easy to get attention from investors.
Auction and Private OTC: Set up various fundraising type.Public or Closed private with password, sealed bid or dutch auction.
Custom Wrapping: Wrap a non-Ethereum asset instantly, enable to interact on the Ethereum blockchain.
No centralized custodial,build by smart contract. Raise a fund flexibly and permitless. Useful,Highly functional, but don’t have to pay any fees from raised fund.
IBO (Initial BUY-BACK Offering)So where do we earn money? There is contribution Fee, don’t have to pay but expect huge returns by contribution. Startups can flexibly choose what percentage of native token and raised fund contribute to our platform. Contribution ratio from 0% up to 5%.
Collected native token, will be used for tokendrop to promote the project. Collected fund, will be pooled in IBO-FUND, which is used as BUY-BACK SUPPORT. BUY-BACK SUPPORT amount is based on contribution.Once it has completed, token will be burn.
Launch your IBO / Initial BUY-BACK Offering. If you are successfully selected by our governance, IBO-FUND will buy-back your project, we all root for your project to get successful.
Mint IBO-NFT to stake DAL token (DAOLaunch Native Token). NFT will be created beginning of every month, expire after certain duration.
IBO-NFT Holders, have governance rights, early access into tokensale and free tokendrop with simple task.
Let’s Moon the projectBUY-BACK, is simplest and easiest way to raise the price.
Decide which project worth receiving BUY-BACK Support by our governance, based on invest amount and ratio of IBO-NFT holders.
Let’s decide which project take it to the moon.
OWN INDEX NFTTokens obtained through IBO-NFT, will be pool in the contract that is able to swap each NFT.
You can create your own seed token index NFT! Get more capital gain in NFT market.