Some casino will do the fake leaders board to attract the people.Because only if the players had a look of chance to win certain money,they will inverse their money.With out any profit,Is any one ready to inverse their money.So kindly avoid of leader boards.Play you game continues,your name will come on leader board one day.
BustabitWin is not only displaying the fake leaderboards to attract the gamblers but it is also using the famous Bustabit name in its domain making people think this is Bustabit site. I think this is completely fake site made only to scam the innocent new gamblers.
Why do you insist on using the term investment? When a player makes a deposit on a casino and receives a x% bonus then this is a deposit bonus not a return on investment. And claiming that it will be credited immediately and can be withdrawn at any moment makes it more suspicious.
OP, you need to address all members' concerns and answer their questions. Ignoring them is not helping here.
Look like they are using the term investment to fool people. Deposit bonus is never an investment and usually it comes with hard wagering rules making it almost impossible to withdraw.