That’s the whole point. You talked to yourself with praise which I found weird. Then it seems that you and notblox are the only two posters on the forum that use emojis in every post. Feedback on both accounts call you trolls.
I SEE EMOJIS BEEN USING EVERYDAY. STOP USING THAT SHIT LIKE SOME STUPID PROOF?! It's ridiculous and then straight jump into my FB-wall and use that like some proof? Come on dude.
The only one of us two that can be OP is you since YOU replied on my POST TO HIM.Why hasn't he came in here and said anything?! And I would never in my life post that much feedback that he does. That is just nerdy and time wasting and I said since day one that I would never join the Feedback-drama.
You probably trying to save yourself because you replied to my message that was to OP. Right?
Everyone and I mean everyone here with a brain know my post was to the OP. EVERYONE![/b]
And I never praised myself, I only said what I have done and that's the truth. Maybe it only sounds so for you because what I am doing is maybe much more then what you can imagine doing? I don't know.
But different from other people i speak the truth here. You remember the truth? or forgot it on the way on this mental hospital.
Judge me for yourself. READ ALL WHAT I HAVE DONE. And not by some silly lying feedback. Then you can make your own opinion!I beg everyone to read my message, and judge for yourself who my message was to. OP or this pea brain?? And try to be neutral and honest. I have never replied like that to anyone ever here before, only if I replied to OP.
And also every word in the post it's so obvious I speaking to OP and not YOU!
You are so insecure so you think everything is directed to you
OR you are OP. It's no other logical explanation.
My guess? You failed and replied from wrong account and now want to put the focus to me instead.
That I should be OP is so ridiculous and will never work try harder with fooling fool other users, because they are much smarter then you.
Now. You not worth a second more of my life and welcome to ignore!
....and still online after six ours.. I understand why your brain not does work correctly if you here 24/7.
You want a free tip? Train and go out and run or do something it will improve your mental health and the brain will start works much better, a tip from someone that have trained his whole life to someone who never been in a gym.
Bye and have a great and successful life and try to be smarter next time, you really did blow it here mate.
Whatever pictures you post or what you say you ain't fooling me and I don't think anyone else will buy your shit story either. You must be OP or extreme stupid, some of those do. Witch one is it?
Now for the hundred time. Bye! And grow yourself a pair and go out and see the sun.
/ BabyB
Look at your feedback. People always thought you played dumb. The other thing about the two of you is that you both post is if you’re psychotic. Some of your posts are totally normally although can be deceitful. Other times you both flame away like lunatics.
You re OP or super stupid. Let everyone else judge. Form my first post.
Is this to OP or the Pea brain? This is a reply to OP. I don't even mention the Pea brain. Did you start the thread? Did you get a member here six years ago?
I am even saying he don't need to ask DT members and should do the work himself. But this just flied right over your head. Now other please judge. I am out from this thread now.
Strange thread IMO. You have been a member here for six years and need
"opinion from DT members with experience"?

I think you got as much knowledge as any DT member on this forum or even more in this case since you seems to know a lot of this mate. And I hope the time you spent on this was worth it!

Do what you feels is right, and screw what other thinks about it my friend!
The thread was done and over but for some reason you came in to praise notblox.
I dissed him your pea brain & defended you. Even my death grandma can see that, everyone can see that expect one you, and you keep talking about same thing over and over again.
Do your
own research for tenth time. But you cant, because you failed and replied from wrong account! And now you trying lay it all over me because I am not a rep active member here.
To bad for you. You cant pure water on my back, I am to big for that. Go out now and do something fun, you been here for like how many hours now? 7? 10?

And I don't play dumb but you my friend are
dumb if you want to make a competition in whatever to see who is dumb and who is not. I accept challenge, if not then keep quite.