July 27, 2022, 09:55:59 PM |
It is lucrative for those that have been doing it all days of their lives but it's not for everyone. We may see the best success stories from those traders but we can fairly say that many of them are losing more than what they're showing to the public with their wins. I don't want to overhype trading because it could misled a newbie and that's what they usually base their decisions upon seeing others winning their trades.
Normal thing that you would really be somewhat proud of to share when you do have winning trades and its true that losses would really be more than on what you had earned which means that we dont know the story behind on how much losses they had experienced in the past before they do able to reach out the condition on where they are profitable. Trading is worth it but this isnt something simple that anyone could make out profits directly thats why you should not really hype yourself into something which cant really be that easy to deal with and does really take lots of time and effort before you could reach out such condition. It's worth it and there's no doubt about that. But if you go ahead with the actual thing, it's harder than expected and that's why many are losing because they think that it's easy. There's the sensation of it being overhyped and there's no doubt as well that many have made money from it. Even I, but there's the wrong matter on it, like having the misconception that it's very easy to trade and you just have to learn this and that and you're good to go. There's more that the newbies need to learn before they get into successful trades unless luck is part of them with their first trades.
July 27, 2022, 09:59:53 PM Last edit: July 27, 2022, 10:20:39 PM by Mahanton |
It is lucrative for those that have been doing it all days of their lives but it's not for everyone. We may see the best success stories from those traders but we can fairly say that many of them are losing more than what they're showing to the public with their wins. I don't want to overhype trading because it could misled a newbie and that's what they usually base their decisions upon seeing others winning their trades.
Normal thing that you would really be somewhat proud of to share when you do have winning trades and its true that losses would really be more than on what you had earned which means that we dont know the story behind on how much losses they had experienced in the past before they do able to reach out the condition on where they are profitable. Trading is worth it but this isnt something simple that anyone could make out profits directly thats why you should not really hype yourself into something which cant really be that easy to deal with and does really take lots of time and effort before you could reach out such condition. It's worth it and there's no doubt about that. But if you go ahead with the actual thing, it's harder than expected and that's why many are losing because they think that it's easy. There's the sensation of it being overhyped and there's no doubt as well that many have made money from it. Even I, but there's the wrong matter on it, like having the misconception that it's very easy to trade and you just have to learn this and that and you're good to go. There's more that the newbies need to learn before they get into successful trades unless luck is part of them with their first trades. People do end up on frustrated because this isnt how the things that they are anticipating earlier in regards with trading.Its true that lots believed that it was easy but on the time that they do experience for themselves then this is where they do realize that those things in mind is just wrong or misconception about it.Trading is worth it but its not for all people but wont really be that possible for it to be easy or dealing with. If you do know on how to deal with yourself within markets and able to make profits.Luck is also part but we know that strategy and analysis would be the main key on making yourself survive on a market which is really too volatile.
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July 27, 2022, 11:37:25 PM |
..... People do end up on frustrated because this isnt how the things that they are anticipating earlier in regards with trading.....
Yes, they end up so frustrated when trading because the reality really doesn't meet expectations, moreover for newbies that have very high expectations of being richer very soon and quickly. Trading is not as simple as we are buying and selling. Trading crypto is complicated, there are so many things that must be learned. Moreover, it is not only about the knowledge that we have, but also our ability to control ourself during trading. Each element supports each other in trading. If you are falling to certain loss, this will lead you frustated and will not be worthy. But if you can learn from teh loss and make certain significant increase, trading can gve you worthier results. But once more, none is running always smoothly in this life.
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July 27, 2022, 11:51:27 PM |
It's worth it and there's no doubt about that. But if you go ahead with the actual thing, it's harder than expected and that's why many are losing because they think that it's easy. There's the sensation of it being overhyped and there's no doubt as well that many have made money from it. Even I, but there's the wrong matter on it, like having the misconception that it's very easy to trade and you just have to learn this and that and you're good to go. There's more that the newbies need to learn before they get into successful trades unless luck is part of them with their first trades.
People do end up on frustrated because this isnt how the things that they are anticipating earlier in regards with trading.Its true that lots believed that it was easy but on the time that they do experience for themselves then this is where they do realize that those things in mind is just wrong or misconception about it.Trading is worth it but its not for all people but wont really be that possible for it to be easy or dealing with. If you do know on how to deal with yourself within markets and able to make profits.Luck is also part but we know that strategy and analysis would be the main key on making yourself survive on a market which is really too volatile. If they will always anticipate something good within the market, they're overreacting to it and are not prepared to face the reality that it has got. There are people that are for trading and there are those that are only for investing, there go the people that are for both of them. The risk is quite high for being both but you know it's worth it when you feel nothing when the market is shaking. And that's the new aspiring traders needed to see why the successful traders keep on going on even though the market isn't that good sometimes.
Joswa Russell
Activity: 17
Merit: 0
July 28, 2022, 04:18:49 AM |
Done with the right mindset and hard work, trading can be profitable. But whether it is profitable for you is the question. We all have different financial goals. And trading requires hard work. Are you ready to put in the work? Do you have a trading capital? Have a knowledge of all these before beginning trading. This will help you trade with proper planning.
July 30, 2022, 03:04:07 AM |
Done with the right mindset and hard work, trading can be profitable. But whether it is profitable for you is the question. We all have different financial goals. And trading requires hard work. Are you ready to put in the work? Do you have a trading capital? Have a knowledge of all these before beginning trading. This will help you trade with proper planning.
Everything is worth doing - if it is done with good intention and not to harm other person - many people drag people into their evil mind games. I remember once a colleague of mine tried to drag me into the trading - and wanted me to invest for him, and he will take care of my money. Thank God I came out of it. Later we got to know that he was not even aware of ABC of trading but he used to pull money out of people's pocket. And disappear.
Activity: 3164
Merit: 1365
When Merit source? :(
July 30, 2022, 05:09:56 AM |
Trading is at maximum a side hustle. It cannot be a job because of the speculative nature and the uncertainties associated with it. This applies to all types of trading.
So if a family member is willing to get into it, explain the same to them and tell them that it cannot be their main job. The main job should be one with a fixed income every month or so.
The technical analysis is pseudoscience and only correct at times. It is better used to predict rather than take decisions. Otherwise everyone doing TA would have been a millionaire already.
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July 31, 2022, 11:49:33 PM Last edit: August 01, 2022, 04:12:52 AM by bitgov |
Trading is at maximum a side hustle. It cannot be a job because of the speculative nature and the uncertainties associated with it. This applies to all types of trading.
So if a family member is willing to get into it, explain the same to them and tell them that it cannot be their main job. The main job should be one with a fixed income every month or so.
The technical analysis is pseudoscience and only correct at times. It is better used to predict rather than take decisions. Otherwise everyone doing TA would have been a millionaire already.
SOmetime - people are too fed up of jobs that they quit their low salaried job and work to benifit themself through trading and freelancing I worked for approx 15 years but now I tired of working for others.
Activity: 2702
Merit: 1883
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
August 01, 2022, 05:06:41 AM |
From my own experience, I can say that trading is a very suitable option for work. With the right approach to work, this can be not only a good start, but also a good way to earn money in general.
Threading have advantages and disadvantages which is very obvious to people who is a crypto trader I understand Trading from two different perspective which occurs as a result of losing and gaining. So for this two basic things I understand Reading is what makes me not to come in conclusion that's the trading is the shortest way or his the best way to make money in cryptocurrency. With crypto trading you can lost whatever thing you have within the period and you can also gain within a shorter period. So trading is not nice move when you don't know the rudiments of trading. At this time in the market I cannot operate, because I simply have no idea what can happen, I have taken to studying other options, such as the use of bots or perhaps the so-called copy trading, but I think I do not do it, it is not for lack of knowledge, but because never before has it been faced with events like the ones we are experiencing now, danger of nuclear war, pandemic, possible fall of the world economy, in reality it is not known what can happen and if it will happen, I think those are the reasons why I don't risk operating.
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Sr. Member
Activity: 1638
Merit: 339
Dragonslots | +13k Slots & Casino Games
August 01, 2022, 07:41:49 AM |
Trading is at maximum a side hustle. It cannot be a job because of the speculative nature and the uncertainties associated with it. This applies to all types of trading.
So if a family member is willing to get into it, explain the same to them and tell them that it cannot be their main job. The main job should be one with a fixed income every month or so.
The technical analysis is pseudoscience and only correct at times. It is better used to predict rather than take decisions. Otherwise everyone doing TA would have been a millionaire already.
SOmetime - people are too fed up of jobs that they quit their low salaried job and work to benifit themself through trading and freelancing I worked for approx 15 years but now I tired of working for others. many people are bored with real life work, so am I but I don't take too much risk by leaving it and focusing on trading. Crypto trading is very risky in my opinion even though it is very wort it but there are many things to consider because we don't know for sure when the loss will come so I anticipate it by choosing to keep working in my real life for the cost of my life, I think it's better . work in real life and keep trading for more money without having to take excessive risks.
August 01, 2022, 03:46:07 PM |
Trading can give you profit but sometimes it may cause loss because in every field there is always some kind of losses with success. There is no such a field in which you will continuously win. But remember that trading requires expertise and knowledge that will make you successful in future because if you have no knowledge about something the you will definitely loss your profit so think and know before selecting something.
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August 01, 2022, 04:28:22 PM |
Trading can give you profit but sometimes it may cause loss because in every field there is always some kind of losses with success. There is no such a field in which you will continuously win. But remember that trading requires expertise and knowledge that will make you successful in future because if you have no knowledge about something then you will definitely loss your profit so think and know before selecting something.
There's no such thing as perfect trading at the beginning of our trading journey. We will experience losses no matter how we try to avoid them but there's still a good thing about that. We could hold those failed experiences as our lesson so we could grow as traders because it's really a long process of learning. We can't be successful in trading without experiencing losses as part of it.
Activity: 3444
Merit: 1128
Enjoy 500% bonus + 70 FS
August 01, 2022, 06:01:36 PM |
Done with the right mindset and hard work, trading can be profitable. But whether it is profitable for you is the question. We all have different financial goals. And trading requires hard work. Are you ready to put in the work? Do you have a trading capital? Have a knowledge of all these before beginning trading. This will help you trade with proper planning.
Everything you said and then you need to be honest to yourself because trading isn't meant for everyone and some people don't realize that. No matter how hard you try certain things aren't made for everyone and I'm not saying one is a born trader because no one is, but there are some qualities that can make you a successful trader. You may consider an example; no matter how hard a fish tries, but cannot fly and no matter how hard a monkey tries, he cannot swim. Give it some time and if things are working out well, continue, else just quit. Another important thing when trading is to ensure you are not making the same mistakes repeatedly because that is a clear sign of you not learning everything. I was almost addicted to meme coins a year ago or so and would wonder why I was losing money but after a while, I realized and rectified it.
August 01, 2022, 07:42:38 PM |
Can I have a precise and constructive answer on whether trading is really worth spending time on? My brother wants to do this job for a living, and I'm just curious if it's a dignified, worth-spending occupation. I don't know where to ask, I don't understand technical analysis; when he explains it to me I feel it's some sort of gambling strategy.
I've used to read experts' discussions, papers, books and the like, but I find no such stuff on trading. It's a very vague term anyway. Are there really people who just "buy low and sell high", making a living by just doing that? I can't comprehend how can a person seriously make a living by something that looks complete gambling, instead of providing goods, services, work etc.
Trading will mostly fall into complete gambling if you only see it as another rich-quick scheme. While gamblers have the greed for money, traders are more on passion and skills, and good strategies that will give them future profits. Although the end part is still to gain a living, but the process are different. And most likely, trading with skills and proven strategies will never go into waste and will always bring huge profits in the table.
Activity: 3388
Merit: 1201 - Crypto Casino and Sportsbook
August 01, 2022, 07:49:32 PM |
Taking trading as job can't go well for everyone, especially newbies who don't have experience about trading . But as far those who have been into trading for a while, with their experience and skill it is possible to consider trading as a job. No matter how good one can be in trading it very risky to consider trading to be a job, trading is always unpredictable that one can't tell what trading out come will be( loss or gain). It is better to get another source of income and make trading a second hustle.
If you want more security in your life, trading as your only source of living will most likely to be very risky as everything in trading is always unpredictable. Even professional traders still lose in trading, so how much more for amateurs? Mate, if you are a family man, go get another stable job that will sustain your family basic needs. Trading is good and profitable, but it does not guarantee sure profits most of the time.
Activity: 3150
Merit: 1129
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
August 01, 2022, 08:50:39 PM |
Trading can give you profit but sometimes it may cause loss because in every field there is always some kind of losses with success. There is no such a field in which you will continuously win. But remember that trading requires expertise and knowledge that will make you successful in future because if you have no knowledge about something the you will definitely loss your profit so think and know before selecting something.
I personally feel like persistence is the key to successful crypto trading. The market is so volatile that sometimes we forget that value lies in utility and persistence will most likely pay off although sometimes holding for too long can be dangerous as well. People consider crypto trading as a quick means of making money but that's not true because even something as volatile as crypto trading requires some level of analysis and patience. Ask yourself a few questions and continue if the answer is yes: 1- Are you able to give it time just like you would to any other business/service? 2- Do you have the time required to learn the basics? 3- Most importantly, do you have some spare funds to trade and learn because you will face loss initially and might never recover.
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August 01, 2022, 08:59:52 PM |
Trading can give you profit but sometimes it may cause loss because in every field there is always some kind of losses with success. There is no such a field in which you will continuously win. But remember that trading requires expertise and knowledge that will make you successful in future because if you have no knowledge about something the you will definitely loss your profit so think and know before selecting something.
one of the reasons why people do as the question that OP had asked is due to the fact that they either don't do research before trading and they don't learn the basics etiquette, if there is no knowledge before trading its simply gambling. There ought to be a plan, either weekly or monthly goals, it's not that possible to always win a trade every day, sometimes its better not to trade either a day or two, trading really worth it in as much as you do your research thoroughly and invest what you can afford to lose don't let emotions get over you
August 01, 2022, 09:27:19 PM |
Trading can give you profit but sometimes it may cause loss because in every field there is always some kind of losses with success. There is no such a field in which you will continuously win. But remember that trading requires expertise and knowledge that will make you successful in future because if you have no knowledge about something the you will definitely loss your profit so think and know before selecting something.
one of the reasons why people do as the question that OP had asked is due to the fact that they either don't do research before trading and they don't learn the basics etiquette, if there is no knowledge before trading its simply gambling. There ought to be a plan, either weekly or monthly goals, it's not that possible to always win a trade every day, sometimes its better not to trade either a day or two, trading really worth it in as much as you do your research thoroughly and invest what you can afford to lose don't let emotions get over you Anything which does require knowledge and skills and then you do decide to make out some engagement or involvement then it would really be considered as gambling.People do really look or find out trading to be an easy way to make yourself rich which is possible but when you are on the actual situation then this is where real thing happen begins. Trading is worth but this is something that you cant really handle out easily without proper time and effort that had been made. You cant really just dive in without having good or enough preparation because thats not how things works.
August 01, 2022, 09:59:16 PM |
Done with the right mindset and hard work, trading can be profitable. But whether it is profitable for you is the question. We all have different financial goals. And trading requires hard work. Are you ready to put in the work? Do you have a trading capital? Have a knowledge of all these before beginning trading. This will help you trade with proper planning.
Everything is worth doing - if it is done with good intention and not to harm other person - many people drag people into their evil mind games. I remember once a colleague of mine tried to drag me into the trading - and wanted me to invest for him, and he will take care of my money. Thank God I came out of it. Later we got to know that he was not even aware of ABC of trading but he used to pull money out of people's pocket. And disappear. Everything that is done with passion and positivity will always be profitable in the long run. Although trading may simply look like gambling for others, but for good traders who definitely give their most of the time learning in trading and gaining experiences, that’s like their investment. And when trading starts to bring profits and prosperity in your part, trading has become worth doing.
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August 01, 2022, 10:47:30 PM |
Done with the right mindset and hard work, trading can be profitable. But whether it is profitable for you is the question. We all have different financial goals. And trading requires hard work. Are you ready to put in the work? Do you have a trading capital? Have a knowledge of all these before beginning trading. This will help you trade with proper planning.
Everything is worth doing - if it is done with good intention and not to harm other person - many people drag people into their evil mind games. I remember once a colleague of mine tried to drag me into the trading - and wanted me to invest for him, and he will take care of my money. Thank God I came out of it. Later we got to know that he was not even aware of ABC of trading but he used to pull money out of people's pocket. And disappear. Everything that is done with passion and positivity will always be profitable in the long run. Although trading may simply look like gambling for others, but for good traders who definitely give their most of the time learning in trading and gaining experiences, that’s like their investment. And when trading starts to bring profits and prosperity in your part, trading has become worth doing. Actually, quite a lot of people have proven that trading is very feasible and a good source of income. Even my own friends have become rich because they are focused and serious about trading. But it all depends on ourselves who will make the trade, as you said as long as we do it positively, we should be able to make a profit from trading. And if we have managed to make a profit from trading, of course trading becomes worth doing. So if we want to be successful traders, and make trading something worth doing, we have to take trading seriously. This means that we prepare everything well when trading, starting from preparing capital for trading and also our readiness to trade.