Consider the possibility this was a malicious attack by someone else against the person named.
OP hasn't removed the sensitive info, obviously not checking in for responses.
I've reported OP to Mod based on my suspicion.
Since its not against the forum rules, the thread may not be trashed. And its our responsibility to keep our privacy in this case OP missed it again so I guess his account was hacked through phishing attack in someway.
If OP comes online at anytime don't forget to mention your username so we can find someone else is using your account or not?
This was not a legitimate request for help from a clueless user. The OP is not the person named in the post.
It's not the OP who's info was exposed but an innocent and unaware victim. The named person is likely not even a member of BCT.
This the same scam as ordering a pizzas and having them delivered to someone you don't like to harass them.
The only way the name and email will be removed is if the Mods do it.
Edit: a better metaphor might be the toilet stall message "for a good time call [phone number]"