I was surfing the Web when I came across a breaking news with a headline saying that The President, Tinibu establishes new ministry, so when I opened the page to read the whole story, i discovered that the new ministry created by The President is the ministry of livestock development and a new minister for it would be announced soon.
This news kept me wondering if this new ministry is really necessary because I'm fully aware that there's ministry of agriculture, and livestock falls under agriculture, however the news further read that the new ministry is a renewed hope aimed at resolving persistent headers/farmers conflict that's been ongoing for a while.
But come to think of it can't that duty be carried by the minister of agriculture and his committee, why create a new ministry and how are we sure that the new incoming minister of the created ministry would resolved the conflict since they think the minister of agriculture can't, there are many questions that ran through my head, could the President see the conflict as a medium to create a new ministry and empower one of his core followers, could this be another agenda to use in looting funds, isn't livestock under agriculture?
OP First of all I commend you for bringing this here, personally I will say that when a man run out of ideas he will start doing things that an ordinary man we notice and called it abnormal, livestock fall into agriculture as such there shouldn't be a separate ministry that should be created for Harders, in real sense harders are malooders and they are foreigners so before you create any ministry for them, there should be an open consultative foreign, all stake holders should be consulted and allowed to give their advice on wether to continue with such plan of the president or not, although you have said it already, I just see the creation of that ministry as way of paving way for one loyalist to occupy an office thats just it.
Nigerian buy all this domestic animal very costly in this market will this help to that effect, it is very disappointing and disheartening for this unexpected and sad news to befall Nigeria all the time, soon there may be forceful ranching in all part of Nigeria in other to please and appease herders that's so uncalled for, is this ministry the development and change Nigerians are glamoring for, it is too bad that we have people with questionable character in the helm of affairs of this country, with the way thing are going I think the present president of federal Republic of Nigeria will be the worst president of Nigeria, his economic policy are zero and unrealistic.
Looking at what he called a ministry, one will agree with me that the ministry is called animal ministry, I laugh, it is pity that we found ourselves here, a great has been ridiculed by the so called political elites that has absolutely nothing to offer.
Op you have said it all, this may be an excellent plan for them to loot our remaining Treasury dry, I somuch believe in God and he will help the whole fedaeral Republic of Nigeria some day.