I was sending emails to several cripto exchanges requesting a listing of MarteXcoin.
Do you recommend any cripto exchanges t?

C2CX He replied with the following message:
Please write us a listing request email to:
In this email please include the following information:
1. Supply the basic information about your coin/token.
2. Supply a few BULLET POINTS stating the basic value proposition for your coin/token (not for your project). We don’t want the marketing pitch here. Our goal is to really understand what your token does. If your submission just describes the project instead of the token/coin, or is full of marketing words we will reject it. Please understand that we receive too many submissions to allow us to review all the white papers.
3. Supply a few BULLET POINTS explaining what differentiates your project/coin/token from other options available in cryptospace with somewhat comparable functionality. It’s not sufficient to state that you are unique and no other project is similar in any way. There must be at least one or two other projects which you can compare yourself to.
C2CX Support Team
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