When he says regime change he simply means "new management" because family factions own most nations including that one. Elite factions fight among themselves when there are disagreements about how their patch of the earth inc should be ran that usually end up with a lot of commoners being eliminated in the process. Think of the world as being ran by a more sophisticated version of mafia families but who don't use as much hair gel.
True. In China's case it'll probably just be a different faction of the same party. Might take a long time for Soros' dream to come through though, She has thoroughly purged the party, getting rid of rivals.
I could see Soros and others lose out on the Chinese stock market as it is more rigged than stock markets in the other world. The new digital Yuan is lightyears ahead of the USD and SWIFT payments. I think a certain version of it is backed by gold I read on a crypto news post. The only way the West could win a war again China and their overwhelming manpower would be a biological weapon that targets their homogenous (except those in Uyghur region) Han DNA genome. Which is why even though I think video from 2019-2020 from the pandemic of China locking people (probably faked) tells the world that if you do unleash such a thing people will be locked into the homes; thereby possibly preventing the spread.
That is an interesting take considering the accusations about China stealing DNA samples though companies offering home swab DNA kits and there were even rumors of them planning to do the same to athletes this Winter Olympics. America would be harder to take down with such DNA targetting bioweapons coz of the diversity (make sense to just release a virus) so I think the accusations are unfounded. If they ever are doing it, it'll probably to attack whichever group is convenient to whitle down at the time.
As for China's manpower, that shouldn't be a worry for outsiders. The population is graying despite them reversing the One Child Policy.