Do you think it would be worth creating one?
If there is such a group offline, it is better you are not a member of such a group. If there is not a group like that, do not start one especially if in your country, bitcoins are still considered illegal. The government may be looking for a scape goat, and your name because of your involvement in this kind of group can just make you a scapegoat. Satoshi has remained anonymous for a reason, do not try to be a matyr.
Bitcoin talk is the best example. That is why its web address is simply Because the org signifies it is an organization of Bitcoiners.
It is not a formal organization, our identities are still private, we do not operate offline and even out the website as an organization. An organization that is actively promoting bitcoin will have offline programs to promote bitcoins, and very known identities.
You can support bitcoin on a personal level but be concerned for your safety if it is very illegal in your country to promote bitcoins as a currency for use.