We can find stolen/ lost crypto!
Research/ find/ trace for many cryptocurrencies!
With the help of specialized analysis systems ( like chainanalys/ crystalblockchain etc ), we can find/trace stolen or lost crypto in popular ( blockchains: BTC ( btc, usdt omni etc ); ETH ( eth, USDT and erc20 tokens etc ); TRX ( USDT and another trc tokens); BSC ( Bnb, Busd etc ); and many more include DASH and ZEC.
We can also mark the crypt in the systems as scam / stolen, after which, when it gets to resources with AML, it will be blocked automatically, which will greatly complicate the life of scammers and give you the opportunity and time to return it.
We can give you all data about your stolen crypto ( where, how it gone there ), we can help block it fast ( cause we works with majority CEX ). Then you can go to police in your county and with this data ( tracing, addresses, info about them, where crypto blocked etc ) you can request returning your crypto from those resources where it stopped.
For admins or moderators we can do job for finding crypto and marking addresses as scam with payment after.
!FIRST 2 person who will write their btc or eth addresses in tread- I’ll do connection tree of your address ( where how much crypto gone and it will show resources where it gone ) FREE!!! ( don’t give addresses with big amounts of transactions pls, it will take too much time for free job, thx ).
For all questions and examples pm in telegram, I rarely come here @nicksnickname
Here is example of connections tree from crystalblockchain.