One good thing and pro about phone trading however is that you have protection in case there is an internet outage. You can use the data instead of Wifi and you still get to close your trades. I remember years and years ago when I used to trade stocks, before iPhone was released, I was in a day trade and it was a large position and all of a sudden the internet went out.
I had no choice but to call my broker, and was charged something like $25 or $50 to get them to manually close the position for me. Back then data was so expensive you couldnt really rely on it. It was maybe used for email on certain Blackberry phones but you wouldnt tether with it because the usage would be enormous and lead to a huge charge.
interesting experience. If we look back, then there is nothing better than doing it on a PC, or laptop. that is because the capabilities of smartphones are still limited, and also internet access is quite expensive for smartphones and less satisfied with the appearance. This will make the results less than optimal. In fact, until now, I still prefer trading from a laptop or PC because it has a more complete and efficient appearance. However, currently many people do trading on smartphones because maybe the convenience and portability.
Once a time smartphone was limited like very low ram rom or low capability to access big application, but now in smartphone used high advance hardware and software capabilities with a lot features and used high operating system, so smartphone is very handy and easy access to trading.