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Author Topic: [ANN] Alterdot(ADOT), Web3 using Blockchain and IPFS, CPU Mining, Masternodes  (Read 4287 times)
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July 27, 2021, 12:05:41 PM
Last edit: August 03, 2021, 03:22:45 PM by matusik484

Hello Everyone!

We would like to welcome Alterdot on our Mining Pool!

Our Mining Fee is only 0.5% both Pool and Solo, so miners can enjoy their coins Wink
Payouts are made automatically every 2 hours.

You can use following commands to join our Mining Pool straight away :

#1 Option is for mining on Europe Pool :
-a argon2d16000 -o stratum+tcp:// -u YOUR_ADOT_WALLET_ADDRESS.workerXYZ -p c=ADOT

#2 Option is to mine on US Pool :
-a argon2d16000 -o stratum+tcp:// -u YOUR_ADOT_WALLET_ADDRESS.workerXYZ -p c=ADOT

#3 Option is to mine on Asia Pool :
-a argon2d16000 -o stratum+tcp:// -u YOUR_ADOT_WALLET_ADDRESS.workerXYZ -p c=ADOT

*Solo Mining is also available.

Thanks for paying attention!
-Enjoy your hashing.

Your Team

If you need a help or have any ideas about our pools, don't be afraid to contact us at Discord :

Exbitron (
mrankin (OP)
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July 28, 2021, 01:56:32 AM
Last edit: January 13, 2022, 11:39:52 PM by mrankin
Merited by cryptomaxsun (1)

Alterdot v1.9.0 Released!
It is mandatory to upgrade before block 1,050,000.

This update brings with it the following updates to our code;
  • Many changes ported over from Dash and Bitcoin, our codebase now being in line with Dash v0.14.0.5
  • Code for ChainLocks and LLMQ-based InstantSend is added in this version and it remains to be activated at a later time
  • Added three Long Living Masternode Quorum (LLMQ) configurations better suited for Alterdot: LLMQ_10_60, LLMQ_20_60 and LLMQ_30_80
  • The Alterdot network will switch to using only LLMQ_10_60 at block 1,050,000 therefore triggering a hard fork, the two other configurations will be activated in later versions
  • Fixed the synchronization progress bar which wasn't loading in accordance with the downloaded blocks
  • Protocol version bumped to 70015. After block 1,050,000 all older versions of Alterdot will be rejected
  • Removed unnecessary Dash themes
  • Added fixed seeds

The latest version of Alterdot can be downloaded from Github -
mrankin (OP)
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August 11, 2021, 11:49:36 PM
Last edit: January 13, 2022, 11:40:05 PM by mrankin

Alterdot v1.9.1 Released!
This is a mandatory for BlockchainDNS users.

This update brings with it the following updates to our code;
  • Fixes an issue regarding domains not being recorded correctly in the local database
  • BDNS record indexing system has been updated
  • New command "listowneddomains" added which returns the list of domains registered by the current wallet
  • New command "bdns" which allows you to check the state of the BDNS or trigger BDNS reindexing

Remember to update all of your nodes and wallets to at least v1.9.0 by block 1,050,000 otherwise you will end up on a fork!

The latest version of Alterdot can be downloaded from Github -

Development Update

Our browser extension is almost ready for launch with the core functionality complete and some further improvements being added. Our website update is the next piece of work to be undertaken, however this is a period of holiday/vacation for some of the team making progress a little slower. Thank you for your patience!
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October 09, 2021, 06:44:49 PM

We got news everyone Smiley, the presentation about what we have worked on lately and what's coming up next for Alterdot will take place on the 21st of October at 16:30 UTC on Discord ( A showcase of our browser extension and website will be included as well as a Q&A session so I recommend you save the date. ✅

We have some other important news as well, we are getting listed on the Exbitron exchange ( which is created by the people from Deposits and withdrawals are already available and trading will commence tomorrow starting with 18:00 UTC. We will have two trading pairs: ADOT/BTC and ADOT/USDT. You can deposit USDT on Exbitron through the Tron network for minimal costs so it will be very easy and accessible for everyone to trade Alterdot. Deposits of ADOT take 10 confirmations or about 1 hour to be credited.

Alterdot v1.9.1.1 Released!

This version fixes a bug that caused crashing on startup for MacOS users and there is also slightly less load on Masternodes.
The latest version of Alterdot can be downloaded from Github -
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October 10, 2021, 06:32:30 PM
Last edit: October 11, 2021, 09:45:16 AM by matusik484
Merited by cryptomaxsun (1)

Alterdot available for trading on Exbitron Exchange, with pairs BTC and USDT!


>Low trading fees only 0,2%, and withdrawal fees are small too Wink
>Easy to use UI
>Discord and Telegram support

Support :


Happy Trading!

Exbitron (
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October 21, 2021, 11:33:48 AM

Just a quick reminder everyone, our presentation will we streamed today at 16:30 UTC on Twitch ( I will talk about the general direction of our project and our newly launched browser extension and website. We will also have a Q&A session! Smiley
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October 24, 2021, 01:01:32 AM

Alterdot now available on:



0.1 % - Shared Mining
0.3 % - Solo Mining

Min. 0.001 ADOT every 30 minutes

Peers list:

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October 25, 2021, 11:36:47 AM

The general presentation of our project that was streamed live on Twitch last Thursday is now available on Youtube:

Our browser extension that resolves Alterdot blockchain domains is now available on the Chrome Web Store:
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November 04, 2021, 04:23:08 PM

Can you post some of the key points from the Youtube presentation here?
mrankin (OP)
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November 11, 2021, 11:40:29 PM
Last edit: January 13, 2022, 11:40:43 PM by mrankin

Can you post some of the key points from the Youtube presentation here?

Key points were around the roadmap which is now the second post in this thread -

All Alterdot Features along with the Roadmap are on the website -
mrankin (OP)
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November 11, 2021, 11:50:00 PM

Alterdot v1.9.2 Released!
This is a mandatory update

This update brings with it the following updates to our code;
  • Activation of ChainLocks from block 1,078,000 protecting the blockchain against significant 51% attacks
  • InstantSend transaction limit increased from 1,000 to 20,000 ADOT

Remember to update all of your nodes and wallets to at least v1.9.2 by block 1,078,000 otherwise you will end up on a fork!

The latest version of Alterdot can be downloaded from Github -
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December 01, 2021, 12:40:21 AM

We've added Alterdot (ADOT) to See below for connection details.

Fee only: 0.5% or less
BTC payouts are processed once a day for balances above 0.0015
Payouts for all other currencies are made automatically every 4 hours for balances above 0.05 and balances more than 0.0125 are included in one of the payouts each day.

- Sample configurations -
To mine argon2d16000 and get paid in ADOT:
-a argon2d16000 -o stratum+tcp:// -u ADOT_ADDRESS -p c=ADOT

Exchange to BTC:
-a argon2d16000 -o stratum+tcp:// -u BTC_ADDRESS -p c=BTC
Exchange to BTC but mine only ADOT:
-a argon2d16000 -o stratum+tcp:// -u BTC_ADDRESS -p c=BTC

All of our ports are NiceHash friendly, no need to specify any extra details

Need hashpower? zpools sister provides hash rental services:



ZPOOL - the miners multipool! Support We pay 10 FLUX Parallel Assets (PA) directly to block rewards! Get paid more and faster. No PA fee's or waiting around for them, paid instantly on every block found!
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December 31, 2021, 10:24:07 AM
Merited by mrankin (1)

SRBMiner now supports 'argon2d_16000' algorithm for CPU & GPU mining!

SRBMiner-MULTI thread - HERE
mrankin (OP)
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January 27, 2022, 11:26:36 PM
Merited by cryptomaxsun (1)

Alterdot v1.9.2.1 Released!
Not mandatory but recommended

This update brings with it the following updates to our code;
  • Added support for Raspberry Pi
  • Security patch against time warp attacks
  • Bug fixes

The latest version of Alterdot can be downloaded from Github -

Develpment News

We have an important update regarding the future change of algorithm such that CPU mining becomes profitable again. We have decided to go for a dual mining algorithm solution so we can keep everyone in the game. The two algorithms will be RandomX, a CPU friendly algorithm developed by Monero, and Argon2d16000, the one we currently have in use.

We have also been discussing about the possibility of freezing rewards (both MN and PoW) at current levels until Alternodes come into play as they will have their own reward which changes things up a bit. With the current scheme, rewards are bound to decrease down to 2/2/2 (MN/PoW/DevFund) in one year from now, but with the latest influx of newcomers we believe keeping rewards a little higher, at 4/4/2, should allow for more growth. Inflation can be used as a tool to attract new people and that is what we have in mind. After analyzing several financial models, this scenario proves to have the most benefits: more rewards, inflation still under 10% per annum, improved liquidity, 20% of new rewards going to the DevFund instead of 33%. This measure will be taken only after we are in agreement with the community so speak up on our Discord server!

Discord -

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March 28, 2022, 10:59:22 PM
This coin supported in new low fee multi-coin pool!
We are waiting for you...
mrankin (OP)
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May 04, 2022, 11:39:30 PM

Alterdot v1.9.3 Released!
It is mandatory to upgrade before block 1,131,400.

This update brings with it the following updates to our code;
  • Freezes rewards at current levels (4 to PoW, 4 to MNs, and 2 to DevFund)

The purpose of this change is keeping rewards attractive until Alternodes come to life as they represent a major milestone in our development process. Once that happens, a different reward allocation will be set in place to accommodate the new dynamics of our ecosystem. A hard fork will take place at block 1,131,400, diverging from the old reward structure, so make sure to update all of your nodes as soon as possible!

Our monthly report and Q&A has been moved to this Friday, May 6th, at 17:00 UTC, so make sure to attend it on Discord -

The latest version of Alterdot can be downloaded from Github -
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May 05, 2022, 11:25:41 PM

Guys can I have some opinions about this coin? What do you think about it?
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June 27, 2022, 03:55:54 PM

Alterdot (ADOT) is a promising blockchain platform and "secret coin" for mining
June 22, 2022 / No comments

Alterdot is a domain name system IPFS content registration service using its own open source blockchain (blockchain DNS).

For its practical use, users can install a special browser extension:

ADOT is a cryptocurrency designed to pay for the services of the Alterdot platform, as well as a regular digital payment instrument.

Cryptocurrency ADOT is traded on exchanges:

  • exbitron (paired with USDT and BTC);
  • cratex (for BTC, LTC and DOGE);

at a price of 6-7 dollars per thousand coins (06/22/2022):

The coin has recently appeared on the exchange, the trading volume is too small, so it is too early to judge the real ADOT price and capitalization.

For everyday use of ADOT coins, you can use the client wallet, which can be downloaded from the project website or on Github:

The distribution of ADOT across wallets is quite fair (“whales” own 37% of all coins, while less than 8% of the total amount of ADOT is stored on the Development Fund and Dev Fund Hot wallets):

What are the features of the Alterdot (ADOT) cryptocurrency?

Alterdot is characterized by the following technical features:

  • Alterdot is a fork of DASH. The blockchain runs on a hybrid PoS + PoW consensus algorithm with argon2d-16000 hashing (a variant of argon2d Dynamic cryptocurrency for CPU + GPU);
  • until 01/30/2021, the Alterdot blockchain used the argon2d250 algorithm;
  • target time between blocks - 128 seconds until block 1 million, then - 360 seconds (240 blocks / day);
  • from block 1,034,000 mining difficulty is refined using the LWMA algorithm;
  • the reward for the block found starting from 2022 is equal to 10 ADOT coins, of which: 4 for miners and masternode owners, 2 for the development fund. Annual inflation with this amount of remuneration is less than 5%;
  • on the network, it is possible to use privacy technologies and accelerated (up to 2 seconds) transactions (Mixing and InstantSend);
  • the minimum cost of a transaction in the Alterdot network is 0.0001 ADOT;
  • running a masternode requires at least 10,000 ADOT coins.

Who created and promotes the Alterdot cryptocurrency?

The development of the Alterdot project is carried out by an anonymous group of developers ( Github ):

There was no ICO to promote the project, all funds are collected by allocating part of the coins generated during the generation of blocks to the development fund.

How to mine Alterdot (ADOT) cryptocurrency?

You can mine ADOT coins on the argon2d-16000 (argon2d-bcrs) algorithm:

  • on AMD CPU/GPU using srbminer-multi 0.8.8+ (fee 0.85%);
  • on the processor - in the cpuminer-opt-kudaraidee program (an open source program);
  • on Nvidia graphics cards - a.multiminer (open source program).
For mining on the argon2d-16000 algorithm, the video card must have at least 4 GB of memory.

You can choose a pool for mining Alterdot (ADOT) on miningpoolstats:

An example batch file for running Alterdot (ADOT) GPU mining on the zergpool pool with automatic conversion of mined coins to LTC and a 40% discount code for the pool fee:

SRBMiner-MULTI --algorithm argon2d_16000 --pool --wallet wallet --password c=LTC,worker,refcode=81de238596774683dd427a9d57bae6af --gpu-target-temperature 65 --gpu-off-temperature 73 --gpu-target-fan-speed 65 --api-enable --api-port 42000 --api-rig 35 --gpu-id 0!1! --gpu-boost 3 --gpu-auto-tune 2 --disable-cpu

Mining Alterdot (ADOT) on AMD Radeon R9 290/290X GPU:

Mining Alterdot (ADOT) on AMD Radeon RX464 and RX584, settings for etchash:

ADOT mining start script in a.multiminer program:
a.multiminer -a argon2d16000 -o stratum+tcp:// -u wallet -pc=LTC,worker,refcode=81de238596774683dd427a9d57bae6af --use-gpu=CUDA -t=1 --gpu -batchsize=480

Hashrate of some video cards when mining on the argon2d_16000 algorithm, H/s:

  • AMD Radeon R9 290/290X - 1050-1150 (srbminer-multi 0.9.4);
  • AMD Radeon RX464 - 1600-1650 (srbminer-multi 0.9.7);
  • AMD Radeon RX584 - 2600-2750 (srbminer-multi 0.9.7);
  • AMD Radeon RX6700XT - 9300-9400;
  • AMD Radeon RX6800XT - 12700-12800;
  • AMD Radeon RX6900XT - 13700-13800.

Batch file for running Alterdot (ADOT) mining on the CPU:

SRBMiner-MULTI --disable-gpu --algorithm argon2d_16000 --pool --wallet wallet --password c=LTC, worker ,refcode=81de238596774683dd427a9d57bae6af --cpu-threads 3 --cpu- threads-intensity 1 --msr-use-tweaks 0

Mining Alterdot (ADOT) on a CPU on an Intel Core i5-4670 3.40GHz processor (xubuntu 16.04, 3 threads, hashrate 330 H/s):

On four threads, the Intel I5-4670 processor produces 380-390 H / s. Other processors on four threads produce the following hashrate:

  • Intel i7-8700K 3.70GHz - 580;
  • Intel i7-7700 3.60GHz - 520;
  • engineering Intel I7-6400T (QHQG) 2.20GHz - 350;
  • engineering Intel I5-6400T (SR2L1) 2.20GHz - 330;
  • Intel i5-4590 3.30GHz - 390;
  • Intel i5-4570R CPU 2.70GHz -460;
  • Intel i5-7400 3.00GHz - 370;
  • Intel i5-3570K 3.40GHz - 330;
  • Intel Celeron G1840 2.80GHz - 70 (1 stream);
  • AMD Ryzen 3 3100 - 590.

You can calculate the approximate income from mining Alterdot coins (ADOT) using the calculator on miningpoolstats or on minerstat:

At the time of writing, the calculator was showing "cosmic income" due to the incorrect setting of the reward for the found block. More accurately, income can be calculated manually, guided by information from the zergpool pool (Current Estimate).

As of 06/22/2022, ADOT mining yields 0.0276 mBTC (0.55 USD) per 1 KH/s (dirty, excluding electricity price), which is not too bad, especially for CPU mining.


Alterdot (ADOT) is new to the world of cryptocurrencies. While she can not boast of a large number of users. Due to its insufficient use as a means of payment and a means of exchange trading, the coin is subject to strong volatility. This allows you to earn or lose funds in the speculative trading of ADOT coins.

The ADOT coin is of particular interest to the mining community in terms of novelty and low gluttony of the algorithm, as well as (still) low mining difficulty.

If the domain name system linked to the Alterdot blockchain gains popularity, the ADOT cryptocurrency will open up new horizons…
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