~But as if now, it doesn't really makes sense to buy a piece of land that stays within the internet or even buying a jpg image just because the owner is verifiable through blockchain. ~
Speaking as of now, I'm the one that hasn't conceptualized of metaverse yet, I rather think that somehow it really comes down to the basic of how things works, like what is the actual utilities of metaverse into the depth of personal being that someone can maximally benefit from the potency of metaverse, the same as you said, it is absurd to buy land on it.
About the latter, given that NFT has some technical issues that needed to be addressed to be completely met its promises, let's say as verifiable digital ownership, at the current level, I think that NFT really gives some use cases across people around the world especially artist. As an example, there are girls on this forum who can benefit of how NFT works since the regulatory barriers of her countries is delayed the ability to sell art around the world. Though in another hand, there is also some creator who gets their arts stealed and sold as NFT, and that is really concerning thing that needs a workaround. After all, that is the least thing why I think that NFT has a bigger space to maximize its potency.