We may have other options available like small plants or trees. One interesting aspect to consider is plants and trees tend to grow physically larger over time, which only increases their value. Not only can plants be an investment but they can also appreciate in value over time, earning interest.
This is actually what my parents and also most people in my local area doing so far. They have large fields in several areas. Most of them are planted with plants/trees called albasia, teak, mahogany, and other types of wood grown for years. The bigger and taller it grows and the cambium in it, the higher the price. Not only this type of tree but also fruits can also be used as a valuable investment.
However, this may not apply to vegetables because their prices are uncertain, sometimes at harvest time the prices drop so much that many farmers end up going bankrupt.
Whatever the investment, as long as we know what to invest in and how to invest smartly and wisely, we can actually take profits from this. We can learn from many things and everywhere for investment. Like now, investing is not only in the stock, poverty, or even the real things but also in this cryptocurrency.