CryptoSwapper is a legitimate site.
Yeah, right!
You cannot affirm CryptoSwapper is scam only because the texts that we use.
Apart from the fact that you've plagiarized from a "scam" mixing platform, both of you have registered your domain under the exact same registrar
[an unpopular one], and on top of that, both fake platforms have a very similar UI
[e.g. animated graphics and etc...].
- The more I look at it, the more I'm convinced that a single person has designed both of these websites.We have been using these texts for a long time in our mixer service in .onion.
And yet there's no sign
[.onion] anywhere on your website
+ I wouldn't classify a website that's been around for less than 4 months as "a long time".
if you have any question or suggestion about our services please let us know.
On your website, it says the following line... Care to point us to a place that proves you had "hundreds of thousands of users"?
I understand mistrust, there is a lot of scammers and it is normal not to trust new sites.
-We have chosen the safest and most private registrar possible. We have experience with many registrars. Some bad.
It is easy to find which are the most private registrars.
-Similar UI?
CryptoSwapper supports swaps for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Dash, Litecoin, and Monero. Make your own conclusions.
-CryptoSwapper 2.0. is our second version of our swapper. The first version was only in DeepWeb
for a long time (onion site). But we had many problems with the hidden server and Tor. For know we only offer the service in clearnet. Maybe in the future we will be able to add the service in Tor network again.
-The swapper has been running on clearnet for more that two months and
no user has complained in any place.
-Please, I would like you to
try the service and then do a review in this same forum.
Best Regard
CryptoSawpper -