Lies! lies!! lies!!!
If you insert a Usdt address (erc20 Or Bep20) it should show error or wrong address since they both start with “0x0” and that of trc20 starts with “T” and bitcoin addresses are either “1”, “3”, or “bc1” so how the heck did the lady send the coin to a Usdt address??
The whole story look like an obvious bs story, first you told your boss to use “binance” to accept transactions which means he would be reusing his wallet addresses, and that might lead to issues since he won’t be able to differentiate who sent a transaction.
I was just watching the live action of One Piece of Netflix a while ago, and maybe the OP is like one of the cast of characters there which is Usopp. He's been known for telling lots of lies to his neighbors. Well, sorry I shared that one. I'm a One Piece fan, and like Usopp, OP is like him who is also telling lies to the users here.
Thanks you noticed it. I wonder what will be the response of OP after being bashed with his story full of lies. I mean this post is his last post currently. Better luck next time OP, and to answer your question, it's your fault. Maybe just stay in a police cell (if you really stayed there knowing that the whole story of yours is a fake story).