Just realized that Runes seems to be very similar to an older, but not very well-known protocol called
PeerAssets (it comes originally from an old altcoin called Peercoin but is compatible with Bitcoin and all Bitcoin-based blockchains).
Both use UTXOs to sort of "visualize" the "payment tree" like Bitcoin transactions, so for example the Bitcoin Core RPC commands to list transactions would also show the token transactions, and SPV clients can show them too. And in contrast to the earlier "coloured coins" protocols like EPOBC, the value in satoshis transferred by the UTXOs is not relevant for the transferred value at all. Also the OP_RETURN structure (containing values, decimals etc.) looks quite similar to me although the data format seems different. Both have also the advantage that they don't need any auxiliary token.
The differences between both protocols are subtle:
- Runes seems to have unique names ("symbols"). PeerAssets tokens can have names but they are not unique, so you can't identify tokens by name, only by the TXID of the creation transaction, but the advantage on the other hand is that squatting is not possible at all.
- PeerAssets transactions have an additional output to a private key based on the TXID of its creation transaction called the "Pay to Tag-Hash" output (of value zero if permitted by the blockchain), making it possible to use it without any additional database, but bloating all transactions by ~20 additional bytes. This can be seen as a fee spendable by anyone, and also doesn't lead necessarily to a bloating of the UTXO set.
- PeerAssets tokens can be "minted" afaik only by the token creator.
It has also some similiarities to the
Colu protocol from 2015, but Colu uses some offchain methods, like using torrents (hashes being stored on the blockchain) for metadata.
So my impression is that this new protocol doesn't add anything really new to Bitcoin, although it is certainly better than BRC-20 and its successors.