Just yesterday I was surprised at lunch time at work, when a guy that I would have never thought he was holding such opinion said that... this is all BS. Some guys were talking about news that this autumn is expected to be really hot and dry, and he just said, “how would they know if they cannot even forecast the weather tomorrow? We know. Everybody knows they cannot forecast accurately the weather one day in advance, and they are pretending to know what is going to happen next three months? Give me a break!
no one can predict accurately the exact moment it will rain because of wind patterns and such.. but
if you know summer of 2021 had exceedingly high temperatures it = extra evaporation of water. that goes into the sky.. and what goes up.. must come down.. its simple physics
no one can predict exact date WHEN but if you know X billions of gallons are in the sky = Xbillions to fall out the sky
however if this years temperatures were not as hot it = 0.Xbillion gallons of water in the sky = 0.X litres to fall.
no one can know when. but maths is easy to know amount..
if the right conditions apply like a windy end of summer. that wind blows vapour together to combine to create larger droplets which become white puffy clouds. and if wind remains strong they combine and make bigger droplets to make dark grey clods
other factors like if when evaporating they reach the upper atmosphere they cool into ice droplets which if slammed together by wind can form sleet, snow or hail
too man y factors to accurate predict on the daily. but over the course of 3-6 months they can predict the odds of things happening but just not when.
oh and for the whole "climaate change" debade
its not carbon.. its actually the water cycle that affects temperatures more
notice hw 2 days of bot equal earth tilt towards the sun = equal rays of light on both days, differ.. even though carbon lingers around for moneths-decades..
thus carbon change on the daily is not affecting the daily
but water.. that can change temperatures by MULTIPLE degree's fast.
and here is the human caused effect
instead of letter rainfall run down streams, rivers and soak into neighbouring land to cool the soil and allow easy evaporation to complete the water cycle. most water ends up in vast reservoirs which are harder to evaporat a gallon of water compared to it being spread out on land as a think layer
then its pumoted into pipes thus not having much exposure to the sun. also when it does rain instead of rain soaking into fields.. it hits concrete streets and pushed into drains. thus again less sun exposure to evaporate.. and then its all pushed out to the sea..
thus compared to 1850.. far far les rain reaces open soil land to evaporate to make more rain..
the rain forest.. emphasis RAIN forest is important to climate.. but not due to carbon.. but RAIN.. hint is in the name
each leaf of a tree is like a small frying pan. it holds droplets of water and as the sun hits the leaves, it heats the water causing evaporation and that evaporation takes the heat away keeping the leaf and the air surrounding it cooler. (much like how human sweat cools people)