I haven't watched it, and I guess I probably won't. I will give them the benefit of the doubt but when it comes to unbiased views, these people are not the best out there. They're more of businessmen than visionaries, especially Zhao and Sun. I'm not even sure if these two are assets or liabilities to the crypto community. I don't know what they're preaching, but if it's the gospel of Bitcoin, they're certainly not practicing what they're preaching, not walking the talk. Andreas Antonopoulos is a world better than them.
This is the information field around bitcoin, and it seems to me that every opinion has the right to exist. It may or may not affect you. But you will understand that some people have that mindset, and based on that, you can speculate on what events can come our way.
There are opinions that are illogical or based on fallacies; they don't have the right to exist. There are opinions that are based on lies; they don't have the right to exist, either. Dangerous and ignorant opinions, especially coming from influential people and those who make decisions that affect the community as a whole, shouldn't exist.
Just less than an hour ago, I was reading a news from one of the leading newspapers in the country. The headline itself shocked me. I was really taken aback. I cannot believe that
"The Philippine Government Will Digitalize With BSV Blockchain".
[1] I simply couldn't believe what I was reading. This is an example of the dangers of wrong opinions proliferating especially in the higher echelons of the society. Whatever opinion the representative of this shitcoin created among various leaders here doesn't have the right to exist.